- Cluster Repository for GitOps Deploy of Infrastructure
- It will deploy:
- Install direnv if you don't have
- Using a private cluster on Google Cloud GKE
- Code taken from Neutrollized/free-tier-gke for almost free cluster
cd gke && direnv allow
will create a project in GKE
- Check terraform.tfvars for default
cd terraform && direnv allow
will create cluster
- Execute bootstrap.sh to install ArgoCD
- After initial Bootstrap app-of-apps will be synced by ArgoCD as well
- ArgoCD will also manage itself after bootstrap
- Note:
- Please update ArgoCD admin password or disable the user
- Traefik Dashboard has "admin/admin" by default:
echo $(htpasswd -n admin) | kubectl create secret generic traefik-basic-auth -n traefik --dry-run=client \ --from-file=users=/dev/stdin -o yaml \ | kubeseal --controller-namespace infrastructure --controller-name sealed-secrets -o yaml \ >! infrastructure/ingress/traefik-basic-auth-sealed.yaml
App | Status |
app-of-apps | |
argocd | |
projects | |
apps | |
infrastructure |
- argocd can be upgraded by changing the helm chart versions in Chart.yml
- If you messed up Traefik or ArgoCD config, you can always port-forward:
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods --selector "app.kubernetes.io/name=traefik" --output=name -n traefik) 9000:9000 -n traefik
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
- Infrastructure is not templated
- Google SSO for ArgoCD