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This repo contains the Dockerfile for the breeDBase webserver, and the docker compose files for joint deployment of the breeDBase webserver and postgres database.


For a simpler setup, you can use this repo:

To learn more about breeDBase:

Access the SGN repository to contribute to the underlying codebase or submit new issues Access the manual to learn how to use breeDBase's many features Access to explore a default instance of breeDBase.

Table of Contents

Deploy in Production
Deploy for Development
Access and Configure

Install Docker

For installs on Debian, follow the instructions on to install the docker executable.

Deploy in Production

Using docker compose

  1. Install docker-compose

    Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install docker-compose-plugin

    For Mac/Windows: It will be installed as part of installing Docker Desktop

    Please note that installing docker natively in Windows will conflict with VMWare and Virtualbox virtualization settings

  2. Clone this repo and set up a sgn_local.conf file and a .env file

    git clone
    cd breedbase_dockerfile
    touch .env

    Add the following lines to .env to set the necessary environment variables


    Use source .env to read the environment variables.

  3. Deploy with docker-compose

    Make sure to specify both the base yml file and the production yml file with your command. These will overwrite the default development settings found in docker-compose.override.yml, and instead use production settings. These settings include setting the env MODE to PRODUCTION rather than DEVELOPMENT, and mounting fewer volumes from the host (won't use host ./cxgn dir to overwrite /home/production/cxgn in the container).

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f production.yml up -d

    Then follow the instructions below to access and configure your new breedbase deployment. You might also have to run the db patches to have an up to date database structure. See Updating the database schema from the docker.

Using docker swarm

Docker Swarm allows you to define a service, as well as to allow you to configure auto scaling and clustering of a service.

You need to write an sgn_local.conf file specific to your service. A template is provided in the breedbase_dockerfile repo (you have to fill in the dbhost, dbport, dbname, and dbuser and dbpassword).

  1. (If needed) Initialize Docker Swarm

    Once the image has been created either through Docker Hub or by building the image, the image can be started. First, Docker Swarm needs to be initialized on the machine. This needs to be done only once.

    docker swarm init
  2. Add sgn_local.conf to docker config

    cat sgn_local.conf | docker config create "breedbase_sgn_local.conf" -
  3. Start the service

    To run the image on swarm, you have to provide the sgn_local.config using --config, as well as any mounts that are required for persistent data. Currently, breedbase just mounts directories on the docker host (which can be nfs mounts), but later this could be changed to docker volumes. Multiple mountpoints can be provided with multiple --mount options, as follows:

    docker service create --name "breedbase_service" --mount src=/export/prod/archive,target=/home/production/archive,type=bind --mount src=/export/prod/public_breedbase,target=/home/production/public,type=bind --config source="breedbase_sgn_local.conf",target="/home/production/cxgn/sgn/sgn_local.conf"  breedbase_image

    Depending on where your database is running, you may need to use the --network option. For a database server running on the host machine (localhost in your sgn_local.conf), use --network="host".

Deploy for Development

  1. Install docker-compose


    For Mac/Windows: It will be installed as part of installing Docker Desktop

  2. Clone this repo and set up other requirements on your host

    If you haven't done so already, setup keys with GitHub following the instructions at .

    git clone --recursive
    cd breedbase_dockerfile

    This will clone all the git repos that are needed for breedbase into a subdirectory called cxgn/. This directory will be mounted onto the devel container during the compose step, but will still be accessible from the host for development work.

  3. Deploy with docker-compose, then follow the instructions below to access and configure your new breedbase deployment!

    docker-compose up -d

    This will deploy 2 containers, breedbase_web and breedbase_db, combined in a single service named breedbase The deployment will set the container environment MODE to DEVELOPMENT, which will run the web server using Catalyst instead of Starman. In this configuration, the server will restart when any changes are detected in the config file or sgn perl libraries.

Access and Configure

Once your breedbase service is running, you can access the application at http://localhost:8080. User accounts can be created via the web interface, and their roles can be controlled by the default admin account:

username: admin
password: password

Please login and change the password of the admin user.

Most configuration is handled in the sgn_local.conf file. Just edit the corresponding configuration line in the file to change your database name, species, ontology, mason skin, etc.


Docker has a wealth of command-line options for working with your new containers. Some commonly used commands include:

docker ps -a Will list all running containers and their details.
docker-compose start breedbase Will start both containers (web and db) if they have been stopped.
docker exec -it breedbase_web bash Will open a new bash terminal within the web container.
docker logs breedbase_web Will let you access webserver error output from your host.
docker-compose stop breedbase Will stop both containers (web and db), but will not remove them.
docker-compose down Will remove both containers, but only if run within the breedbase_dockerfile directory.

To debug, log into the container. You can find the container id using

docker ps


docker exec -it <container_id> bash

You can use lynx localhost:8080 to see if the server is running correctly within the container, and look at the error log using tail -f /var/log/sgn/error.log or less /var/log/sgn/error.log.

You can of course also find the IP address of the running container either in the container using ip address or from the host using docker inspect <container_id>.


To run tests from the docker, please note that the $HOME environment variable is set to /home/production, so the .pgpass file will be written there. Most likely you will run the test as root, so the .pgpass file will be expected in the /root directory.

To run all tests using docker-compose:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --use-aliases test_breedbase

Testing can be performed while other services deployed using docker-compose for development or production are up, as the services defined in docker-compose.test.yml are started on a separate Docker network.

To run only select tests, list them after the test_breedbase service:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml run --use-aliases test_breedbase t/unit_fixture/SGN/genefamily.t

After testing, stop remaining test (for selenium & postgres):

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.yml down


Running Breedbase behind a proxy server

In many situations, the Breedbase server will be installed behind a proxy server. While everything should run normally, there is an issue with npm, and it needs to be specially configured. Create a file on the host server, let's say, npm_config.txt, with the following lines in it:


Of course, replace with your correct proxy server hostname and port.

When running the docker, mount this file (using the volumes option in docker-compose or -v with docker run etc.) at the location /home/production/.npmrc in the docker. Then start your docker and now npm should be able to fetch dependencies from the registry.

Updating the database schema from the docker

Code updates sometimes require the database schema to be updated. This is done using so-called db patches. The db patches are in numbered directories in the the db/ directory of the sgn repository.

The db patches can be run individually by changing into the specific directory, and then running the script using mx-run, using the parameters as described in the perldoc for the scripts.

The database can be updated to the current level in one step (recommended method) by running the script in the db/ directory, which calls all the db patches individually. If you are using the standard docker-compose setup, the command line is (options in square brackets are optional):

    cd db;
    perl -u postgres -p postgres -h breedbase_db -d
    breedbase -e admin [-s <startfrom>] [--test]

Note that for this to work, the $PERL5LIB environment variable should have the current directory included. If it isn't, run:

    export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:.

Deploying Services Individually

  • Individual deployment is generally not necessary or recommended. When possible deploy jointly with docker compose *
  1. Install docker

Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt install

For Mac/Windows: Docker Desktop

  1. Deploy a Web Server

This will create a Breedbase web server container. The -v flag is used to mount a local conf file and a couple of dirs from the host. Create the file and ris on your host if they don't exist and update the paths before running the command.

docker run -d --name breedbase_web -p 8080:8080 -v /host/path/to/sgn_local.conf:/home/production/cxgn/sgn/sgn_local.conf -v /host/path/to/archive:/home/production/archive -v /host/path/to/public_breedbase:/home/production/public breedbase/breedbase:latest
  1. Deploy a Postgres Database

This will create an empty Breedbase postgres database container.

docker run -d --name breedbase_db -p 5432:5432 breedbase/pg:latest

For more information, visit:

  1. Connect containers via Docker Network

Assuming you've named the Breedbase database container breedbase_db, in your sgn_local.conf, set the following:

dbhost breedbase_db
dbport 5432

Create a network and add your containers

docker network create -d bridge bb_bridge_network
docker network connect bb_bridge_network breedbase_db
docker network connect bb_bridge_network breedbase_web

Finally access the application at http://localhost:8080