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huggins edited this page May 3, 2023 · 5 revisions

Entity State PDU

Struct container for all information that is contained inside of a DIS Entity State PDU.

struct FEntityStatePDU 
	: public FEntityInformationFamilyPDU


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Type Name Description
FEntityType AlternativeEntityType The type of the entity as it should appear to entities of other forces.
TArray<FArticulationParameters> ArticulationParameters A set of parameter values for each variable parameter record that is included.
int32 Capabilities A series of enumerations used to describe the capabilities of the entity according to SISO-REF-010-2015 UID 55.
FDeadReckoningParameters DeadReckoningParameters The dead reckoning algorithm to use for the entity accompanied by the required additional parameters.
int32 EntityAppearance A series of enumerations used to describe the appearance of the entity according to SISO-REF-010-2015 UIDs 31-43.
FEntityID EntityID The site, application, and unique identifier for this entity.
FVector EntityLinearVelocity The entity's linear velocity in meters per second.
FVector EntityLocation The location of the entity in ECEF - floating point (32-bit) precision.
TArray<double> EntityLocationDouble The location of the entity in ECEF - double (64-bit) precision.
FRotator EntityOrientation The orientation of the entity in Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), Phi (Roll) - in radians.
FEntityType EntityType The type of the entity
EForceID ForceID Enumeration to distinguish different teams or sides in a scenario.
FString Marking String representing the name of the entity (Maximum 11 characters).

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Name Description
FEntityStatePDU() Default constructor


Name Description
~FEntityStatePDU() Default destructor


Return Name Description
SetupFromOpenDIS(DIS::EntityStatePdu* EntityStatePDUIn) Converts an OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct to an FEntityStatePDU struct.
TArray<uint8> ToBytes() Conversion to an array of bytes. Allows for an FEntityStatePDU struct to be sent out with a UDP send socket.
FEntityStateUpdatePDU ToEntityStateUpdatePDU() Converts this FEntityStatePDU struct to an FEntityStateUpdatePDU struct.
ToOpenDIS(DIS::EntityStatePdu& EntityStatePDUOut) Conversion to OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct

Operator Overloads

Return Name Description
FEntityStatePDU& operator=(FEntityStateUpdatePDU EntityStateUpdatePDUIn) Converts an FEntityStateUpdatePDU struct to an FEntityStatePDU struct.

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FEntityType AlternativeEntityType

The type of the entity as it should appear to entities of other forces.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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TArray<FArticulationParameters> ArticulationParameters

A set of parameter values for each variable parameter record that is included.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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int32 Capabilities

A series of enumerations used to describe the capabilities of the entity according to SISO-REF-010-2015 UID 55.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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FDeadReckoningParameters DeadReckoningParameters

The dead reckoning algorithm to use for the entity accompanied by the required additional parameters.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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int32 EntityAppearance

A series of enumerations used to describe the appearance of the entity according to SISO-REF-010-2015 UIDs 31-43.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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FEntityID EntityID

The site, application, and unique identifier for this entity.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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FVector EntityLinearVelocity

The entity's linear velocity in meters per second.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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FVector EntityLocation

The location of the entity in ECEF - floating point (32-bit) precision.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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TArray<double> EntityLocationDouble

The location of the entity in ECEF - double (64-bit) precision.

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FRotator EntityOrientation

The orientation of the entity in Psi (Yaw), Theta (Pitch), Phi (Roll) - in radians.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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FEntityType EntityType

The type of the entity.

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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EForceID ForceID

Enumeration to distinguish different teams or sides in a scenario.

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FString Marking

String representing the name of the entity (Maximum 11 characters).

Category: GRILL DIS|Structs|PDUs|EntityState

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FEntityStatePDU() : FEntityInformationFamilyPDU()

Default constructor.

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virtual ~FEntityStatePDU()

Default destructor.

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void SetupFromOpenDIS
	DIS::EntityStatePdu* EntityStatePDUIn

Converts an OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct to an FEntityStatePDU struct.

Parameter Description
EntityStatePDUIn The OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct to convert.

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void ToOpenDIS
	DIS::EntityStatePdu& EntityStatePDUOut

Conversion to an array of bytes. Allows for an FEntityStatePDU struct to be sent out with a UDP send socket.

Parameter Description
EntityStatePDUOut The OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct representation of this FEntityStatePDU.

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FEntityStateUpdatePDU ToEntityStateUpdatePDU()

Conversion to OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct

An array of bytes containing the information from this FEntityStatePDU.

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virtual TArray<uint8> ToBytes() override

Conversion to OpenDIS EntityStatePdu struct

An array of bytes containing the information from this FEntityStatePDU.

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FEntityStatePDU& operator= 
	FEntityStateUpdatePDU EntityStateUpdatePDUIn

Converts an FEntityStateUpdatePDU struct to an FEntityStatePDU struct.

Parameter Description
EntityStateUpdatePDUIn The FEntityStateUpdatePDU to convert.
The converted FEntityStatePDU struct.

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