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This is a backend plugin to be used with Vault. This plugin generates one-time access tokens.

Design doc

Differences between JFrog's Vault Plugin

JFrog has their own vault plugin. The main difference between that plugin and this one is the dynamic group/permission target generation.

This plugin generates permission targets and a group to link the token with the desired permissions, in addition to being able to specify a pre-existing group.


  • Go: 1.22 or above
  • Artifactory: 7.21.1 or above (for Access API support)
  • Artifactory Pro or above is required for the API endpoints used by this plugin. A license key will be needed to spin up the full dev environment.
  • token with admin privileges to manage groups and permission targets and to create tokens

Getting Started

This is a Vault plugin meant to work with Vault. This guide assumes you have already installed Vault and have a basic understanding of how Vault works.

Otherwise, first read how to get started with Vault.

To learn specifically about how plugins work, see documentation on Vault plugins.


# Please mount a plugin, then you can enable a secret
$ vault secrets enable -path=artifactory vault-artifactory-secrets-plugin
Success! Enabled the vault-artifactory-secrets-plugin secrets engine at: artifactory/

# configure the /config backend. You must supply admin bearer token or username/password pair of an admin user.
# URL can have /artifactory/ but this will be stripped for the Access API (`/access/`).
$ vault write artifactory/config base_url="" bearer_token=$BEARER_TOKEN ttl=600 max_ttl=600

# see supported paths
$ vault path-help artifactory/
$ vault path-help artifactory/config

# create a role with permissions targets
$ vault write artifactory/roles/ci-role token_ttl=600 permission_targets=@scripts/sample_permission_targets.json

# create a role with permission targets and additional pre-existing static groups
$ vault write artifactory/roles/ci-role token_ttl=600 permission_targets=@scripts/sample_permission_targets.json groups=group1,group2,group3

# create a role with pre-existing static groups only
$ vault write artifactory/roles/ci-role token_ttl=600 groups=group1,group2,group3

# generate an ephemeral artifactory token
$ vault write artifactory/token/ci-role ttl=60
Key             Value
---             -----
access_token    REDACTED

Note: If username/password is used, Enable Token Generation via API is required to be set in the Artifactory instance.


when a role is created, it generates an artifactory group and supplied permission targets. To achieve unique group and permission target names per role, it applies a UUID to each role as role_id and appends it to the group and permission target names:

Artifactory Object format example
Group vault-plugin.<role_id> vault-plugin.9ace47f6-a205-11eb-8b68-acde48001122
Permission Target<index of permission target counts>.<role_name>

Group name uses UUID as it's bounded to max 64 chars DB limit, whereas permission target name can be longer than that.

Token is generated with a transient user and returned as key value pair:

key value

username follows the format of auto-vault-plugin-user.<role_name>
note: if role name exceeds 39 characters, it shortens to fit into max char constraints

Update Permission Targets

List of permission targets can be supplied as a JSON string. Format of a permission target can be found below. This is derived from artifactory V2 security permission target json that you can find here.

    "repo": {
      "include_patterns": ["/myprefix/**", "/myteam/anotherprefix/**"] ,
      "exclude_patterns": [""],
      "repositories": ["docker-local"],
      "operations": ["read"]
    "build": {
      "include_patterns": [""] ,
      "exclude_patterns": [""],
      "repositories": ["artifactory-build-info"],
      "operations": ["read"]

You have noticed that actions from V2 permission target are swapped with operations. This is because the actions field can contain users and other groups which are obsolete in this plugin.

To update permission targets for an existing role, please also supply existing permission targets in order to preserve them in a role. Updating without supplying existing permission targets registered to a role will delete those existing permission targets.

# To grab existing permission targets
$ vault read artifactory/roles/ci-role -format=json | jq '.data.permission_targets|fromjson' > permission_targets.json

Garbage Collection

To keep the isolation, artifactory groups and permission targets are not shared amongst different roles. To this nature, it collects garbage when update/delete operation is performed on a role:

  • removal of an artifactory group and permission targets when the corresponding role is removed
  • removal of an artifactory permission target when it's removed from the corresponding role


Full dev environment

This will spin up an Artifactory Pro instance and Vault server in dev mode with the plugin configured.


  • docker
export ARTIFACTORY_LICENSE_KEY="<licenseKey>"

# spin up dev environment and print out env vars necessary for Vault/Artifactory.
make dev

# or do this to capture capture Artifactory/Vault env vars:
make tools
eval $(make dev)

To access the dev env Artifactory UI, navigate to http://localhost:8082 and log in with the ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD output above.

Developing with an existing Artifactory instance


  • vault
# Build binary in plugins directory
make build

# Start a standalone vault dev server
make vault-only

# New terminal
export VAULT_ADDR=http://localhost:8200

# enable secrets backend and configuration

You can then create a role and issue a token following above usage.

Reloading plugin

To quickly test changes to the plugin (using the docker environment), run:

make reload

This will re-compile, re-register, and reload the plugin.


# run unit tests
make test

# run subset of tests
make test TESTARGS='-run=TestConfig'

# run Artifactory acceptance tests (uses in-memory vault backend with Artifactory Docker container)
make test-artacc

# run Vault acceptance tests (uses Vault and Artifactory Docker containers against the compiled plugin)
make test-vaultacc

# generate a code coverage report
make report
open coverage.html


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