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The project is a temporary solution until a FHIR terminology server is available.


The main purpose of this dictionary is to find list of ICD-10 codes by searching for words.

A list of ICD-10 codes can be retrieved by using the endpoint "/api/v1/icd" with queryparameter "searchword" - e.g.


Default parameters

variable Docker default value
application port 8080
database host ICD_DB_HOST localhost
database port ICD_DB_PORT 5432
database name ICD_DB_NAME icd10
database user ICD_DB_USER postgres
database password ICD_DB_PASSWORD password
pool size ICD_POOL_SIZE 30

Start postgres

For testing purposes one can start a postgres database with Docker using following comand:

docker network create -d bridge icd-net
docker run --name icd-postgres -d --network=icd-net -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -p 5432:5432 postgres:alpine

Then create a database by executing a bash and using PSQL

docker exec -it icd-postgres bin/bash
psql -U postgres

Preparing data

To run the ICD-10 dictionary service the ICD-10 data must be present as a FHIR code system. For the ICD10-GM this can be achieve in following steps:

0.) Start a postgres database on port 5432

1.) Download ClaML-file (ICD-10-GM)

2.) Clone the repository and maven install the .jar-file

3.) Convert file to FHIR

java -jar fhir-claml-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 
    -i icd10who2019syst_claml_20180824.xml 
    -designations preferredLong 
    -o codesystem-icd10gm-2020.json 
    -id icd10gm2020 

4.) Run the ICD-10 dictionary (as executable jar) and load the data by using the endpoint "/api/v1/icd/load" with the file path to the FHIR .json-file as body - e.g.



Remark: When working with Docker the file must be copied to a suitable location inside the container

docker cp C:\Users\xyz\icd-service\codesystem-icd10gm-2020.json [CONTAINER-ID]:/var/tmp/icd10


For building the docker container use

docker build -t icd-dictionary .

The command for starting the container is something like

docker run --rm -d -e "ICD_DB_HOST=icd-postgres" -p 8080:8080 --network=icd-net --name icd-dictionary icd-dictionary


This project uses lombok. Though it is not neccessary it is recomended to install a suitable lombok plugin for your IDE (e.g. for IntelliJ Idea install


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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.