A Blue Print for the Band Base (BB) Project
Version 3.1
Yi Huang
A great reference: http://www.developphp.com/view.php?tid=132
- People can register an account on the BandBase website by providing his first name, last name and email address.
- A user can activate his account by clicking the link in the email sent by the BandBase website. This makes sure the accounts are created by humans.
- After the user activates his account, he will be redirected to the biograph page (Slide 4).
- The user can upload his photos, videos and biograph on the biograph page.
- Another HTML form (in createBio.php) is used to upload the user information, video, audio and poster. This form includes at least: Nick_Name, DOB, Email_Address, Phone_Nmber, Street_Address1, Street_Address2, City, State, Zip, Videos, Audio, Pictures.
- music style
- instruments played
- skill level
- gender
- genre
- Slide 3 register.php
- Slide ? (a universal slide) msgToUser.php
- Slide 4 createBio.php
- HTML table and form may be used here.
- User's input need to be evaluated either by PHP or Javascript code. For example, no user can use the same email address to register two accounts.
- PHP functions: stripslashes() and strip_tag() may be used to prevent hackers.
- Mysql_real_escape_string may be used to stop SQL injection attack.
- PHP mail function may be used to send an activation email.
- msgToUser.php may be the webpage you go after a user register an account.
- An email activation field may be added to the musician table
- Public mysql_connection.php is ready to use.
- Some sample code is available here: http://www.developphp.com/view.php?tid=132
- And more
- Lee, Giwoo
- A user can log in to his account by providing a correct email address and password pair. When a user clicks a login link in headers, he will be redirected to the login page (Slide 1).
- A user can log out his account by clicking the embedded link in the footer. The user might be redirect to the homepage.
- Slide 1 and header or footer
- Login.php
- logout.php
- header.php
- footer.php
- Alabi, Adebanke
- The index page is the face of a website.
- There is a photo gallery in the middle of the index page.
- After a user clicks “more” links, the corresponding page will show up or be expanded.
- After a user clicks a search link, he will be redirected to the corresponding search page.
- The content of the blog will be populated from the system administrator’s blog.
- index slide
- index.php
- blog.php
- aboutus.php
- searchGenre.php
- searchPop.php
- header.php
- Javascript for the photo gallery
- Jason Boyd
- Dashboard: Once a system administrator has logged in his account: he can view new users by clicking the new users link; He can view new events by clicking the new events link; He can also write his blog in this page.
- Rating: ?
- Artist of the week: the administrator can choose the artist of the week.
- Messages: (list out the two newest messages?)
- Pages: ?
- Blog: the administrator can update his blog and the content of the blog will be shown in the index page.
- Users: list all users.
- Bands: list all bands.
- Message: go to the message management page.
- Events: list all events.
- Appearance: change style of the website.
- Band Base administration slide and more
- Jason Boyd
- Everyone from the internet can view this page.
- The page presents the interests, the location and the self-description of a musician.
- The page also lists some videos of the musician.
- In the middle of the page, we focus on one video with a caption.
- Slide 6
- Deuchler, Philip
- The page can be viewed by all people from the internet.
- It includes a band name, photos, an introduction and a rating.
- If a user has logged in his account, he will be redirected to message management page if he clicks “message us”.
- Otherwise, he will be redirected to the login page.
- A gallery of band videos will be shown in the middle of the page.
- One of the videos will be focused on.
- The focused video has an introduction.
- All videos are from youtube.com.
- Slide 9
- Deuchler, Philip
- In this page, a user can add or delete one person as his buddy. The page displays all friends and bands the musician played with.
- Slide 8
- We need a buddy table with fields user_UID and friend_UID.
- The second and third fields are foreign keys of musician and band tables.
- In this way, we can refer from musicians to their friends and musicians to their bands.
- We also need a buddylist.php for sending sql requests to the database and providing the data to the buddylist - website (probably buddylist.js).
- To add or delete a buddy to your list we could have a makebuddy.php which receives a id as parameter and add a new record to the buddy table (f.e. : http://bandbase.com/makebuddy.php?buddyid=$buddyid).
- We could add a "add buddy" button to the profile page and when clicking on it, the current userid of this profile will be send to the make buddy.php file.
- Junge, Tino
- In this page, two kinds of message will be presented: personal and band messages.
- The user can read and reply the messages.
- The user also can write new messages.
- The receiver of a message could be a musician or a band.
- He can also send messages to one musician or members of a band.
- Slide 12
- Becker, Michelle
- An owner of a band can create and delete an event.
- The page also displays the newest events.
- Zhao, Xiaowei
- A musician can send a message to all users to tell what he need for one of his bands.
- All of his bands are listed and he can check one band.
- He can create a new band by going to the band creation page.
- Slide 10
- Hunt, Bryan
- A musician can edit his/her personal and muisc information.
- A musician can upload his/her video list.
- A musician can send out messages.
- A musician can upload his/her photos.
- A musician can write "about".
- A musician can view his bands.
- A musician can view his buddies.
- And more.
- Slide: [the link] (http://pix.cs.olemiss.edu/csci554/useradmin.pdf)
- When a musician wants to edit something, for example, messages, He can be redirected to the corresponding message management pages.
- Carlisle, Joseph
- A musician can create a new band. This is kind of a registration form for a band.
- The form fields include a “name”, “add member” and “about” field.
- The owner of the band can upload videos and photos for a band.
- The musician can add more than one band members.
- The photos of the band will be adjusted to a suitable size.
- The actual videos are not uploaded.
- The owner only needs to upload a YouTube video unique ID.
- Location
- Slide 13
- Gui, Tian
- A form that specify action and method will be required.
- Four dropdown/select box will be required with their respective option values. We need a search button to query BandBase MySQL database to search;
- (1) Instruments table by Instrument type
- (2) Instruments table by Skill Level
- (3) Musician table by Location
- (4) Musician table by Gender
- We define a php script that uses the variables selected by the user as POST variables . MySQL search query in the php script will use the POST variables to search BandBase database . Then echo the output to show the links of all corresponding homepage of musicians on the search page.
- Type of instrument played by musicians
- Skill level of the musician
- Location of the musician
- Gender of the musician
- Genre of the musician
- Most of information can be found in musician table.
- A search result will show the links of all corresponding public home page of musicians or bands.
- Slide 7
- search.php
- Makanjuola, Funke
- Map options: Drop down menu with a search button beside it.
- Drop down options:
- Events
- Bands
- Musicians
- Map will show the locations of current events, bands or musicians when search button will be clicked.
- map.php
- There should be a table with at least three fields: Address, Type (i.e. events, bands or musicians) and Name (of event, band or musicians).
- Address should contain the latitude and longitude values of the location to uniquely identify it.
- If the address is in string format i.e. street address then we will have to use Geocoder to get the latitude and longitude values for the address to plot the location on the map. (having latitude and longitude value in the database table will help).
- When someone selects an option from the drop down, the php code will look up for the selected type in the database table corresponding to the name field and will retrieve the address values from it.
- Using those address values, we will plot the location on the map. (we will embed Google map on our web site)
- Sharma, Harshul
- Implement Base Band Contact slide. The administrator of the website can view the messages sent from this page.
- Base Band Contact slide
- Majumder, Bulbul
- The buddylist table.
- We need an account status column in musician table. This field indicates if an account is active, pending or deleted.
- Movitz, Alex