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Querz edited this page Oct 23, 2024 · 24 revisions

Download and Installation

MCA Selector modifies and deletes chunks in your Minecraft world. Please make backups of your world before using.

Download Version 2.4.2 (Windows Installer)


  • Windows 7-11 64bit
  • At least 4 GB of RAM

Download Version 2.4.2 (Universal)


  • Either:
    • 64bit JRE 21+, with JavaFX either pre-packed or installed separately
  • A computer
    • At least 6 GB of RAM. If lower, more RAM has to manually be assigned to the JVM using the -Xmx argument. Assigning 4 GB is recommended.
  • A brain

Using a JRE or JDK with pre-packed JavaFX (the simple way)

The following steps describe a way to run MCA Selector using a JRE or JDK with pre-packed JavaFX.

With zulu JRE-FX: For Windows:

  • Download the JRE-FX-21 from HERE into an empty folder.
  • Move the previously downloaded mcaselector-2.4.2.jar into the same folder. Extract the content of the downloaded .zip file into this folder.
  • Hold Shift and right-click an empty spot in this folder, and choose Open PowerShell window here. Type & (with a space at the end), go into the previously extracted folder and drag and drop the bin\java.exe file into the PowerShell window. Then complete the command by typing a space and -jar mcaselector-2.4.2.jar and press Enter.

For MacOS:

  • Download the JRE-FX-21 from HERE (HERE for Apple M1+) into an empty folder.
  • Extract the content of the downloaded .zip file into this folder.
  • Press Cmd+Space, type Terminal and press Enter. Go into the previously extracted folder and drag and drop the zulu-21.jre/Contents/Home/bin/java into the terminal. Continue to type -jar (with a space at the end) and drag-and drop the mcaselector-2.4.2.jar into the terminal as well, the press Enter.

For Linux:

  • Download the JRE-FX-21 from HERE into an empty folder.
  • Extract the content of the downloaded .tar.gz file into this folder.
  • Open your terminal of choice and navigate in the extracted folder into bin, then run ./java -jar <path-to-mcaselector-2.4.2.jar>.

To avoid having to go through this process every time to start MCA Selector, the resulting command can be copied into a .bat-file on Windows or .sh-file on MacOS and Linux and can then be executed by double-clicking the .bat-file on Windows or running sh <file>.sh in the terminal / console on MacOS or Linux where <file> must be replaced by the name of the .sh-file.

When you receive an error from a previously installed version of Java

"When I run mcaselector-2.4.2.jar, an error dialog appears that looks like this:"

Open the console or terminal on your OS.

For Windows:

  • Hold Shift and Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and select Open PowerShell here (Open Command window here on Windows 8 and earlier).

For MacOS:

  • Press Cmd+Space, type Terminal and press Enter.

Type the command java -version and press Enter. If the output shows that your java command is linked to a Java version older than 21, make sure that you have Java 21 installed or proceed with Using a JRE or JDK with pre-packed JavaFX (the simple way).

For Windows and MacOS:

  • Type java -jar (with a space at the end) and drag and drop the mcaselector-2.4.2.jar into the console and hit Enter.

For Linux:

  • Run java -jar <path to mcaselector-2.4.2.jar where you replace everything in <>.

For Windows:

  • Download "JavaFX Windows SDK" for your Java version from here.
  • Unzip the .zip-file with your program of choice, then navigate into the unzipped folder.
  • Hold Shift and Right-click on an empty space in that folder and select Open PowerShell window here (Open Command window here on Windows 8 and earlier). Type java --module-path (with a space at the end), then drag and drop the lib-folder into the console. Continue to type --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar (with a space at the beginning and the end), then drag and drop the mcaselector-2.4.2.jar into the console and hit Enter.

For MacOS:

  • Download "JavaFX Mac OS X SDK" for your Java version from here.
  • Double-click the .zip-file to unpack, then navigate into the unzipped folder.
  • Press Cmd+Space, type Terminal and press Enter. Type java --module-path (with a space at the end), then drag and drop the lib-folder into the console. Continue to type --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar (with a space at the end), then drag and drop the mcaselector-2.4.2.jar into the console and hit Enter.

For Linux:

  • Download "JavaFX Linux SDK" for your Java version from here.
  • Unzip the .zip-file with your program of choice.
  • Open the command prompt and run java --module-path <path to unzipped folder>/lib --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH -jar <path to mcaselector-2.4.2.jar> where you replace everything in <> with the appropriate paths.
  • Some distributions like AdoptOpenJDK (shipped with most Linux distributions) do not ship with JavaFX by default. On Debian, an open version of JavaFX is contained in the openjfx package. This or some other installation of JavaFX is required to run the mcaselector-2.4.2.jar.

To avoid having to go through this process every time to start MCA Selector, the resulting command can be copied into a .bat-file on Windows or .sh-file on MacOS and Linux and can then be executed by double-clicking the .bat-file on Windows or running sh <file>.sh in the terminal / console on MacOS or Linux where <file> must be replaced by the name of the .sh-file.

If none of these instructions work, apply "A brain" that you providently held ready after having read the "Requirements" section carefully. Or ask your question on Discord.