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🤖 git-ai-commit

Current version PyPI - Downloads


  • AI that writes your commit messages.

  • A CLI and git hook that summarizes your changes every time you run git commit.

  • Integrates with the pre-commit framework, working alongside all your git hooks.

📺 Usage

Usage Demo

git-ai-commit currently support the following LLM providers...

🚀 Getting Started

  1. Install the git-ai-commit tool via pip
pip install git-ai-commit

git-ai-commit --version # verify installation
  1. Start configuring your tool
git-ai-commit config --setup
  1. Your done, happy committing! Check out our fun range of command, the LLM can even help you, just run...
git-ai-commit help-ai [question?]

# or get help the ol fashion way

git-ai-commit --help

⚡️ Quick Start: Setup Git Hook

To quickly setup your prepare-commit-msg git hook, execute the command below.

Caution, this will override any existing prepare-commit-msg hooks you may have. To coordinate multiple git hook, check out the pre-commit framework.

git-ai-commit hook --setup

That is all, your good to go! Now every time you run git commit, let AI present you with a commit message.

🪝 Integrate with pre-commit framework

git-ai-commit integrates easily with your other git hook using the pre-commit framework. Follow the instructions below to get set up.

  1. Install the pre-commit git hooks framework
brew install pre-commit
pre-commit --version 
  1. Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml files and add the following config.
touch .pre-commit-config.yaml 
# .pre-commit-config.yaml 

  # make sure you include `prepare-commit-msg` in `default_install_hook_types`
  - prepare-commit-msg
  - repo:
    rev: v1.0.9
    -   id: git-ai-commit
  1. Based on the config above, install your pre-commit hook scripts.
pre-commit install 
  1. Setup your OpenAI key, see their docs for help.
git-ai-commit config --openai-key=...

🛠️ CLI Commands & Options

git-ai-commit config

Display your current config settings. Option flags can be used to configure various settings in your configuration. For example...

git-ai-commit config

git-ai-commit config --openai-key=... --model=gpt-4o-mini
  • -k --openai-key

    Set or update the OpenAI API key to access their GPT models.

  • -a --anthropic-key

    Set or update the Anthropic API key to access their Claude models.

  • -m --model

    default: "gpt-4o-mini"

    Select a model to power our tool from our supported provider. To use a Ollama model, prefix ollama/<model>.

  • -ou --ollama-url

    default: "http://localhost:11434/api/chat"

    Set the URL for interacting with your local Ollama models.

  • -s --setup

    Config your git hook, model, and API keys via the NUX flow.

  • -l --logger

    default: false

    A toggle for enabling logs that are saved to a local file - .git/ai_commit_message.log. This was intended to be used as a local debug tool.

  • -r --reset

    Resets your entire config settings to the default state. This will reset all settings, including API keys and model.

  • -p --prefix

    Set a prefix for the generate commit messages.

  • -ml --max-length

    Set the character limit for the LLM response. In our testing, the greater the limit the more details are included in the commit messages.

🔎 git-ai-commit summarize

Get a quick summary of your local changes

git-ai-commit summarize
  • -u --unstaged

    Summarize your local unstaged changes.

  • -d --diff

    Provide a .diff file from the local file system to summarize

📌 git-ai-commit help, -h

Displays a list of available command and options to help you setup our tool.

git-ai-commit help # -h

🪝 git-ai-commit hook

Manage and setup git-ai-commit as a prepare-commit-msg git hook.

git-ai-commit hook --setup
  • -s --setup

    Adds a git hook by generating a .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg script in your git repo.

  • -sh --setup-husky

    Integrate our hook into your husky git hooks by generating a .husky/prepare-commit-msg script in your git repo.

  • -r --remove

    Removes the git hook.

  • -x --run

    Executes the custom logic for our git hook. This option was intended to only run from the prepare-commit-msg git hook.

🤝 Wanna Contribute?

Do you love our tool and wanna support us? Drop us a star 🌟

Have some feedback on what we could do better? Create a issue we'll respond in 24hrs we promise 😄

Wanna contribute code and improve our product, check out our Local Development Wiki to get started.

Right now we're focused on

  • Improving our prompting strategy to generate the best commit message possible

  • Super charge our CLI to support broad developer use cases and build the best interface we can

  • Build some tests

🎉 Fun Facts

  • In this repository, every commit prefixed with was generated by AI.