App: Challenge with Friends
Tagline: Do some challenges with friends!
Github link:
Android Github link:
Short Description:
Challenges with friends is an app where you can do challenges, with friends. A player can sign up with a username and password, and login every time afterward from that point. They can then navigate between different screens based on what action they want to take next: look for a challenge to claim, complete a challenge by uploading photo proof, propose a new challenge that another player will claim, or look at their positional ranking on both the global leaderboard and the group leaderboard for whatever groups they are a part of. There is also a profile page where a player can manage which groups they are a part of.
List of how app addresses each of the requirements:
For backend, the app addresses the 4 endpoint minimum requirements because we have 25 endpoints, specified in the API Specification ReadMe file in the backend folder. We also have relational database schema using SQLAlchemy - we have 4 tables, for Players, Challenges, Groups, and Assets. We have relationships between tables:
- There is a one-to-many relationship between a player and all of the challenges they claimed.
- There is a one-to-many relationship between a player and all of the challenges they authored,
- There is a many-to-many relationship between players and the groups they are a part of, as they can be a part of multiple groups and a single group can have multiple players in it.
- There is a relationship between players and assets because each player can have a profile photo image
- There is a relationship between challenges and assets, because each completed challenge has an image proof from the player that completed it.
- There is a relationship between challenges and groups, since some challenges are created with the scope of one group in mind (as opposed to a global challenge)
For iOS:
- AutoLayout using NSLayoutConstraint for the following files
- ViewController.swift
- SubmitChallengeViewController.swift
- PastChallengesCollectionViewCell.swift
- CurrentChallengeCollectionViewCell.swift
- SearchViewController.swift
- GroupFilterCollectionViewCell.swift
- UnclaimedChallengeTableViewCell.swift
- ChallengeViewController.swift
- LeaderboardViewController.swift
- LeaderboardCollectionViewCell.swift
- ProfileViewController.swift
- LogInViewController.swift
- GroupsCollectionViewCell.swift
- 5 UICollectionView
- currentCollectionView
- pastCollectionView
- groupFilterCollectionView
- leaderboardCollectionView
- groupsCollectionView
- 1 UITableView
- unclaimedChallengesTableView
- UITabBarController to navigate between screens
For Android:
- 7 unique screens, using fragment tab navigation
- 4 recycler views, 3 unique layout files used by these views, 2 unique adapters
- Persistent data
- Networking