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SoundFont2 Class

spessasus edited this page Oct 15, 2024 · 19 revisions

SoundFont Parser

This module handles parsing and writing SoundFont2 (.sf2 and .sf3) files.

It also contains support for .dls files.


If you encounter any errors in this documentation, please open an issue!

SoundFont2 Specification

DLS Level 2 Specification

Table of Contents


// normal install
import { loadSoundFont } from "./spessasynth_lib/soundfont/load_soundfont.js";
// npm package
import { loadSoundFont } from "spessasynth_lib";


Using the npm package? Make sure you've read this


const soundFont = loadSoundFont(arrayBuffer);
  • arrayBuffer - An ArrayBuffer representing the binary file data either DLS level 1/2 or SoundFont2.

The returned value is the parsed BasicSoundFont, described below.



Returns the matching Preset class instance.

const preset = soundFont.getPreset(bankNr, presetNr);
  • bankNr - MIDI bank number, typically set with the Bank Select controller.
  • presetNr - MIDI program number, usually set with the Program Change message.

If the matching preset is not found, the first preset will be returned. If the requested bank is 128, the first preset with bank 128 will be returned (drums).


Returns the matching Preset class instance.

const preset = soundFont.getPresetByName(presetName);
  • presetName - The name of the preset as a string. If not found, the first preset will be returned.


Writes out an SF2 or SF3 file. The return value is an Uint8Array - the binary of the file.

const binary = soundFont.write(options);
  • options - An optional object:
    • compress - A boolean indicating if uncompressed samples should be compressed using the lossy Ogg Vorbis codec. This significantly reduces file size.
    • compressionQuality - A number from -0.1 to 1, indicating compression quality. 1 is the best, -0.1 is the worst.
    • compressionFunction - See this for a detailed explanation


If the SoundFont was already compressed, it will not be decompressed to avoid losing quality.


This method is memory and CPU intensive with large SoundFonts, especially if compression is enabled.


Merges multiple SoundFonts, adding (not replacing) presets on top of the previous ones, and returns a new SoundFont.

BasicSoundFont.mergeSoundfonts(soundfont1, soundfont2, soundfont3, /* more here... */);
  • soundfonts - BasicSoundFont instances, with any number of inputs. The first is used as a base, and the rest are added on top.

The return value is a new BasicSoundFont.


This method is static.



An array of all presets in the SoundFont, ordered by bank and preset number.



Represents the SoundFont2's INFO chunk data. Stored as an object like this:

const infoData = {
    chunk: /* the read's 4-letter code, e.g. */ "INAM",
    infoText: /* the read's data as text, e.g. */ "My cool SoundFont"

Check out this website for more information.


ifil and iver are stored as strings like this: major.minor. For example major 2 minor 1 will be 2.1

Writing a Trimmed SoundFont


Trims the SoundFont in place to only include samples used in the MIDI sequence, down to the exact key-velocity combinations.

import { trimSoundfont } from './spessasynth_lib/soundfont/write/soundfont_trimmer.js'
trimSoundfont(soundfont, midi);
  • soundfont - SoundFont2 - The SoundFont to trim.
  • midi - MIDI - The MIDI file for which to trim the SoundFont.

SoundFont Internal Structure

The following describes the internal structure of a SoundFont and includes some methods not mentioned above. Useful for editing the SoundFont.


  • Methods: methodName (argumentName: type) -> description
  • Properties: propertyName (type) -> description


Internal values not described here, such as modulatorZoneSize, should not be tampered with.

BasicSoundFont structure

  • soundFontInfo (described above)
  • deletePreset (preset: Preset) -> Deletes a given preset.
  • deleteInstrument (instrument: Instrument) -> Deletes a given instrument. Cannot delete if it's used.
  • deleteSample (sample: Sample) -> Deletes a given sample. Cannot delete if it's used.
  • instruments (Instrument[]) -> All instruments.
  • samples (Sample[]) -> All samples.
  • presets (Preset[]) -> All presets. Note: Some methods are omitted. Click the link for the full description of the Preset class.
    • presetName (string) -> The name of the preset.
    • program (number) -> The preset's MIDI program.
    • bank (number) -> The preset's MIDI bank.
    • library (number) -> Generally unused but preserved.
    • genre (number) -> Generally unused but preserved.
    • morphology (number) -> Generally unused but preserved.
    • preload (keyMin: number, keyMax: number) -> Preloads all samples for the given range.
    • deleteZone (index: number) -> Deletes a given preset zone and instrument if not used by anything else.
    • presetZones (PresetZone[]) -> All zones of the preset.
      • keyRange ({min: number, max: number}) -> Key range of the zone.
      • velRange ({min: number, max: number}) -> Velocity range of the zone.
      • generators (Generator[]) -> Generators of the zone.
      • modulators (Modulator[]) -> Modulators of the zone.
      • isGlobal (boolean) -> If true, instrument is undefined.
      • instrument (Instrument) -> The zone's instrument. Undefined if global.
        • instrumentName (string) -> The name of the instrument.
        • safeDeleteZone (index: number) -> deleteZone but only if the instrument's use count is 0. Useful to ensure the instrument is not deleted when used by other presets.
        • deleteZone (index: number) -> Deletes a given preset zone and instrument if not used by anything else.
        • instrumentZones (InstrumentZone[]) -> All zones of the instrument.
          • keyRange ({min: number, max: number}) -> Key range of the zone.
          • velRange ({min: number, max: number}) -> Velocity range of the zone.
          • generators (Generator[]) -> Generators of the zone.
          • modulators (Modulator) -> Modulators of the zone.
          • isGlobal (boolean) -> If true, sample is undefined.
          • sample (Sample) -> The sample of the zone. Undefined if global.


spessasynth_lib used to provide this function, but it is rarely used, so it now has to be obtained separately.

Either simply copy this folder into your project,

Or you can write your own function. It must take the following arguments:

  • audioData: an array of Float32Array. Always has length of 1.
  • channelCount: length of audioData (the array, not the Float32Arrays inside.
  • sampleRate: in Hertz
  • quality: -0.1 is the lowest, 1 is the highest

The function cannot be asynchronous. It should return Uint8Array containing the compressed bitstream.


Writing your own function is for advanced users only. Using the function linked above is recommended.

Import your function:

import { encodeVorbis } from './libvorbis/encode_vorbis.js'; // adjust the path if necessary

Then pass it to the write method:

const file = soundFont.write({
  compress: true,
  compressionQuality: 0.5,
  compressionFunction: encodeVorbis

Why is it not bundled?

Importing it into the would increase size by the entire 1.1MB encoder, which would be unnecessary if the functionality is not used. This approach ensures that only software that uses this functionality can rely on this large file.