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Components for pagination, sortable tables and filter forms using Phoenix, Ecto and Flop


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Flop Phoenix

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Flop Phoenix provides Phoenix components for pagination, sortable tables, and filter forms with Flop and Ecto.


To start using flop_phoenix, add it to your list of dependencies in mix.exs of your Phoenix application:

Add flop_phoenix to your list of dependencies in the mix.exs of your Phoenix application.

def deps do
    {:flop_phoenix, "~> 0.23.1"}

Next, set up your business logic according to the Flop documentation.


First, define a function that utilizes Flop.validate_and_run/3 to query your desired list. For example:

defmodule MyApp.Pets do
  alias MyApp.Pet

  def list_pets(params) do
    Flop.validate_and_run(Pet, params, for: Pet)


In the LiveView, fetch the data and assign it alongside the meta data to the socket.

defmodule MyAppWeb.PetLive.Index do
  use MyAppWeb, :live_view

  alias MyApp.Pets

  @impl Phoenix.LiveView
  def handle_params(params, _, socket) do
    case Pets.list_pets(params) do
      {:ok, {pets, meta}} ->
        {:noreply, assign(socket, %{pets: pets, meta: meta})}

      {:error, _meta} ->
        # This will reset invalid parameters. Alternatively, you can assign
        # only the meta and render the errors, or you can ignore the error
        # case entirely.
        {:noreply, push_navigate(socket, to: ~p"/pets")}

If you prefer the Flop.Phoenix components not to reflect pagination, sorting, and filtering parameters in the URL, fetch and assign the data in the c:Phoenix.LiveView.handle_event/3 callback. You need to pass a Phoenix.LiveView.JS command as an attribute to the components in that case.


For non-LiveView ("dead") views, pass the data and Flop meta struct to your template in the controller.

defmodule MyAppWeb.PetController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  alias MyApp.Pets

  action_fallback MyAppWeb.FallbackController

  def index(conn, params) do
    with {:ok, {pets, meta}} <- Pets.list_pets(params) do
      render(conn, :index, meta: meta, pets: pets)

Sortable tables and pagination

To add a sortable table and pagination links, you can add the following to your template:


<Flop.Phoenix.table items={@pets} meta={@meta} path={~p"/pets"}>
  <:col :let={pet} label="Name" field={:name}><%= %></:col>
  <:col :let={pet} label="Age" field={:age}><%= pet.age %></:col>

<Flop.Phoenix.pagination meta={@meta} path={~p"/pets"} />

In this context, path points to the current route, and Flop Phoenix appends pagination, filtering, and sorting parameters to it. You can use verified routes, route helpers, or custom path builder functions. You'll find explanations for the different formats in the documentation for Flop.Phoenix.build_path/3.

Note that the field attribute in the :col slot is optional. If set and the corresponding field in the schema is defined as sortable, the table header for that column will be interactive, allowing users to sort by that column. However, if the field isn't defined as sortable, or if the field attribute is omitted, or set to nil or false, the table header will not be clickable.

By using the for option in your Flop query, Flop Phoenix can identify which table columns are sortable. Additionally, it omits the order and page_size parameters if they align with the default values specified via Flop.Schema.

You also have the option to pass a Phoenix.LiveView.JS command instead of or in addition to a path. For more details, please refer to the component documentation.

To change the page size, you can either add an HTML input control (see below) or add a LiveView handle_event/3 function with a corresponding control, such as a link. For example, you might create a widget with several page-size links.

You could create a page_size_link component like this:

attr :current_size, :integer, required: true
attr :new_size, :integer, required: true

def page_size_link(assigns) do
    class={page_size_class(@current_size, @new_size)}
    <%= @new_size %>

defp page_size_class(old, old), do: "font-black text-orange-500"
defp page_size_class(_old, _new), do: "font-light"

You could then render them like this:

<.page_size_link :for={ps <- [10, 20, 40, 60]} new_size={ps} current_size={@meta.page_size} />

Then, you can handle the event in your LiveView, like this:

  def handle_event("page-size", %{"size" => ps}, socket) do
    flop = %{socket.assigns.meta.flop | page_size: ps, limit: nil}
    path = Flop.Phoenix.build_path(~p"/pets", flop)

    {:noreply, push_patch(socket, to: path)}

This method allows you to update the page size while maintaining browser history.

If you wish to implement cursor-based pagination, see Flop.Phoenix.cursor_pagination/1 for setup instructions.

Filter forms

Flop Phoenix implements the Phoenix.HTML.FormData for the Flop.Meta struct. As such, you can easily pass the struct to Phoenix form functions. One straightforward way to render a filter form is through the Flop.Phoenix.filter_fields/1 component, as shown below:

attr :fields, :list, required: true
attr :meta, Flop.Meta, required: true
attr :id, :string, default: nil
attr :on_change, :string, default: "update-filter"
attr :target, :string, default: nil

def filter_form(%{meta: meta} = assigns) do
  assigns = assign(assigns, form: Phoenix.Component.to_form(meta), meta: nil)

    <.filter_fields :let={i} form={@form} fields={@fields}>

    <button class="button" name="reset">reset</button>

Note that while the filter_fields component produces all necessary hidden inputs, it doesn't automatically render inputs for filter values. Instead, it passes the necessary details to the inner block, allowing you to customize the filter inputs with your custom input component.

One such hidden input is the input for page_size. If you would like to display this field, you can simply add a direct HTML input control for page_size to your filter_form/1 function, like so:

    <input type="text" name="page_size" value={@meta.page_size} />

    <button class="button" name="reset">reset</button>

You can pass additional options for each field. Refer to the Flop.Phoenix.filter_fields/1 documentation for details.

Now, you can render a filter form like so:

  fields={[:name, :email]}

You will need to handle the update-filter event with the handle_event/3 callback function of your LiveView.

@impl true
def handle_event("update-filter", params, socket) do
  params = Map.delete(params, "_target")
  {:noreply, push_patch(socket, to: ~p"/pets?#{params}")}

LiveView streams

To use LiveView streams, you can change your handle_params/3 function as follows:

def handle_params(params, _, socket) do
  case Pets.list_pets(params) do
    {:ok, {pets, meta}} ->
         |> assign(:meta, meta)
         |> stream(:pets, pets, reset: true)}

    # ...

When using LiveView streams, the data being passed to the table component differs. Instead of passing @pets, you'll need to use @streams.pets.

The stream values are tuples, with the DOM ID as the first element and the items (in this case, Pets) as the second element. You need to match on these tuples within the :let attributes of the table component.

<Flop.Phoenix.table items={@streams.pets} meta={@meta} path={~p"/pets"}>
  <:col :let={{_, pet}} label="Name" field={:name}><%= %></:col>
  <:col :let={{_, pet}} label="Age" field={:age}><%= pet.age %></:col>