The main goal of this tool is to generate playlist file (m3u or xspf format). These playlists are usable by winamp or vlc for example. It can be any music or video files.
Follow this link to download the latest version : [ Download ]
For all the following example, imagine that you have these 4 mp3 files on your disk :
- c:\songs\albumA\songA1.mp3
- c:\songs\albumA\songA2.mp3
- c:\songs\albumB\songB1.mp3
- c:\songs\albumB\songB1.mp3
C:\>PlayListGenerator.exe "c:\songs\albumA\*.mp3" "playlist.m3u"
Will generate the following "c:\songs\albumA\playlist.m3u" file :
- c:\songs\albumA\songA1.mp3
- c:\songs\albumA\songA2.mp3
C:\>PlayListGenerator.exe "c:\songs\albumA\*.mp3" "playlist.m3u" -R
Will generate the following "c:\songs\albumA\playlist.m3u" file :
- songA1.mp3
- songA2.mp3
C:\>PlayListGenerator.exe "c:\songs\*.mp3" "playlist.m3u" -S -R
Will generate the following "c:\songs\playlist.m3u" file :
- albumA\songA1.mp3
- albumA\songA2.mp3
- albumB\songB1.mp3
- albumB\songB1.mp3
C:\>PlayListGenerator.exe "c:\songs\*.mp3" "playlist.m3u" -R --OnePlaylistByFolder
Will generate the following files :
1st file : "c:\songs\albumA\playlist.m3u"
- songA1.mp3
- songA2.mp3
2nd file : "c:\songs\albumB\playlist.m3u" file :
- songB1.mp3
- songB1.mp3
C:\>PlayListGenerator.exe "c:\songs\albumA\*.mp3" "playlist.xspf" -F xspf