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INCOSE Example


This is an example developed by INCOSE Patterns Working Group Semantic Technologies for Systems Engineering (ST4SE) Project.

The purpose of the ST4SE Project is to demonstrate:

  • the integrated capability to perform two Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) tasks of value;
  • with both tasks making use of the same reusable, configurable MBSE Pattern;
  • Task 1: generate a specific MBSE model that is a configuration of that MBSE Pattern;
  • Task 2: inspect a separately provided MBSE model for conformance to the MBSE Pattern;
  • with both tasks performed by a systems engineer aided by contemporary modeling languages and tooling, bridging semantic technologies and MBSE.

Why is this of value?

  • Generating models that conform to a pre-existing pattern (for a product line, an architectural framework, an ontology, a standard, etc.) can improve the efficiency, quality, consistency, and completeness of new models, and provide a pattern-based point of accumulation (through incremental updates) of organizational learning to impact future models.
  • Checking models for consistency against a pre-existing pattern addresses those same values, for models that were not generated by the above method, or which are modified versions of models generated by the above method.
  • If the same pattern is used for both tasks, the resulting loop closure further increases value. This project can be of value to your understanding of how to accomplish similar tasks, advancing technical skills or team performance.

This project has been performed under a Technical Project Plan of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) MBSE Patterns Working Group. INCOSE has a long history of providing its membership with technical publications for advancing the practice of systems engineering, but these publications have ordinarily been in the form of traditional “document-style” publications. A secondary purpose of this project has been for INCOSE to gain experience in the publication and distribution of model-based information, using contemporary systems and methods that apply to models. A portion of this project involved configurable patterns for system interfaces, based on an earlier Patterns Working Group Interface Patterns Project.

Repository Organization

  • src
    • oml/ top-level directory for OML vocabularies and descriptions
      • vocabulary
        • interface.oml human-created expression of the S*Interface Pattern in OML
        • power-converter.oml vocabulary specializations for power converters generated by executing the Ruby script ConvertVocabulary.rb on context.csv (output of the pattern generator)
        • power-converter-bundle.oml human-created vocabulary bundle
      • description
        • power-converter.oml instantiated power converter description generated by executing the Ruby script ConvertDescription.rb on realization.csv (output of the pattern generator)
        • power-converter-bundle.oml human-created description bundle
    • csv output files from pattern generator
    • ruby conversion scripts to generate OML from pattern generator output
    • sparql SPARQL source files for interface pattern audits
    • png figures
  • build (populated by executing operations below)
    • frames results of audit queries in TSV format
    • oml imported vocabularies
    • owl output of OML-to-OWL converter
    • reports reporting output, including reasoner report (reasoning.xml)



  git clone
  cd incose-example


./gradlew build

Run OWL Reasoner

./gradlew owlReason

Load to Fuseki Dataset

./gradlew owlLoad

Prerequisite: A Fuseki server has started (see below)

Run SPARQL Queries

./gradlew owlQuery

Pre-req: A Fuseki server has started (see below)

Start Fuseki Server

./gradlew startFuseki

Stop Fuseki Server

./gradlew stopFuseki


No description or website provided.








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