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Escli is a tool for interacting with an Elasticsearch service via the command line.

This project began as an experimental side project during November 2021, implementing a limited set of functionality. It is currently considered prototypical, and not suitable for production use.


To install escli in the current virtualenv or for the entire system, simply use pip:

$ pip install escli

To instead install just for the current user, include the --user option:

$ pip install --user escli


The current installed version of escli can be shown using the escli version command.

Quick Search Example

$ export ESCLI_ADDR=
$ export ESCLI_API_KEY=xxxxxxx
$ escli search kibana_sample_data_flights -i "FlightNum,OriginAirportID,DestAirportID" -n 15
FlightNum    DestAirportID    OriginAirportID
-----------  ---------------  -----------------
B5PRMI8      ZRH              ZRH
0MWVVV8      MI12             BLR
OE6XDRI      VIE              XHBU
TWA3PWG      SHA              BO08
0VH5EM7      HYD              BOM
0LT8Q4U      WAW              PEK
A8ZYYWS      CTS              YUL
HG5QDEY      LHR              IST
M21BD4I      XIY              HND
MKXCO04      MUC              CJU
VDDH65N      RM12             CTU
U90A6BX      XHBU             HEL
QY97TB0      VE05             MI11
U35KKLL      RM12             CT03
DMYXR3E      NRT              UIO

Connectivity & Authentication

The escli tool relies on connection details and credentials supplied through environment variables. Typically, only the ESCLI_ADDR and ESCLI_API_KEY variables will generally need to be set, although other variables are available.

The following variables are accepted:


The host names or URLs to which to connect. This does not need to be set if ESCLI_CLOUD_ID is set.

The string may contain one or more individual values, each separated by commas. Each value can be of the form host, host:port or scheme://host:port. Both http and https schemes are valid here.


The API key used for authentication over HTTP. This can be used as an alternative to username/password auth (below).


The name of the user, used for authentication over HTTP. If this value is not set, elastic is used as a default.


The password used for authentication over HTTP. If no password is set, escli assumes no HTTP auth is intended, and connects without.


Verbosity can be increased using the -v command line option and decreased using the -q option. These options can be passed multiple times (e.g. -vv) for a higher level of detail with each v or q increasing or decreasing the level respectively. Any -v and -q options passed must be included before the command, i.e. escli -v COMMAND ARGS...

The table below shows the available verbosity levels and the options required to select each. Verbosity level zero is the default and does not require any explicit options to be passed. Note that critical errors cannot be hidden.

+2 -vv show show show show show
+1 -v hide show show show show
0 hide hide show show show
-1 -q hide hide hide show show
-2 -qq hide hide hide hide show

Backend Info

To test the connection and display the details of the backend system to which the client is connected, simply use the escli info command.

$ escli info
  "name": "serverless",
  "cluster_name": "ea61ea4cc0a443bd8d27a8c9615b1364",
  "cluster_uuid": "yVlZHz9VSrCHdFdueXFUtw",
  "version": {
    "number": "8.11.0",
    "build_flavor": "serverless",
    "build_type": "docker",
    "build_hash": "00000000",
    "build_date": "2023-10-31",
    "build_snapshot": false,
    "lucene_version": "9.7.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version": "8.11.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version": "8.11.0"
  "tagline": "You Know, for Search"


A search can be performed using the escli search command. Each search operation requires a target index and search criteria in the form FIELD=VALUE. Column selection and output format can also be tuned by command line options.

If no criteria are passed, a 'match_all' search will be carried out. The example below searches the kibana_sample_data_flights index, returning the FlightNum, Origin and Dest fields for the first 5 hits.

$ escli search -i=FlightNum,Origin,Dest -n=5 kibana_sample_data_flights
FlightNum    Origin                                          Dest
-----------  ----------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------
9HY9SWR      Frankfurt am Main Airport                       Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport
X98CCZO      Cape Town International Airport                 Venice Marco Polo Airport
UFK2WIZ      Venice Marco Polo Airport                       Venice Marco Polo Airport
EAYQW69      Naples International Airport                    Treviso-Sant'Angelo Airport
58U013N      Licenciado Benito Juarez International Airport  Xi'an Xianyang International Airport

This second example applies criteria to select only those results with "London" within the OriginCityName.

$ escli search -i=FlightNum,Origin,Dest -n=5 kibana_sample_data_flights OriginCityName=London
FlightNum    Origin                  Dest
-----------  ----------------------  -------------------------------------------------------
46J5N4Y      London Gatwick Airport  Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport
R0JFGVC      London Luton Airport    Stockholm-Arlanda Airport
X8NT4WO      London Gatwick Airport  New Chitose Airport
T0939V5      London Gatwick Airport  London Gatwick Airport
AGZPJJ3      London Luton Airport    Montreal / Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport

Output Formats

Escli supports a number of different output formats for search results. The escli formats command shows the full list of formats available.

$ escli formats
Output formats for search results:
  csv                csv_unix           fancy_grid         fancy_outline      
  github             grid               html               jira               
  latex              latex_booktabs     latex_longtable    latex_raw          
  mediawiki          moinmoin           ndjson             orgtbl             
  pipe               plain              presto             pretty             
  psql               rst                simple             textile            
  tsv                unsafehtml         youtrack           

This list includes all formats supported by tabulate which is used internally by Escli.


Results can be sorted using the -s or --sort option. To this can be passed the name of a field by which to sort. To sort in reverse order, prefix the field name with a tilde '~' symbol.


Search results are automatically paginated. By default, the first 10 results from page 1 are returned, but this can be tuned using the -n and -p options respectively.

The -n option (long form --page-size) is used to determine the number of results returned per page.

The -p option (long form --page-number) is used to select a page number to return. All results on earlier pages will be skipped, returning only the results for the desired page.

The example below shows an App Search query against the national-parks-demo data set, returning only page 3 of results.

$ escli --app search -i=id,title,date_established -s=title -p=3 national-parks-demo
date_established           title                  id
-------------------------  ---------------------  --------------------------
1910-05-11T05:00:00+00:00  Glacier                park_glacier
1980-12-02T06:00:00+00:00  Glacier Bay            park_glacier-bay
1919-02-26T06:00:00+00:00  Grand Canyon           park_grand-canyon
1929-02-26T06:00:00+00:00  Grand Teton            park_grand-teton
1986-10-27T06:00:00+00:00  Great Basin            park_great-basin
2004-09-13T05:00:00+00:00  Great Sand Dunes       park_great-sand-dunes
1934-06-15T05:00:00+00:00  Great Smoky Mountains  park_great-smoky-mountains
1966-10-15T05:00:00+00:00  Guadalupe Mountains    park_guadalupe-mountains
1916-08-01T05:00:00+00:00  Haleakala              park_haleakala
1916-08-01T05:00:00+00:00  Hawaii Volcanoes       park_hawaii-volcanoes


To ingest data, use the escli ingest command. One or more JSON-formatted files can be supplied with the document content, or data can be read from stdin.

A simple import from stdin might look like this:

$ echo '{"name": "Alice", "age": 33}' | escli -v ingest people
INFO: [elasticsearch] GET http://localhost:9200/ [status:200 request:0.002s]
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/people/_doc [status:201 request:0.177s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file '<stdin>' with result {...}

Whereas an import from a file would look like this:

$ escli -v ingest people bob.json
INFO: [elasticsearch] GET http://localhost:9200/ [status:200 request:0.002s]
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/people/_doc [status:201 request:0.008s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file 'bob.json' with result {...}

A quick search shows that the documents have been successfully ingested:

$ escli search people
name      age
------  -----
Alice      33
Bob        44

While JSON is the default format required for source data, the -f option allows for explicit selection of any one of the available formats, listed below:

  • csv - Excel-compatible CSV
  • csv_unix - Unix-compatible CSV
  • json - single document JSON
  • ndjson - newline-delimited JSON
  • tsv - Tab-separated values

Note that most formats allow one document per line, whereas json only allows one document per file, by design. CSV and TSV formats require a header line to be included, containing the names of the fields.

Chaining Input and Output

Newline-delimited JSON (ndjson) is supported as both an input and an output format. This allows data to be easily streamed out of one escli process and into another.

The example below extracts five documents from the kibana_sample_data_flights index and feeds them directly into the flights2 index.

$ escli search kibana_sample_data_flights -n=5 -f=ndjson | escli -v ingest flights2 -f=ndjson
INFO: [elasticsearch] GET http://localhost:9200/ [status:200 request:0.002s]
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/flights2/_doc [status:201 request:0.150s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file '<stdin>', line 1 with result {...}
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/flights2/_doc [status:201 request:0.005s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file '<stdin>', line 2 with result {...}
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/flights2/_doc [status:201 request:0.004s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file '<stdin>', line 3 with result {...}
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/flights2/_doc [status:201 request:0.004s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file '<stdin>', line 4 with result {...}
INFO: [elasticsearch] POST http://localhost:9200/flights2/_doc [status:201 request:0.005s]
INFO: [escli.commands.ingest] Ingested JSON data from file '<stdin>', line 5 with result {...}

Note that -f ndjson is used for format selection for both the search and ingest processes.

Index Management

Indexes can be listed, created and deleted using the ls, mk, and rm commands respectively. For App Search, this applies to engines rather than indexes.

The example below shows all three operations:

$ escli ls
$ escli mk my_index
$ escli ls
$ escli rm my_index


Prototype command line tool for Elasticsearch








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