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Phylogenetic Placement Evaluation Workflows : Benchmark placement software and different reference trees


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PEWO: "Placement Evaluation WOrkflows"

Benchmark existing placement software and compare placement accuracy on different reference trees.

Build Status license Cross-platform

  • Please cite: doi

PEWO: a collection of workflows to benchmark phylogenetic placement
Benjamin Linard, Nikolai Romashchenko, Fabio Pardi, Eric Rivals
Bioinformatics, btaa657, 22 July 2020

Reference datasets

(updated 13-01-2022)

Datasets described in the PEWO manuscript and a compilation of datasets from other manuscripts can be retrieved with the following link :

Each dataset contains a README describing file(s) and source(s).
EPA datasets : courtesy of Alexandros Stamakis.
EPA-ng datasets : courtesy of Pierre Barbera.

Important notices


Following some refactoring error, a bug was introduced in the ND computation.
This is now fixed.
It was located in the java code of the PEWO_java subrepository (which is in charge of computing node distances).
Every node distance (ND) reported by PEWO was consistenlty shifted by +1, making every reported value ND+1. 
This +1 shift occured consistently for all query sequences, whatever the selected inputs, software or software parameters.


Values reported by PEWO were just shifted by +1.
Following the bugfix, the shift was removed and ND values are in [0,n] again (and not in [1,n+1] )
This error was hard to spot, because in most experimental setups, average NDs are much higher than 1.

Following this bugfix. PEWO has been attributed a 1.0.0 version tag. 


PEWO compiles a set of workflows dedicated to the evaluation of phylogenetic placement algorithms and their software implementation. It focuses on reporting placement accuracy under different conditions and associated computational costs.

It is built on Snakemake and Miniconda3 and relies extensively on the Bioconda and Conda-forge repositories, making it portable to most OS supporting Python 3. A specific phylogenetic placement software can be evaluated by PEWO as long as it can be installed on said OS via conda.

Main purposes of PEWO:

  1. Evaluate phylogenetic placement accuracy, given a particular reference species tree and corresponding reference alignment. For instance, one can run PEWO on different trees built for different taxonomic marker genes and explore which markers produce better placements.

  2. Given a particular software/algorithm, empirically explore which sets of parameters produces the most accurate placements, and at which computational costs. This can be particularly useful when a huge volume of sequences are to be placed and one may need to consider a balance between accuracy and scalability (CPU/RAM limitations).

  3. For developers, provide a basis to standardize phylogenetic placement evaluation and the establishment of benchmarks. PEWO aims to remove the hassle of re-implementing evaluation protocols that were described in anterior studies. In this regard, any phylogenetic placement developer is welcome to pull request new modules in the PEWO repository or contact us for future support of their new productions.

Wiki documentation

An complete documentation, including a tutorial for each workflow, is available in the wiki section of this github repository.



Before installation, the following packages should be available on your system must be installed on your system:

  • Python >=3.5
  • Miniconda3. Please choose the installer corresponding to your OS: Miniconda dowloads
  • GIT

PEWO will look for the commands git and conda. Not finding these commands will cancel the PEWO installation.

Below are debian commands to rapidly install them:

sudo apt-get install git
chmod u+x
# when installation ask if you want to run conda init, answer yes
# after installation ends, reload bash so that conda belongs to your PATH


Download PEWO:

git clone --recursive

Execute installation script:

chmod u+x

After installation, load environment:

conda activate PEWO

You can launch a dry-run, if no error is throwed, PEWO is correctly installed:

snakemake -np \
--snakefile eval_accuracy.smk \
--config workdir=`pwd`/examples/1_fast_test_of_accuracy_procedure/run \
--configfile examples/1_fast_test_of_accuracy_procedure/config.yaml

You can launch a 20 minutes test, using 2 CPU cores.

snakemake -p --cores 2 \
--snakefile eval_accuracy.smk \
--config workdir=`pwd`/examples/1_fast_test_of_accuracy_procedure/run \
--configfile examples/1_fast_test_of_accuracy_procedure/config.yaml

If the test is successful, you should produce the following statistics and image files in the examples/1_fast_test_of_accuracy_procedure/run directory:

  • results.csv
  • summary_plot_eND_epang_h1.svg
  • summary_plot_eND_pplacer.svg
  • summary_plot_eND_rappas.svg

The content and interpretation of these files are detailed in the wiki documentation. Please read the dedicated wiki page.

Setup your own analyses

PEWO procedures

Software currently supported by PEWO.

  • EPA(RAxML) (Berger et al, 2010)
  • PPlacer (Matsen et al, 2011)
  • EPA-ng (Barbera et al, 2019)
  • RAPPAS (Linard et al, 2019)
  • APPLES (Balaban et al, 2019)
  • App-SpaM (Blanke et al, 2021)

PEWO can easily be extended to integrate new tools for phylogenetic placement, and new tools are welcome. As of November 2020, these tools are the main software for phylogenetic placement. To the best of your knowledge, no other implementation of phylogenetic placement algorithms are available (with a conda package).

If you implement a new method, you are welcome to contact us for requesting future support. You can also implement a new snakemake module and contribute to PEWO via pull requests (see the documentation for contribution guidelines).

Analysis configuration

1. Activate PEWO environment:

conda activate PEWO

By default, the latest version of every phylogenetic placement software is installed in PEWO environment. If you intend to evaluate anterior versions, you need to manually downgrade the corresponding package.

For instance, downgrading to anterior versions of PPlacer can be done with:

conda uninstall pplacer
conda install pplacer=1.1.alpha17

2. Select a procedure:

PEWO proposes several procedures aiming to evaluate different aspects of phylogenetic placement. Each procedure is coding as a Snakemake workflow, which can be loaded via a dedicated Snakefile (PEWO_workflow/\*.smk).

Identify the Snakefile corresponding to your needs.

Procedure Snakefile Description
Pruning-based Accuracy evaluation (PAC) eval_accuracy.smk Given a reference tree/alignment, compute both the "Node Distance" and "expected Node Distance" for a set of software and a set of conditions. This procedure is based on a pruning approach and an important parameter is the number of prunings that is run (see documentation).
Ressources evaluation (RES) eval_ressources.smk Given a reference tree/alignment and a set of query reads, measures CPU/RAM consumptions for a set of software and a set of conditions. An important parameter is the number of repeats from which mean consumptions will be deduced (see documentation).
Likelihood-based Accuracy evaluation (LAC) eval_likelihood.smk Given a reference tree and alignment, compute tree likelihoods induced by placements under a set of conditions, with a lower likelihood reflecting better placements.

3. Setup the workflow by editing config.yaml:

The file config.yaml is where you setup the workflow. It contains 4 sections:

  • Workflow configuration The most important section: set the working directory, the input tree/alignment on which to evaluate placements, the number of pruning experiments or experiment repeats (see procedures).
  • Per software configuration Select a panel of parameters and parameter values for each software. Measurements will be operated for every parameter combination.
  • Options common to all software Mostly related to the formatting of the jplace outputs. Note that these options will impact expected Node Distances.
  • Evolutionary model A very basic definition of the evolutionary model used in the procedures. Currently, only GTR+G (for nucleotides), JTT+G, WAG+G and LG+G (for amino acids) are supported.

Notes on memory usage for alignment-free methods: Alignment-free methods such as RAPPAS require to build/load a database in memory prior to the placement. This step can be memory consuming for large datasets. Correctly managing the memory is done as follows:

  1. Do a test with a single RAPPAS run on the tree/alignment you use as input dataset.Write down the peek memory. To measure peek memory you can use:
/usr/bin/time -v command
#Make sure to use the full path, it's not the default linux 'time' command. 

And search for the line "Maximum resident set size".

  1. For instance, You conclude RAPPAS requires 8Gb per analysis. Then force RAPPAS to use 8Gb of RAM via the snakemake config file and the field:
    memory: 8
  1. Finally choose the maximum amount of RAM that can be used by snakemake during its launch. For instance, if you have a machine with 32Gb of RAM :
snakemake -p --cores 8 --resources mem_mb=32000 \
--snakefile eval_accuracy.smk \
--config workdir=`pwd`/examples/2_placement_accuracy_for_a_bacterial_taxonomy/run \
--configfile examples/2_placement_accuracy_for_a_bacterial_taxonomy/config.yaml

With this setup, snakemake will wait for 8gb to be free before each RAPPAS launch and will run with a maximum of four RAPPAS launches in parallel (32/8=4).

4. Test your workflow:

It is strongly recommended to test if your configuration is valid and matches the analyses you intended. To do so, launch a dry run of the pipeline using the command:

snakemake --snakefile [snakefile].smk -np

where \[snakefile\] is one of the sub-workflow snakefiles listed in the table above.

This will list the operations that will be run by the workflow. It is also recommended to export a graph detailing the different steps of the workflow (to avoid very large graphs in "Accuracy" sub-workflow, we force a single pruning).

to display the graph in a window

snakemake --snakefile [snakefile].smk --config pruning_count=1 --dag | dot | display

to produce an image of the graph

snakemake --snakefile [snakefile].smk --config pruning_count=1 --dag | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg

5. Launch the analysis:

snakemake --snakefile [snakefile].smk -p --core [#cores] 

Note that the workflow can be launched on a grid environment such as SunGridEngine or SLURM (i.e., with qsub command). Refer to the snakemake documentation to learn how to configure a workflow for such environments.


B Linard, N Romashchenko, F Pardi, E Rivals

MAB team (Methods and Algorithms in Bioinformatics), LIRMM, Montpellier, France.


PEWO is available under the MIT license.


Phylogenetic Placement Evaluation Workflows : Benchmark placement software and different reference trees







No packages published


  • Python 77.6%
  • R 21.0%
  • Shell 1.4%