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SNOW-1623378: support mocking functions that are not supported in snowpark #12494

SNOW-1623378: support mocking functions that are not supported in snowpark

SNOW-1623378: support mocking functions that are not supported in snowpark #12494

Job Run time
2m 6s
1m 44s
23m 50s
4m 5s
1m 54s
24m 40s
10m 6s
1m 6s
23m 51s
15m 56s
17m 39s
17m 14s
7m 7s
16m 51s
6m 39s
2m 41s
11m 42s
18m 42s
2m 42s
7m 6s
7m 27s
9m 2s
7m 55s
7m 44s
8m 9s
8m 10s
8m 24s
7m 35s
1m 35s
4h 44m 26s