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Agenda Notes Monday April 16th 2018 11:00 AM

Matt Hoffman edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 18 revisions

MPAS-Developer Telecon:

Date: 16 April 2018
Time: 11:00 MDT / 19:00 CET

Call-in number: 1-866-740-1260
Access Code: 4978161

Agenda Topics:

  1. Review status of release-v6.0 branch
  2. Framework modifications:
  3. Webpage:

Notes from the previous meeting:

Monday 9 April 2018 @ 11:00 MDT


Participants: Adrian, Matt, Mark, Michael

V6.0 release

  • Maybe one more change needed in the Makefile.ACME file, but otherwise, we should be on track for a release tomorrow (Tuesday)
  • General agreement that we should try using a detailed set of release notes for the annotation of the v6.0 tag
    • Will GitHub automatically use this for the release notes on the Releases page?
  • Updates to the page can be made by cloning/committing/pushing to the corresponding git repository

Proposed v6.0 release notes

This major release of MPAS introduces the MPAS-Seaice core, and it includes new functionality, general improvements, and fixes to the Ocean, Land Ice, and Atmosphere cores. Also included are various small improvements, optimizations, and clean-up in the shared software infrastructure. Specific changes to each of the MPAS components are detailed below.


  • Introduction of a new module for logging messages during model execution. Unless any errors are encountered, MPAS cores now write a single log file, named log.<core>.0000.out. In case errors occur, each MPI task will write its own error log file named log.<core>.<task ID>.err.
  • Performance enhancements to aggregated halo exchanges used in the Ocean, Land-ice, and Sea-ice cores.
  • Minor enhancements to the MPAS "stream manager", including the ability to specify "final_only" for the "input_interval" or "output_interval" of a stream to read/write that stream only at the model stop time.
  • Various bug-fixes and other clean-up to ensure that the framework can be used in coupled-model configurations involving more than one MPAS core.

Atmosphere: Relative to the v5.0 release, the MPAS v6.0 release represents a minor increment in capability for the MPAS-Atmosphere core. MPAS-Atmosphere v6.0 includes:

  • An increase of the default number of layers from 41 to 55 to match the standard experimental set-up used at NCAR.
  • The addition of support for the use of GMTED2010 terrain elevation, matching the default terrain dataset used in the WRF model.
    • Set config_topo_data = 'GMTED2010' in the namelist.init_atmosphere file when interpolating static fields.
  • Computation of the GWDO sub-grid-scale orography fields in a way that is more consistent with the pre-computed fields used in the WRF model.
  • Support for parallel builds of the init_atmosphere and atmosphere cores.
    • Use make -j N ....
  • A significant reduction in the size of model initial conditions files.

Land Ice: The last MPAS release with land ice improvements was v3.0. MPAS v6.0 adds the following significant features relative to v3.0:

  • Adds support for the First-Order velocity solver through the external Albany library.
  • Adds a thermal solver that can be solved in terms of temperature (verified) or enthalpy (experimental).
  • Adds subglacial hydrology model.
  • Adds a number of calving options including eigencalving.
  • Adds an adaptive time stepper.
  • Adds analysis members for global and regional statistics.
  • Ability to couple with E3SM.
  • Adds a number of test cases and model configurations.
  • General cleanup and bug fixes.


  • Ability to couple with E3SM.
  • New in-situ analysis computations.
  • Division of tracers into groups to control output, algorithms, and forcing.
  • Addition of biogeochemistry tracers and column computations.

Sea Ice:

  • First release of MPAS-Seaice.
  • MPAS-Seaice solves the sea-ice momentum equation with an Elastic-Viscous-Plastic rheology and variational horizontal operators adapted for the MPAS mesh.
  • Horizontal transport of mass and tracers uses an incremental remapping scheme.
  • Column physics and biogeochemistry uses an early version of the Icepack library.

Next Telecon

Monday 23 April 2018 @ 11:00 MDT

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