- LocalNotification is a Swift package that helps you manage local notifications in your iOS application.
- Intended to be used as a debug tool for background operations where consol output doesnt work
Can be used in production, but that isn't very usefull since most people will not allow app level notifications by default, to avoid notification spam etc
- Check and request local notification permisions
- Direct call to show title and message
- Constructor call to show title and message
Here's an example of how to use the LocalNotification package:
import LocalNotification
// Do this once at app first time start, can't be requested again
if !LocalNotification.isNotificationAvailable {
// Check if available
guard LocalNotification.isNotificationAvailable else { print("Err, notification not allowed"); return }
// Direct call
LocalNotification.showNotification(title: "Feed the cat", body: "It looks hungry")
// Create a new notification
let notification = LocalNotification(title: "My Notification", body: "This is a notification")
// Cancel a notification
To install the LocalNotification package, add the following to your Package.swift file.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/sentryco/LocalNotification", branch: "main")
- Error Handling: The method requestPermission() in LocalNotification.swift prints an error directly to the console. It might be more useful to handle errors in a way that allows the calling code to react accordingly, such as by using a completion handler that includes an error parameter.
- Code Duplication: The showNotification method checks if notifications are available and requests permission if not. This logic could potentially be refactored to avoid redundancy and improve the flow of the code.
- remove unit tests
- Workflow Efficiency: The current GitHub Actions workflow in tests.yml is set up for basic build and test operations. Depending on the project's needs, this could be expanded to include additional checks such as linting, code style enforcement, or even automated deployment steps.
- Documentation and Examples README Improvements: The README.md file provides a basic introduction and usage examples for the LocalNotification package. This could be enhanced with more detailed examples, better structured information, and possibly a FAQ section to help new users integrate the package more easily.