A simple way to use the JavaScript with
statement in strict mode!
This is not a sandbox do not use it as a sandbox do not try to make it a sandbox. We will try this and fail so you don't have to. Done.
Please don't use this in production... Or out of production... We just love doing things that make TC39 hire hitmen.
pnpm i with-with
import withWith from "https://deno.land/x/with/mod.ts";
bun i with-with
let accessible = false;
const returnValue = withWith(
{ hello: "there" },
({ hello }) => {
// You can get types via destructuring like `({ hello, etc }) =>`.
// Destructuring is not required to access anything.
// Logs `there`.
console.log("hello", hello);
// Variables from the parent scope are still accessible and can be mutated.
accessible = true;
// You can return as well and it will get passed back to the upper scope.
return hello;
// This lifter enables your `with` wrapped function to be able to access all variables from the parent scope.
{ lifter: (data) => eval(data.eval) }
console.log(returnValue, accessible);
{ hello: "there" },
function () {
// No variables from the parent scope are accessed, so there's no need for a lifter.
{ binding: { on: "this" } }