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Sebastian Schmitt edited this page Mar 10, 2012 · 5 revisions

Ratio Plot


The ratio plot to be implement should consist of at least two pads:

  • pad1 (display (better name?) pad): show histograms to be compared, e.g. h1 to h2

  • numerator: h1

  • denominator: h2

  • pad2 (ratio pad): ratio: h1/h2


  • allow several numerator
  • allow several denominator



  • Entries should be distinguishable from each other also in black and white prints.

  • (Axis) Labels/Titles have same size in display and ratio pad.

one numerator, one denominator

  • numerator is considered to be of "data type", i.e. black dots
  • denominator is considered to be of "MC type", i.e. solid line

more than one numerator, more than one denominator

  • data type (markers with error bars): dot, triangle, square, etc.

  • MC type (lines without error bars): solid (black), hashed (e.g. green), etc.

  • ratio pad: (need to use colors here, not unique in black and white)

  • data1/MC1: black dot, data2/MC1: black triangle, etc...

  • data1/MC2: green dot, data2/MC2: green triangle


In this section the objects that emerged from the ratio plot description above are described together with their implementations in WebOOT.

Pad Helper

Object that creates pads. Helps to set corrects label/title sizes of axis since ROOT SetXSize functions are w.r.t. pad height.

The functionality of this object is of general interest and not unique to the ratio plot.

Style Helper

Sets marker and line styles. This also includes their sizes and colors.

Legend Helper

To be explained.