A simple multifunction + variables RPN calculator for Ledger (http://www.ledger-cli.org)
Works with Ledger 3 when compiled with the python interface
Must be run via ledger python ledgercalc.py <journalfile> start_year end_year <commandfile>...
An example is included, run it with:
ledger python ledgercalc.py example.lgr 2012 2014 example.commands
Syntax is RPN, so an operation like
account1 account2 +
adds two accounts, pushes result onto stack.
Accounts containing spaces/regex must be put in double quotes.
Variables are prefixed with $
, and are assigned like this:
$taxrate 0.091 =
Numbers are bare, but amounts less than decimals have to be preceded by a 0 (good: 0.15, bad: .15)
Comments start with #
Output is a list of all variables assigned during each run in varname = <amount>
Currently only supports the USD currency.
Account regex parsing isn't the same as ledger, due to the way the python interface works.
2015-12-12: Added exception handling, additional usd/subz commands to force currency conversion, or a zero bounded subtraction, changed order of cli variables to allow multiple command files