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Agenda Notes Monday March 2nd 2015 3:00 PM

Douglas Jacobsen edited this page Mar 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

MPAS-Developer Telecon:

Date: 2 March 2015
Time: 3:00pm MST

Call-in number: 1-866-740-1260
Access Code: 4978161


  • Core Statuses (e.g. outlooks, updates, etc...)
  • Generic Forcing Update
  • Framework Updates
    • Input Generators
    • Readable Dimensions
    • Uniformly Decomposed Dimensions


  • Core Statuses (e.g. outlooks, updates, etc...)
    • Atmosphere:
      • Still working on benchmarking project
        • Will run some simulations in single precision
        • 12km seems to be working fine (running on 32k cores)
        • 3km has some interesting numerical issues (running on 96k-130k cores)
        • Both simulations have 127 vertical levels
        • A collaborator in Germany has run on 392k cores
        • Decompositions need to be in factors of 2 (using gpmetis with recursive-bisection)
      • Stil looking for a release ~mid May
    • Land ice:
      • Routinely performing core related development tasks
      • Outlook is the same as last time (no need for a release in the forseeable future)
    • Ocean:
      • No real updates we plan on releasing
      • Dealing with some coupling related issues, and trying to couple multiple MPAS components together
    • Sea ice:
      • No real updates we plan on releasing
  • Generic Forcing Update
  • Framework Updates
    • Input Generators
    • Readable Dimensions
    • Uniformly Decomposed Dimensions
      • Do not use floating point numbers, this can miss some elements in the dimension.
  • Possibly create a framework timeline workflow
    • It would be nice to describe the time required to get something into framework
    • Could use a testing core to test framework addition and operators
    • Could create a test suite for each core to verify their core is functional and not broken
    • Should discuss at low level telecon
    • Will have a document to describe the process for getting things added to framework
  • Testing core
    • Should have a PR by next high level telecon to create / add the testing core.
    • Will have some set of tests for some framework (might not include all tests to begin with, but should be extensible).

Next high level telecon: April 6th 2015 3:00pm MST

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