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A rodent-like program for working with ledger-cli journals.


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A rodent-like program for working with ledger-cli journals.

Some of ledgerbil's features:

  • Automate the entry of recurring transactions via a scheduler.
  • Interactively reconcile accounts.
  • Sort a file by transaction date.
  • Display balances or net worth by year or month in a grid format.
  • Display investments with dollar and share amounts side by side.

Hi. I'm a personal finance enthusiast. Keeping my records organized and analyzable is a soothing and reassuring activity for me. I used Microsoft Money from 1995 to 2007, KMyMoney from 2008 to 2012, and Ledger from 2013 to this very moment. Ledger is nifty:

It's strictly a reporting tool. From the web site: "Ledger never creates or modifies your data. Your entries are kept in a text file that you maintain, and you can rest assured, no automated tool will ever change that data."

That is, no automated tool within the ledger program itself. But you can create or find tools to help with various data entry and reconciliation chores, or to report on your data in ways not supported by ledger.

There's a whole galaxy of tools for working with ledger or ledger-like programs and their data, which you can learn about at:

Ledger Data Entry

At a minimum, all you really need is a text editor for data entry. I'm using VSCode for my journal, and with the syntax highlighting files included in this repo, I find it pleasant to work with and look upon:

ledger file with syntax highlighting

Once you have data created, you can do about one million things with ledger all by itself.

Why yet another tool? Why ledgerbil?

I had my own ideas for features, and it's fun to have a project to work on. Let's look at a few examples of reporting options before moving on to a deeper dive...

A grid report:

grid report example

          2017          2018         Total
       $ 34.63       $ 57.40       $ 92.03  expenses: food: groceries
        $ 0.00       $ 42.17       $ 42.17  expenses: food: dining out
       $ 17.73       $ 12.00       $ 29.73  expenses: food: take home
  ------------  ------------  ------------
       $ 52.36      $ 111.57      $ 163.93

A grid report with rows and columns transposed:

grid report transposed example

     expenses:     expenses:     expenses:
         food:         food:    food: take
     groceries    dining out          home         Total
       $ 34.63        $ 0.00       $ 17.73       $ 52.36  2017
       $ 57.40       $ 42.17       $ 12.00      $ 111.57  2018
  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------
       $ 92.03       $ 42.17       $ 29.73      $ 163.93

An investment report:

investment example

                         $ 1,933.02   assets
                         $ 1,583.02      401k
      11.643 abcdx         $ 945.76        big co 500 idx
      22.357 lmnop         $ 448.26        bonds idx
                           $ 189.00        cash
        15.0 qwrty         $ 150.00      ira: glass idx
         5.0 yyzxx         $ 200.00      mutual: total idx

I don't use many of ledger's features and options, so your mileage may vary for your own data. Please back up before trying, or make sure your changes are committed to the source control system you certainly should be using.

One of my goals with ledgerbil is that it shouldn't modify or reformat your journal entries except in limited and expected ways which are called out below.

Ledgerbil will assume a properly formatted ledger file, although it won't necessarily enforce rules or report problems with an input file. It will be best to feed it files that run cleanly through ledger-cli.

Please see for a note to prospective users and contributors.


You can set up a virtual environment using python3 and the included requirements.txt, or use the included docker files:

just docker

docker build -t ledgerbil .         # build it from repo root
docker run --rm ledgerbil pytest    # run the test suite
docker run -it ledgerbil /bin/bash  # launch and join the container

You can do stuff in the container's bash shell using python or aliases ledgerbil or lbil, for example:

# lbil --help
    <...the help...>
# lbil grid expenses --depth 2
    <...grid view of expenses...>
# lbil inv
    <...list investments...>

There is a file that is set up during the build to use sample data in the repo. It's also needed for tests to pass.

docker compose

// file from build is overwritten by local files, so
// we need to make that settings file available:
$ cp ledgerbil/ ledgerbil/

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run --rm tests

// run commands
$ docker-compose run --rm lbil --help
$ docker-compose run --rm lbil grid income

Ledgerbil Features

And now! Here is the current state of --help, which reflects the current state of exciting features:

$ ./ --help

usage: ledgerbil/ [-h] [-f FILE] [-S] [-r ACCT] [-R] [-s FILE]

{helpful text omitted}

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                 show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE       ledger file(s) to be processed
  -S, --sort                 sort the file(s) by transaction date
  -r ACCT, --reconcile ACCT  interactively reconcile ledger file(s)
                             with this account regex; scheduler/sort
                             have no effect if also specified
  -R, --reconciled-status    show accounts where reconciler previous
                             balance differs from cleared balance in
  -s FILE, --schedule FILE   scheduled transactions file, with new
                             entries to be added to -f ledger file; if
                             given multiple ledger files, will use the
                             first; if --sort also specified, sorts the
                             ledger file after entries have been added
  -n, --next-scheduled-date  show the date of the next scheduled

other commands (run with -h to see command help):
        grid                    ledger reports in year/month tables
        investments (or inv)    nicer view of shares and dollars
        pass                    passthrough to ledger
        portfolio (or port)     standalone investment tracker


Sort files by transaction date. Ledgerbil understands a transaction as something that starts with a date in the first position, like so:

2013/05/11 abc store
    expenses: leisure: games
    liabilities: credit card                $-12.34

If there are comment lines or things it doesn't currently understand (e.g. lines starting with payee or account), it will glom these together with the nearest transaction that comes before, so that the ordering of things will be maintained accordingly. If these items occur before any dated transactions, they will be given a date in 1899 to (most likely) keep them before your other transactions. (With that date being used only for sorting purposes and not written to file.)

Sorting should only change the order of items and not otherwise modify transactions, but note that it will "normalize" spacing so that there is only one space between entries.

Sorting is useful with the scheduler, which will simply add entries to the end of the specified journal file. (The schedule file itself is always sorted after each run so that things will mostly be in order.)


The schedule file handles recurring transactions and has two levels of configuration.

At the top of the file, for example:

;; scheduler ; enter 40 days

This determines how many days ahead transactions should be entered into the specified ledger file. Perhaps you'll run:

python --file journal.ledger --schedule schedule.ldg

This will read the schedule.ldg file and create new entries in journal.ledger up to 40 days into THE FUTURE. schedule.ldg will also be updated to reflect next dates.

Individual entries use this format on the line below the top line:

;; schedule ; interval uom ; days ; interval ; notes

For example, the monthly interval uom (unit of measure):

2018/01/22 lightning electricity         ; todo
    ;; schedule ; monthly
    e: bills: electricity
    a: checking                             $75

Will cause entries to be created on the 22nd of every month, starting in January 2018. The ;; schedule line will be removed for the journal entry. For recurring items with varying amounts, I usually include a ; todo comment on the top line as a reminder to go back and set the actual amount later, but that's just a convention. You can include whatever you want on the non-schedule lines. The only thing modified is the date.

Supported units are monthly, weekly, and daily. Weekly transactions will recur on the same day of the week as the date in the entry.

Other supported UOMs: bimonthly (every 2 months), quarterly, biannual, yearly

The days spot can be used to specify more than one day in a month, e.g.:

2018/01/12 johnny paycheck
    ;; schedule ; monthly ; 15, 30
    i: wages: gross pay                   $500

Will cause entries to be created on the 15th and 30th of every month. If you start with an entry as above with 2018/01/12, it will first create an entry on that date, and then rotate between the other two. The schedule file entry will always show the date of the next entry to be added.

What will this scheduled transaction do for the 30th, when confronted with February? It will use the 28th or the 29th. You can also specify eom (end of month) which will use the last day of the month, or eom30 which will use the 30th for every month except February, in which it will again fall back to the 28th or the 29th.

The days list can also be space delimited, e.g.

;; schedule ; monthly ; 15 30

Finally, the days list is only used for monthly schedules. Perhaps in the future we'll support multiple days of the week for weekly schedules.

The interval spot can be used to specify some other interval, e.g.:

2018/02/17 chop chop hair
    ;; schedule ; weekly ;; every 6 weeks
    e: misc: haircuts
    l: credit card: mega                    $-18

You can also simply use 6 there. Ledgerbil will pick out the first number it finds.

Daily interval uom will simply recur every interval number of days, e.g.:

2018/06/15 iron bank
    ;; schedule ; daily ;; every 30 days
    e: bank: loan interest
    a: checking                             $-25

Would result in entries:

    2018-06-15 iron bank
    2018-07-15 iron bank
    2018-08-14 iron bank
    2018-09-13 iron bank

The last spot for notes isn't parsed by ledgerbil. I sometimes use it to note when a scheduled item isn't an automated payment.

2018/02/17 chop chop hair
    ;; schedule ; weekly ;; every 6 weeks ; or whenevs

--reconcile ACCT

Interactively reconcile the account matching ACCT regex.

Example usage:

python --file journal.ledger --reconcile 'bank: xyz'

You can specify a regex for --reconcile, e.g.$ would also work and prevent a match on your other account bank: xyzzyx.

Help is available at the interactive prompt:

> help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
account  finish  list  quit    show       unmark
aliases  help    mark  reload  statement

As mentioned above, this is targeted for my own use, although it may be suitable for those with similar needs. (I didn't spend time on some scenarios that I would address if, miraculously, someone else cared about them. And there are other scenarios I won't address in any circumstance, given my aims here.)

The reconciler will error if more than one matching account is found. Aliases aren't resolved so the same account will be seen as different if it occurs in aliased and non-aliased form. (I keep my alias definitions in a separate account file.) Related to this, the reconciler does not handle the shortcut of marking entire transactions pending or cleared on the top line, since we only want to work with one account at a time.

If multiple entries for the account occur in one transaction, they'll be treated as one amount and line item while reconciling. If they have different statuses initially, there'll be an error. (When in sync, they'll be updated to pending/cleared status together.)

The reconciler will total up all cleared (*) transactions to get what should be the "last statement balance," but only shows pending and uncleared transactions.

The only change the reconciler will make to your data is adding or subtracting the pending ! and cleared * symbols to the white space in front of posting lines within a transaction, but see the note below about how it does this.

Reconciliation also works for commodities like abcdx and lmnop here:

2017/11/15 zombie investments
  * a: 401k: big co 500 idx            1.745 abcdx @   $81.23
    a: 401k: bonds idx                 2.357 lmnop @   $20.05
    a: 401k: cash             $-189

The quantity will be used rather than a dollar amount in this case.

Let's see the reconciler in action. For an example file:

2016/10/21 dolor
    i: sit amet
  * a: cash         $100

2016/10/26 lorem
    e: consectetur adipiscing elit
    a: cash         $-10

2016/10/29 ipsum
    e: sed do eiusmod
    a: cash         $-20


(Note that there is pretty coloring in real life.)

$ ./ -f xyz.ldg -r cash

   1. 2016/10/26    $-10.00   lorem
   2. 2016/10/29    $-20.00   ipsum

ending date: 2016/10/29 ending balance: (not set) cleared: $100.00


The 10/21 cash entry is counted for the cleared amount, but not shown.

Regular expressions are allowed for the -r/--reconcile argument. Let's say you have another account, a: cash jar. You can specify -r cash$ to limit the match.


Will prompt you for the statement ending date and ending balance.

> statement
Ending Date (YYYY/MM/DD) [2016/10/29]:
Ending Balance []: 70

   1. 2016/10/26    $-10.00   lorem
   2. 2016/10/29    $-20.00   ipsum

ending date: 2016/10/29 ending balance: $70.00 cleared: $100.00
to zero: $-30.00

Only transactions on or before that date will be shown, with the exception of pending transactions. All pending transactions are included regardless of date because they're needed to make the math work.

You can mark and unmark transactions without the ending balance but you can't finish balancing and convert pending transactions to cleared until it's set.

Reconciler doesn't understand asset versus liability accounts so you'll want to give a positive amount for assets and negative for liability, assuming the normal state of these kinds of accounts.

Statement ending info is saved to RECONCILER_CACHE_FILE (from, or using the default ~/.ledgerbil_reconciler_cache) and restored when the reconciler is restarted.

mark / unmark

Set transactions as pending (!) or remove the pending mark. You can enter one or more line numbers, transaction amounts, or "all" for all lines.

To specify an amount, include a decimal point, for example: 12. or 6.37

If multiple transactions have the same amount, the first "available" transaction will be used. That is: if you are marking a transaction as pending, the reconciler will look for a match that is not already marked pending. If all matches are already pending, it will use the first match, which will result in a message that it has already been marked pending.

Giving a single line number or amount by itself with no command will be interpreted as a mark command.

> mark 1 2


> mark all

1. 2016/10/26    $-10.00 ! lorem
2. 2016/10/29    $-20.00 ! ipsum

ending date: 2016/10/29 ending balance: $70.00 cleared: $100.00
to zero: $0.00

> unmark 2

1. 2016/10/26    $-10.00 ! lorem
2. 2016/10/29    $-20.00   ipsum

ending date: 2016/10/29 ending balance: $70.00 cleared: $100.00
to zero: $ -20.00

> mark -20.

1. 2016/10/26    $-10.00 ! lorem
2. 2016/10/29    $-20.00 ! ipsum

ending date: 2016/10/29 ending balance: $70.00 cleared: $100.00
to zero: $ 0.00

The ledger file is saved after every mark/unmark command.

Ledger allows a lot of flexibility in file formatting, and in general, ledgerbil attempts to preserve all formatting, but in this case, for simplicity's sake, ledgerbil uses a four space indent for transaction entries, with the ! or * going in the third "space" when present.

It wouldn't be that hard to make it smarter about this, but I didn't want to deal with some edge cases in the initial implementation. (And note, again, the reconciler only works with individual account entries; never the whole transaction on the top line.)


Show transaction details

> show 2

2016/10/26 lorem
    e: consectetur adipiscing elit
    a: cash         $-10


Reload the ledger file from storage.

Ledgerbil loads the entire file into memory when it starts, and writes after mark/unmark operations. This command lets you make an update outside of the reconciler (e.g. in an editor) and refresh without having to restart the program.


If "to zero" is 0, this command will update all pending (!) entries for the account to cleared (*) and save the file.

> finish

last reconciled: 2016/10/29 previous balance: $ 70.00
ending date: 2016/10/29 ending balance: (not set) cleared: $70.00

After finish, the previous balance is saved in the cache (mentioned above and more below!) and shown when you next reconcile this account, which may be helpful for catching mistakes you make between visits to the reconciler.


Shows available shortcuts, for example, m for mark.

--reconciled-status, -R

The reconciled status option will go through all your cached entries and compare to ledger's --cleared totals to see if things have gotten out of sync somehow.

Note that where the interactive reconciler only uses RECONCILER_CACHE_FILE, --reconciled-status needs more stuff configured in so that ledgerbil can run ledger as an external program.

"ledgershell" (other commands)

The ledgershell programs use ledger to read and report on your data in different ways. None of them modify your data.

(portfolio is listed with "other commands", but isn't a ledgershell program, and currently has nothing to do with ledger or ledger data.)

There is little documentation other than the code and --help, which is included below but often changing, so please don't count on this readme for the latest.

Intended as a convenience, the file is meant to have all the information needed to run ledger so you don't have to pass in everything every time. And, related to the ambivalence about documentation mentioned above, there isn't any documentation for this file yet. Just which you should copy to in the same directory and then modify for your own needs.


usage: ledgerbil/ grid [-h] [-y | -m] [-b DATE] [-e DATE]
                              [-p PERIOD] [--current] [--depth N]
                              [--payees] [--net-worth] [--limit-rows N]
                              [-T] [-s SORT] [-t] [--csv] [--tab]

Show ledger balance report in tabular form with years or months as the
columns. Begin, end, and period params are handled as ledger interprets
them, and all arguments not defined here are passed through to ledger.

Don't specify bal, balance, reg, or register!

e.g. ./ grid expenses -p 'last 2 years' will show expenses for
last two years with separate columns for the years.

Begin and end dates only determine the range for which periods will be
reported. They do not limit included entries within a period. For
example, with --year periods, specifying --end 2018/07/01 will cause
all of 2018 to be included.

Currently supports ledger --flat reports. (Although you don't specify

Payee reports will also pass through ledger arguments. It is best to
specify an account to constrain the query, e.g. expenses. If not given
any accounts, ledger gives odd results for the query used by ledgerbil:

register --group-by '(payee)' --collapse --subtotal --depth 1

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  -y, --year                  year grid (default)
  -m, --month                 month grid
  -b DATE, --begin DATE       begin date
  -e DATE, --end DATE         end date
  -p PERIOD, --period PERIOD  period expression
  --current                   exclude future transactions
  --depth N                   limit the depth of account tree for
                              account reports
  --payees                    show results by payee (results may be
                              nonsensical if you do not specify
                              accounts, e.g. expenses)
  --net-worth                 show net worth at end of periods
  --limit-rows N              limit the number of rows shown to top N
  -T, --total-only            show only the total column
  -s SORT, --sort SORT        sort by specified column header, or "row"
                              to sort by account or payee (default: by
  -t, --transpose             transpose columns and rows (row sorting
                              will then apply to columns)
  --csv                       output as csv
  --tab                       output as tsv (tab-delimited)
  --no-color                  output without color

investments (or inv)

usage: ledgerbil/ inv [-h] [-a ACCOUNTS] [-e DATE] [-c]

Viewing shares with --exchange is kind of weird in ledger. This creates
a report that shows share totals and dollar amounts in a nicer way.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  -a ACCOUNTS, --accounts ACCOUNTS  balances for specified accounts
                                    (default: 401k or ira or mutual)
  -e DATE, --end DATE               end date (default: tomorrow)
  -c, --command                     print ledger commands used

pass (passthrough to ledger)

I have a different file that I use for development, and find this useful for running ledger against the sample files included in this repo.

usage: ledgerbil/ pass [-h] [--command]

Pass through args to ledger, running ledger with config from

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --command   print ledger command used

portfolio (or port)

If anything needs documentation, it's this oddball program. But then again, this is a particularly apt example of something tailored to my own interests.

I once read some advice for simple investment tracking which I translated into an Excel spreadsheet, and then wrote a crazy mess of VBA code to work with it, and then tamed that code slightly when translating into an spreadsheet with its VBA-like macro language, and now have finally brought into ledgerbil with this thing. (You can decide for yourself how crazy is the current mess of code.)

You can run it with the included sample data, and one of the things it will produce is a report like this:

portfolio report example

6 years, 4 accounts: 401k: big co 500 idx, 401k: bonds idx, ...

year    contrib   transfers        value   gain %     gain val    all %    3yr %    5yr %
2015    $ 1,000    $ 29,000     $ 33,093    20.62      $ 3,093    20.62
2016    $ 8,235    $ 10,000     $ 59,407    19.14      $ 8,079    19.88
2017      $ 750                 $ 81,322    35.40     $ 21,165    24.84    24.84
2018                            $ 81,322     0.00          $ 0    18.11    17.28
2019      $ 600    $ -5,000     $ 84,061     9.02      $ 7,139    16.23    13.86    16.23
2020      $ 450                 $ 80,493    -4.77     $ -4,018    12.44     1.26    10.87
       $ 11,035    $ 34,000                           $ 35,458

It is currently a breathtakingly manual process to add data to the portfolio.json file and I imagine few people will want to bother with it, even if it made any sense.

usage: ledgerbil/ port [-h] [-a REGEX] [-L LABELS] [-c] [-C]
                              [-s SORT] [-H] [-l]

Portfolio! This is currently independent of ledger data although
eventually some integration would be swell. Uses a json data file
to give you a simple yearly view of your investing portfolio.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                  show this help message and exit
  -a REGEX, --accounts REGEX  include accounts that match this regex,
                              default = .* (all)
  -L LABELS, --labels LABELS  include accounts that match these labels
  -c, --compare               compare accounts or labels
                              (if --labels, will group by labels)
  -C, --compare-accounts      compare accounts only
                              (labels still modifies included accounts)
  -s SORT, --sort SORT        sort comparison report by:
                                v (alue)
                                g (ain value)
                                y (ears)
                                a (ll years gain) default
                                1 (year gain)
                                3 (year gain)
                                5 (year gain)
                                10 (year gain)
  -H, --history               show account history
  -l, --list                  list account names and labels


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