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Air quality example


Setup virtual environment

poetry install

Use .env.example as a template for .env and fill in the required values.

Start server

poetry run start

This will start the server on localhost:8123. Use nginx and e.g. letsencrypt to make it available on the internet so that the OpenAI plugin runner can access it on

Code layout

  • The main fastapi and table-query logic resides in ./server. The table* files take care of data handling and querying.

CBS opendata

Querying CBS opendata is enabled through three endpoints.

  1. Table List Retrieval: Getting the table-list and finding the correct table (dataframe) to query. The metadata of a table includes an identifier and a summary. The summary is embedded with ada, so we can search for matching keywords in the summary to find the correct table.

  2. Table Record Format: Getting the record format of the table (dataframe) and the column names. The table is fetched and column names as well as summary data are extracted from the table. With this information returned by the plugin, the OpenAI plugin runner can hopefully aid the user in answering questions like 'what kind of questions can I answer with this table?' or 'what kind of data is in this table?' and formulate a good natural language query based on the user query.

  3. Table Querying: Querying the table (dataframe) with a table identifier and natural language query string. GPT is asked to translate the query into one or more pandas operations. The resulting code is then executed in a restricted environment, and the resulting data is serialized and returned to the OpenAI plugin runner. In case of code-execution errors, GPT is asked two times more to translate the query into pandas operations. If it fails multiple times, the error is returned to the OpenAI plugin runner, which hopefully transform the error message into something useful for the user.


File locations and cache size can be configured in

  1. The table list is cached on the local filesystem. To refresh it, delete the table_list.csv file.
  2. Table summary embeddings are stored on the local filesystem in the embeddings.jsonl file, with one embedding per line. To refresh the embeddings, delete the embeddings.jsonl file.
  3. Table data is cached on the local filesystem in the cache_directory, which has a configurable maximum size.


Most CBS tables are small enough to be fetched before a timeout occurs. Queries are executed using pandas (2), which generally performs well and doesn't result in prohibitively slow operations.


To run tests, execute:



Query CBS Opendata with ChatGPT







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