The Snowflake Hive metastore connector provides an easy way to query Hive-managed data via Snowflake. Once installed, the connector listens to Hive metastore events and creates the equivalent Snowflake objects. See also:
Create a new file named 'snowflake-config.xml' to the same directory that contains hive-site.xml. This will be the configuration file for the connector. This configuration file should look like:
<configuration> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.username</name> <value>...</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.password</name> <value>...</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.role</name> <value>...</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.account</name> <value>...</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.db</name> <value>...</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.schema</name> <value>...</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.jdbc.connection</name> <value>jdbc:snowflake://</value> </property> <property> <name>snowflake.hive-metastore-listener.integration</name> <value>...</value> </property> </configuration>
Package the jar by running:
mvn package
Or download the jar from Maven:
Copy the jar into the Hive classpath
Update the Hive metastore configuration to point to the listener. To do this, simply add the following section to hive-site.xml:
<configuration> ... <property> <name>hive.metastore.event.listeners</name> <value>net.snowflake.hivemetastoreconnector.SnowflakeHiveListener</value> </property> </configuration>
Restart the Hive metastore.
In Hive, touch partitions to be used in Snowflake:
alter table <table_name> touch partition <partition_spec>;
Or for non-partitioned Hive tables:
alter table <table_name> touch;
Query the table in Snowflake:
select * from <table_name>;