Releases: scikit-learn-contrib/qolmat
Releases · scikit-learn-contrib/qolmat
Version 0.1.8
Merge pull request #151 from scikit-learn-contrib/dev Dev
Version 0.1.7
- Little's test implemented in a new hole_characterization module
- Documentation now includes an analysis section with a tutorial
- Hole generators now provide reproducible outputs
Version 0.1.6
- Documentation patched
Version 0.1.5
- CICD now relies on Node.js 20
- New tests for and
Version 0.1.4
- ImputerMean, ImputerMedian and ImputerMode have been merged into ImputerSimple
- File added with classes new MixteHGBM, BinTransformer, OneHotEncoderProjector and WrapperTransformer providing tools to manage mixed types data
- Tutorial plot_tuto_categorical showcasing mixed type imputation
- Titanic dataset added
- accuracy metric implemented
- rationalized, and split with
Version 0.1.3
0.1.3 (2024-03-07)
- RPCA algorithms now start with a normalizing scaler
- The EM algorithms now include a gradient projection step to be more robust to colinearity
- The EM algorithm based on the Gaussian model is now initialized using a robust estimation of the covariance matrix
- A bug in the EM algorithm has been patched: the normalizing matrix gamma was creating a sampling biais
- Speed up of the EM algorithm likelihood maximization, using the conjugate gradient method
- The ImputeRegressor class now handles the nans by
by default - The metric
was not correctly called and has been patched - The EM algorithm with VAR(p) now fills initial holes in order to avoid exponential explosions
Version 0.1.2
- RPCA Noisy now has separate fit and transform methods, allowing to impute efficiently new data without retraining
- The class ImputerRPCA has been splitted between a class ImputerRpcaNoisy, which can fit then transform, and a class ImputerRpcaPcp which can only fit_transform
- The class SoftImpute has been recoded to better fit the architecture, and is more tested
- The class RPCANoisy now relies on sparse matrices for H, speeding it up for large instances
Version 0.1.1
- Hotfix reference to tensorflow in the documentation, when it should be pytorch
- Metrics KL forest has been removed from package
- EM imputer made more robust to colinearity, and transform bug patched
- CICD made faster with mamba and a quick test setting
Version 0.1.0
- VAR(p) EM sampler implemented, founding on a VAR(p) modelization such as the one described in Lütkepohl (2005) New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis
- EM and RPCA matrices transposed in the low-level impelmentation, however the API remains unchanged
- Sparse matrices introduced in the RPCA implementation so as to speed up the execution
- Implementation of SoftImpute, which provides a fast but less robust alterantive to RPCA
- Implementation of TabDDPM and TsDDPM, which are diffusion-based models for tabular data and time-series data, based on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. Their implementations follow the work of Tashiro et al., (2021) and Kotelnikov et al., (2023).
- ImputerDiffusion is an imputer-wrapper of these two models TabDDPM and TsDDPM.
- Docstrings and tests improved for the EM sampler
- Fix ImputerPytorch
- Update Benchmark Deep Learning
Version 0.0.15
- Hyperparameters are now optimized in, with the maintained module hyperopt
- The Imputer classes do not possess a dictionary attribute anymore, and all list attributes have
been changed into tuple attributes so that all are not immutable - All the tests from scikit-learn's check_estimator now pass for the class Imputer
- Fix MLP imputer, created a builder for MLP imputer
- Switch tensorflow by pytorch. Change Test, environment, benchmark and imputers for pytorch
- Add new datasets
- Added dcor metrics with a pattern-wise computation on data with missing values