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Grizzly Parking

An Ionic parking app that helps ease the flow of traffic on GGC's campus and helps students find available parking during school hours.

Project Description


  1. Uses Google Firebase Authentication to register and verify users( addresses only)
  2. Uses Google Firebase Firesore as DB solution
  3. Uses Ionic-Native plugins to keep track of users(Geofence, Geolocation)

Quick Start

Make sure the team composition is right

  1. Your team will require at least one person to have a device with MacOS on it
  2. The only way to test this app on iOS is with a machine that runs MacOS
  3. Use a Project Management Tool to help keep track of progress. We used

Make sure you are familiar with how Ionic 3 works

  1. offers some Ionic 2 courses which is very similar to Ionic 3.
  2. Ionic 3 implements "Lazy Loading" which is a new way for Ionic to only load the neccessary .ts files when needed
  3. Ionic 3 is written in Typescript and uses Angular as a framework for the front end

Make sure you are familiar with noSQL and Firebase

  1. This app utilizes Google's BaaS Firebase which handles AUTHENTICATION, DATABASE, FILE STORAGE and CLOUD FUNCTIONS
  2. We used AngularFire2 (npm package) to allow the app to communicate with the Firebase SDK for WEB APPLICATIONS
  3. The Firebase Credentials for the application are located within src/app/config.ts this file holds all of the keys that associated with the Firebase Application
  4. Google's Firebase Console is the main way to see everything that your app needs to run correctly
  5. Firebase Docs -
  6. AngularFire2 Docs -

We recommend using Visual Studio Code

  1. VS Code offers support for Ionic with third-party extensions
  2. Ease of use
  3. UI customization
  4. Integrated Terminal ctrl + `
    1. Git
    2. Ionic CLI

Code Base Explanation

Adding a new page

  1. Use Ionic's CLI to generate new pages
ionic -g page yourPageName
  1. Since Ionic 3 uses "Lazy Loading" it will create a new folder with it's own module.ts
  2. In order for the application to recognize the new page, you must inject the exported class from your newly generated page into the app.module.ts under DEPENDENCIES and ENTRY COMPONENTS

Page Navigation

  1. Ionic uses a STACK as a data structure for the UI
  2. Pushing a new page will place it on top of the current page; meaning that pressing back will go back to the previous page by popping current page.

Using TypeScript variables within the HTML files

  1. You can escape HTML and insert TypeScript code by using:
{{ yourTypeScriptVariableHere }}
<a href="#">{{ typeScriptVariable }}</a>

Using FormBuilder

  1. Ionic has a couple ways of using forms but we implemented the FormBuilder package because it allows for direct injection into constructor body.
.ts file
import {FormBuilder, Validators, FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';
import { EmailValidator } from '../../validators/email';
import { AuthProvider } from '../../providers/auth/auth';
    //TS Variable
    public loginForm: FormGroup;
      public formBuilder: FormBuilder
      //Initialize Form
      this.loginForm ={
        email: ['',
        Validators.compose([Validators.required, EmailValidator.isValid])],
        password: ['',
        Validators.compose([Validators.minLength(6), Validators.required])]
  <ion-navbar color="primary">
<ion-content padding>
  <form [formGroup]="loginForm" (submit)="loginUser()" novalidate>
      <ion-label stacked>Email</ion-label>
      <ion-input formControlName="email" type="email" placeholder="Your email address" [class.invalid]="! && blur"></ion-input>
      <ion-label stacked>Password</ion-label>
      <ion-input formControlName="password" type="password" placeholder="Your password" [class.invalid]="!loginForm.controls.password.valid && blur"></ion-input>
    <button ion-button block type="submit" [disabled]="!loginForm.valid">
  <button ion-button block clear (click)="goToSignup()">
    Create a new account
  <button ion-button block clear (click)="goToResetPassword()">
    I forgot my password

How Firebase connects with the app

  1. src/app/config.ts holds all Firebase credentials
  2. src/app/app.module.ts holds the code that initializes Firebase
imports: [

Firebase Authentication

  1. Import correct dependencies at the top of the TypeScript file
import { AuthProvider } from '../../providers/auth/auth';
import { AngularFireAuth } from 'angularfire2/auth';
  1. Make sure you have injected a parameter within the constructor of the TypeScript file you are working on so that you can use Firebase
constructor(public afAuth : AngularFireAuth){
    this.variable = this.afAuth.getID }
  1. The Login page of this application handles most of the logic for authenticating with Firebase but the Signup page handles the logic for creating a new user with email and password.

  2. Since this application should only be used by GGC Students, the Signup page only accepts emails that end with This is done by using a validator that is located in src/validators/email.ts. This is a simple REGEX that only accepts


Getting COLLECTIONS and DOCUMENTS from Firebase


Firebase Observables


Firebase Queries


Database Structure Explanation


Plugin Explanations


Running the app

Installing Dependencies

npm i
  1. If you look into the .gitignore file you will see that /platforms /plugins and /node_modules are excluded from the repository. That means that you need to install dependencies before building the project
  2. npm i is a shorthand way of installing all dependencies that are listed in package.json (run this in the directory of project)

Building the app

ionic cordova build android
ionic cordova build ios
  1. Run the command that corresponds to the correct platform
  2. If you get a build error then refer to troubleshooting portion of readme

Serving the app

ionic serve
  1. In the event of an app crash, serve the app to the browser for debugging purposes only
  2. Since this app utilizes a lot of native functionalities, serving the application will not display the google maps plugin so it is recommended to test all changes on an actual device or an emulator
  3. DO NOT assume that serving means the application is running correctly on native. You MUST run on your device to confirm that the application is running correctly.

Running on Android

ionic cordova run android --device
  1. Make sure device is plugged in
  2. Make sure device is running Android 7.00 or higher

Runnnig on iOS

ionic cordova build ios
  1. Open xcode file in Platform/ios/GrizzliParking.xcodeproj
  2. Sign Package with Developer Team. General/Signing - Select Team.
ionic cordova run ios --device


Click on the play button in xcode


Ideally the application should be deployed on the Google Play Store for Android and the App Store for iOS but if the application cannot pass the requirements that each market requires then you may use alternative methods to deploy the application.

Android Deployment

  1. Android APK's are easier to distribute and install than iOS because as long as the device has developer mode on and allows APK's from unknown sources
  2. We used a Github Page to deploy our app at STaRS
  3. (May be an older APK)
ionic cordova build android
  1. Run above command to build the APK for android located in the platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

iOS Deployment

  1. So far we are not able to deploy with Testflight thusly we must connect each iphone into the mac that is currently doing the xcode signing and deploying.
  2. Once the app is build into the .xcodeproj file, all there is to do is click the play button in xcode and the app should be installed in the device



Application does not run on device

  1. Run ionic serve
  2. Either the page will show you the error or the console will

Build Error Fix

  1. Delete plugins www/ platforms
  2. Run npm i
  3. Build ionic cordova build <platform>

iOS Build Error


What was accomplished Spring 2018

  1. Basic UI
  2. Firebase Connection
    Firestore Database
    Firebase Functions Initialization
  3. Geolocation Integration
  4. Google Maps Integration
  5. User Class Schedule Survey
  6. Report Bugs Feature
  7. Custom H-Lot Geofence

Future Iterations

  1. The rest of the campus parking lots
    Ordered by desirabiity
    A Lot(Highest Priority)
    L Lot
    I Lot(Lowest Priority)
  2. Falculty Parking Application(Optional as it adds a lot of complexity)
    B Lot
    A Lot
  3. Google Maps Overlay
  4. Real Time Parking Overlay(Find My Parked Car!)

Team Members Spring 2018

Team Members Fall 2018

  1. Jared Houseman

    1. Team Manager
    2. Client Liaison
    3. Lead Programmer
  2. Paul Cardenas

    1. UI Design
    2. Testing
  3. Jacob Bradberry πŸ˜„

    1. Data Modeler
    2. Documentation Lead

Parking Pirates

Repo Location:

Progress Tracking Tool

  • Discord, Jira

Team Members Fall 2019

  1. Nick Risley - Team Manager, Client Liaison, Data Modeler 🐧
  2. Joshua Walton - Data Modeler, Testing Lead ⚑
  3. Raghu Khanal - Lead Programmer, Testing Lead 🐺
  4. Mark Levengood - Documentation lead, Programmer πŸ’»
  5. Travis Toal - UI/UX design, Programmer πŸ™Œ

Team Members Fall 2020 - by Lillian

  1. Team Name: SMC
  2. Repo Location:
  3. Progress Tracking Tool and URL (TBA)
  4. Discord: smc-cg, Client Contact, SD2 Private Chat
  5. Members:
    1. Gretchen: Testing Lead, Lead Programmer
    2. Ching: UI/UX Design Lead, Team Manager
    3. Lillian: Client Liaison, Documentation Lead, Data Modeler πŸ˜„

Team Memembers Fall 2020 -Ching

  1. SMC: 🀣


  3. Progress tracking tool and URL (TBA)

  4. Discord, Jira

  5. Members:

    1. Gretchen:
      1. Role#1: Testing Lead πŸ˜…
      2. Role#2: Lead Programmer πŸ˜‰
    2. Lillian:
      1. Role#1: Client Liasison πŸ₯°
      2. Role#2: Documentation πŸ˜…
      3. Role#3: Data Modeler πŸ€ͺ
    3. Ching
      1. Role#1: UI/UX Design Lead πŸ˜‚
      2. Role#2: Team Manager πŸ˜‚

##Team Members Fall 2020 - by Gretchen πŸ˜’

  1. Team Name: SMC
  2. Repo Location:
  3. Progress Tracking Tool and URL (TBA)
  4. Discord: smc-cg, Client Contact, SD2 Private Chat πŸ˜‰
  5. Members:
    1. Gretchen: Testing Lead, Lead Programmer πŸ˜„
    2. Ching: UI/UX Design Lead, Team Manager
    3. Lily: Client Liaison, Documentation Lead, Data Modeler


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  • Swift 56.7%
  • TypeScript 22.9%
  • HTML 14.8%
  • JavaScript 3.3%
  • SCSS 2.1%
  • Rich Text Format 0.2%