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scanner-darkly edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 7 revisions

in order to control disting ex from teletype you will need to do the following:

  • update firmware for both (find them here)
  • connect i2c ports (refer to the i2c guide)
  • typically you would want to disable i2c pullups on the disting but if it's not working try enabling them
  • set the i2c address on the disting to 65 (if you have multiple distings set them to 65, 66, 67 and 68) (check the manual)
  • test by executing EX.ALG on teletype - you should get the current algorithm number.


General ops

get currently selected unit

EX unit
select current unit (1-4)

any EX ops placed after these modifiers will use the unit in the modifier instead of the unit selected with EX -
good for sending messages to a different unit without having to switch and then switch back

Presets and Algorithms

get current preset

EX.PRESET preset
EX.PRE preset
load preset

EX.SAVE preset
save as preset

reset preset

get current algorithm

EX.ALG algorithm
EX.A algorithm
select algorithm


EX.CTRL controller value
EX.C controller value
set controller value (used with mappings)

EX.PARAM param
EX.P param
get current parameter value

EX.PARAM param value
EX.P param value
set parameter value - this will set parameter to the actual value

EX.PV param value
set parameter value scaled to 0..16384 range
this op expects value in 0..16384 and will map it to the actual min..max parameter range

EX.MIN parameter
get min possible value for parameter

EX.MAX parameter
get max possible value for parameter

Algorithm specific ops

EX.REC value
WAV recorder: non zero value will start recording, 0 will stop it

EX.PLAY value
WAV recorder: non zero value will start playback, 0 will stop it

EX.AL.P pitch
Augustus Loop: set pitch
set the Pitch CV Input (parameter 32) to None for this to work

August Loop: send clock

EX.LP loop
Looper: get current loop state
0 - initial state
1 - recording
2 - recording extra material for crossfade
3 - playback
4 - overdub
5 - paused / muted
6 - fading out towards pause

EX.LP.REC loop
Looper: toggle recording

Looper: toggle playback

EX.LP.CLR loop
Looper: clear loop

EX.LP.REV loop
Looper: toggle reverse

EX.LP.REV? loop
Looper: check if reversed (1 - reversed, 0 otherwise)

Looper: toggle octave down

EX.LP.DOWN? loop
Looper: check if octave down (1 - down, 0 otherwise)

MIDI ops

require a MIDI breakout

get currently selected MIDI channel

EX.M.CH channel
select MIDI channel

EX.M.N note velocity
send Note On message - this op uses MIDI values for note and velocity (0..127)!

EX.M.NO note
send Note Off message

EX.M.PB pitchbend
send Pitchbend message

EX.M.CC controller value
send Controller Change message

EX.M.PRG program
send Program Change message

send Clock message

send Start message

send Stop message

send Continue message

Select Bus ops

these ops will send MIDI messages to Select Bus
to execute specific SB operations refer to the doc

get currently selected SB channel

EX.SB.CH channel
select SB channel

EX.SB.N note velocity
send Note On message - this op uses MIDI values for note and velocity (0..127)!

EX.SB.NO note
send Note Off message

EX.SB.PB pitchbend
send Pitchbend message

EX.SB.CC controller value
send Controller Change message

EX.SB.PRG program
send Program Change message

send Clock message

send Start message

send Stop message

send Continue message

Note ops

please note that chord/arpeggio functionality is only available for EX.NOTE/EX.N ops!

EX.VOX voice pitch velocity
EX.V voice pitch velocity
send a note to specified voice with specified pitch and velocity (using teletype values)

EX.VOX.P voice pitch
EX.VP voice pitch
set pitch for specified voice without retriggering

EX.VOX.O voice
EX.VO voice
send a note off to specified voice

EX.NOTE pitch velocity
EX.N pitch velocity
send note on with specified pitch and velocity (voice allocated by the disting)

EX.NOTE.O pitch
EX.NO pitch
send note off for specified pitch (voice allocated by the disting)

all notes off

EX.T voice
trigger a note using the last pitch with velocity of 8192 (V 5)
use this with SD Triggers algo

EX.TV voice velocity
trigger a note using the last pitch and specified velocity use this with SD Triggers algo

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