This is a Ruby client for Riakpb, using protocol buffers instead of REST. It offers some benefit in terms of speed and it abstracts Buckets/Keys differently than does the REST client. Different != Better.
It can list buckets! Huzzah!
You can destroy a bucket, which basically lists its keys and iterates over them–deleting each.
It works, which surely counts for something.
It’s still rough around the edges, but certainly usable. I’m attempting to polish it, though suggestions welcome.
This is a work in progress and I am current improving the rspec and the documentation, but please have fun and give me some feedback. The below examples give you an overview on how to use this package.
>> client = #{:host => "ubuntu01", :port => 1234}) => #<Riakpb::Client:0x0000010328a040 @host="", @port=8087, @w=nil, @dw=nil, @buckets=[], @bucket_cache={}> >> => true
Not suggested for use in production
>> client = => #<Riakpb::Client:0x00000101439a78 @host="", @port=8087, @w=nil, @dw=nil, @buckets=[], @bucket_cache={}> >> client.buckets => ["hb", "goog"]
>> bucket = client["goog"] => #<Riakpb::Bucket name=goog, props={n_val=>3, allow_mult=false}>
>> bucket.destroy! => true
>> bucket = client["goog"] => #<Riakpb::Bucket name=goog, props={n_val=>3, allow_mult=false}> >> bucket.keys => ["2010-05-03", "2010-03-24", "2010-03-05", "2010-02-25", <<SNIP>>, "2005-02-10", "2005-01-04"]
>> key = bucket["2010-04-12"] => #<Riakpb::Key name="2010-04-12", vclock="k\xCEa```\xCC`\xCA\x05R,\xCC\xF3{*2\x98\x12\x19\xF3X\x19N\xCF\xEB8\xCA\x97\x05\x00", contents=[#<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Mon, 12 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="3pbhcnmUtPZvXBSCmo5ESs", links=[], last_mod=1276388043, last_mod_usecs=65345, usermeta={}>]>
Differs from the REST client. Key+Content = ROjbect
>> rcon = key.content => #<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Mon, 12 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="3pbhcnmUtPZvXBSCmo5ESs", links=[], last_mod=1276388043, last_mod_usecs=65345, usermeta={}>
>> rcon.value => {"Date"=>Mon, 12 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"} >> rcon.value.class => Hash >> rcon.value["Date"] => Mon, 12 Apr 2010 >> rcon.value["Date"] += => Tue, 13 Apr 2010 >> rcon => #<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Tue, 13 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="3pbhcnmUtPZvXBSCmo5ESs", links=[], last_mod=1276388043, last_mod_usecs=65345, usermeta={}> >> => true >> key = bucket["2010-04-12"] => #<Riakpb::Key name="2010-04-12", vclock="k\xCEa```\xCA`\xCA\x05R,\xCC\xF3{*2\x98\x12\x19\xF3X\x19N\xCF\xEB8\xCA\a\x13\xFE\x9A\xF3\x05*|x)P8\v\x00", contents=[#<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Tue, 13 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="2wCEI09OVZEUcHozcm9XCX", links=[], last_mod=1276389827, last_mod_usecs=762316, usermeta={}>]> >> rcon = key.content => #<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Tue, 13 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="2wCEI09OVZEUcHozcm9XCX", links=[], last_mod=1276389827, last_mod_usecs=762316, usermeta={}> >> rcon.value["Date"] -= => Mon, 12 Apr 2010 >> => true >> key = bucket["2010-04-12"] => #<Riakpb::Key name="2010-04-12", vclock="k\xCEa```\xCA`\xCA\x05R,\xCC\xF3{*2\x98\x12\x19\xF3X\x19N\xCF\xEB8\xCA\a\x13\xFE\x9A\xF3\x05(\xCC\x04\x14~\xBC\x14(\x9C\x05\x00", contents=[#<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Mon, 12 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="264RmLHrCK89zvhtq4n6Fj", links=[], last_mod=1276389859, last_mod_usecs=810556, usermeta={}>]> >> rcon = key.content => #<#Riakpb::Content value={"Date"=>Mon, 12 Apr 2010, "Open"=>"567.35", "High"=>"574.00", "Low"=>"566.22", "Close"=>"572.73", "Volume"=>"2352400", "Adj Close"=>"572.73"}, content_type="application/json", vtag="264RmLHrCK89zvhtq4n6Fj", links=[], last_mod=1276389859, last_mod_usecs=810556, usermeta={}> >>
>> client = => #<Riakpb::Client:0x00000100d2b998 @host="", @port=8087, @w=nil, @dw=nil, @buckets=[], @bucket_cache={}> >> bucket = client["goog2"] => #<Riakpb::Bucket name=goog2, props={n_val=>3, allow_mult=false}> >> bucket.allow_mult = true => true >> client.junkshot "goog2", "2010-04-12", {:links => {"tomorrow" => ["goog2", "2010-04-13"]}} => content { value: "" vtag: "3jfZii80dgtSPYbZ6CL1PU" links { bucket: "goog2" key: "2010-04-13" tag: "tomorrow" } last_mod: 1276715503 last_mod_usecs: 980712 } content { value: "{\"Date\":\"2010-04-12\",\"Open\":\"567.35\",\"High\":\"574.00\",\"Low\":\"566.22\",\"Close\":\"572.73\",\"Volume\":\"2352400\",\"Adj Close\":\"572.73\"}" content_type: "application/json" vtag: "2UplDRmlJaxS1rhn0GNgqN" last_mod: 1276651742 last_mod_usecs: 417836 } vclock: "k\xCEa``\xE0\xCA`\xCA\x05R,\xCC_s\xBEd0%2\xE5\xB12<^\xDAq\x94\x0F&|`\xF6n\xA00#P\xF8\xDE\x92\x1E\x980[s\x12S\x1F\xCBU\xA8\xC4\xA4\xC9\xBDp\xF5\xEC<\x8B\x0F`\n\x03\xD5\xB3\xE9x\x9C\x85Jh\xCE@\xA8g\xCE\xB00\xC3\x14\x06\xAAg\xBF\xB9\xE5\x14TBq\x0EB=\xD3u\xE7r,\xC2\x8C\xAB\xDC\xEFA\x85\xDF\xCFE6\x865.'\bY\"\v\x00" >>
I’m working on ways to simplify M/R requests. It works the same as in ripple. Largely because it’s ripped off from it, with very few changes (so far).
require 'riakpb' require 'csv' client = bucket = client["goog"] CSV.foreach('goog.csv', :headers => true) do |row| puts row.first[1].to_s key = bucket[row.first[1].to_s] key.content.value = Hash[row.to_a] end
Rspec >= 2.0.0.beta.9
ActiveSupport >= 3.0.0.beta3
Protobuf >= 0.4.4
gem install riakpb
From Github:
git clone git:// cd riak-pbclient rake gem gem install -l riakpb-X.Y.Z.gem
Riakpb Fast Track:
Riakpb Fast Track GOOG data:
Ruby Client for Riakpb’s REST Interface:
This is my first public open source whatever, and I appreciate the people in #riak who tolerated me.
Copyright 2010:
Scott Gonyea Sean Cribbs, Sonian Inc. Basho Technologies, Inc.
The riak-pbclient was pieced together by Scott Gonyea. Big chunks of code were lifted / refactored from the riak-client project, by Sean Cribbs. Lots of pieces are my own work, but it doesn’t really matter to me.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.