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TPLAgent is template rendering agent which atomically renders your templates at specified intervals by running custom actions against the templates The agent periodically renders your templates based on a simple JSON config

  • Offers a user-friendly CLI to control the agent
  • Uses a pluggable architecture to define custom template actions
  • Allows config reloading to reload the agent whilst running
  • Utilizes JSON for configuration, no learning curve required
  • Zero dependencies
  • Create custom-builds by forking and adding your proprietary template actions

Installation instructions

  • Download the latest version of tplagent from the GitHub releases section.
  • Generate a starter configuration by using the tplagent genconf command


  tplagnet genconf -n <number_of_template_blocks> -indent <json_indent> > /path/to/config.json
  • Start the agent using the tplagent start command
tplagent start -config /path/to/config.json

NOTE It is recommended to run the agent as a daemon process by creating and configuring a valid systemd unit file. This way the agent can be restarted irrespective of system reboots. It is much easier to reload the agent.

Directory Permissions

It is recommended that the tplagent process is started under a dedicated user meant for tplagent. All directories and files created by tplagent use the 766 permissions. It is also recommended to set the right directory permissions as part of setting up the agent to avoid permission errors.

Configuration explained

  "agent": {
    // set agent log level
    "log_level": "INFO",
    // set agent log format
    "log_fmt": "text",
    // set max consecutive failures for command execution and 
    // template execution
    "max_consecutive_failures": 10,
    // enable the http listener
    "http_listener": "localhost:6000"
  "templates": {
    "nginx-conf": {
      "source": "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf.tmpl",
      // path to read the template file from
      "destination": "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf",
      // path to render the config file to
      "html": false,
      // enable this flag if template is an HTML template
      // this will parse the template by escaping 
      // JS code injections
      "static_data": {
        "MaxConnections": 100
      // static data is a key value pair for
      // data which will not change
      "refresh_interval": "15s",
      // specifies how frequently to
      // render the template file
      // min is 1s
      // for valid duration units 
      // please refer to
      "missing_key": "error",
      // used to specify the missing key behaviour in 
      // the template data
      // for other valid values
      // please refer to
      "exec": {
        "cmd": "service",
        "cmd_args": [
        // run a command
        // after rendering the
        // template
        "cmd_timeout": "30s",
        // command execution timeout
        "env": {
          "DATA_DIR": "/var/lib/data"
        // extra env vars for the command
    "credentials-json": {
      // actions are functions you want 
      // included in your template
      "actions": [
          "name": "httpjson",
          "config": {
            "base_url": "",
            "timeout": "10s"
      // if source is not specified, we use the raw option to
      // specify an inline template
      "raw": "<<with httpjson_GET_Map \"/v1/creds\">>\n{\"secret_key\":\"<<.SecretKey>>\"}\n<<end>>",
      "render_once": true,
      // render_once renders it only once
      // and does not refresh preiodically
      "destination": "/etc/cloud-provider/creds.json",
      "missing_key": "error",
      "template_delimiters": [
      // the default delimiters are {{ and }}
      // this option lets you change the delimiters


What makes tplagent dynamic and extensible are the actions. Actions are just plain functions you can call in your templates to perform certain actions. Their main utility is to fetch data from different sources. New actions can be added to tplagent, which will be covered later. An action is just a collection of functions which can be used in your template file. You can include multiple actions in a single template. To invoke a certain action set in the template, it's corresponding action must be included in the "actions" section of the template config. Each of the action, has its own README section. Refer to internal/tplactions/<action_name> for docs.

How to invoke a certain action

  • An action can be invoked by prefixing its name followed by the function you want to invoke, for example the httpjson actions contain the functions GET_Map and GET_Slice, these functions get and unmarshall the data as a Go hash map and a Go slice respectively. To invoke them in my template I would use it in the following way
{{with httpjson_GET_Map "/v1/someapi"}}
"user_id": "{{.UserID}}",
"secret_key": "{{.SecretKey}}"
  • The above example assumes that the JSON returned by the API looks like this
  "UserID": "foo",
  "SecretKey": "foo-secret"

Contributing new actions


  • Understanding of the Golang language and how interfaces work in Golang.
  • Understanding of the init function in Golang and the _ import.
  • There is just one action included with the agent currently, any new action requires the agent to be rebuilt as all actions get packaged in the same binary.
  • All actions follow the tplactions.Interface. Each action must be created in its own package and the config for each action, will be sent as raw json, and it is upto the action implementation to deserialize and store the config
  • Please add your action inside the internal/tplactions/<your_action_name>/...
  • After an action has been written and tested, it must be imported using the underscore import inside internal/agent/register_template_actions.go.
  • Raise a PR to include the action in the next release cycle.

NOTE If your action is very specific to your organisation / business, please clone the repository and create a custom build. We want to include actions which can be used by most people.

On How to use Go templates properly please refer to

Reloading the agent via the shell

Agent can be reloaded by sending a SIGHUP signal to the agent process, if the agent process starts up successfully the PID is stored inside /tmp/tplagent/ Agent reloading can be useful to read new config. For example

To reload the agent run tplagent reload

Reloading the agent via HTTP listener

Agent can be reloaded via the HTTP listener, enable the HTTP listener in the agent config

  "agent": {
    "log_level": "INFO",
    // ....
    "http_listener": "localhost:6000",
    // a blank value disables the listener
  "templates": {
    // ....
  • Reload the agent by issuing an HTTP POST request
curl -X POST --data {"config_path": "/tmp/tplagent/config.json","config": {"agent": {...},"templates": {...}}} "localhost:6000/config/reload"

expected response {"success":true}

  • Kill the agent using the /agent/stop endpoint
curl -X POST "localhost:6000/agent/stop"

Supported Platforms

Windows is not supported. Only Linux and macOS are supported. PRs are welcome to add support for windows


  • Observability


Config management made easy using Go templates






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