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Docker Files

The example-server provided by this repository can be used to test all features of remote-method-guesser. You can either build the container from source or pull it from GitHub Packages.

  • To build from source, just clone the repository, switch to the docker directory, remove the version suffix of the desired version and run docker build . to create the container. If you also want to make adjustments to the example server, modify the source code and rebuild the container.

  • To load the container from the GitHub Container Registry just use the corresponding pull command:

    $ docker pull
    $ docker pull
    $ docker pull

To change the default configuration of the container (like e.g. the SSL certificate), you can modify the docker-compose.yml and start the container using docker-compose up. From container version v3.0 on, the container is available in three different versions: jdk8, jdk9 and jdk11. As the names suggest, the first one is build based on openjdk-8, whereas the others are based on openjdk-9 and openjdk-11. The Java versions associated with the jdk8 and jdk9 container are intentionally outdated to experiment with different RMI vulnerabilities.

Configuration Details

When launched in its default configuration, the container starts Java rmiregistry instances on port 1090, 1098 and 9010. The registry on port 1090 is SSL protected and contains three available bound names:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ rmg enum --ssl 1090
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] 	- plain-server
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7fff, 8831379559932805383]
[+] 	- ssl-server
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.ISslServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: yes  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7ffe, -8819602238278920745]
[+] 	- secure-server
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.ISecureServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7ffd, -5037949272481440924]
[+] RMI server codebase enumeration:
[+] 	-
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.ISslServer
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.ISecureServer
[+] RMI server String unmarshalling enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught ClassNotFoundException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The type java.lang.String is unmarshalled via readObject().
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Outdated
[+] RMI server useCodebaseOnly enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught MalformedURLException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The server attempted to parse the provided codebase (useCodebaseOnly=false).
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Non Default
[+] RMI registry localhost bypass enumeration (CVE-2019-2684):
[+] 	- Caught NotBoundException during unbind call (unbind was accepeted).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI Security Manager enumeration:
[+] 	- Security Manager rejected access to the class loader.
[+] 	  --> The server does use a Security Manager.
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Current Default
[+] RMI server JEP290 enumeration:
[+] 	- DGC rejected deserialization of java.util.HashMap (JEP290 is installed).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Non Vulnerable
[+] RMI registry JEP290 bypass enmeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException after sending An Trinh gadget.
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI ActivationSystem enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught NoSuchObjectException during activate call (activator not present).
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Current Default

The registry on port 1098 hosts an Activation System and has some activatable remote objects bound:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ rmg enum 1098
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] 	- activation-test
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.activation.IActivationService (unknown class)
[+] 		    Activator:  ActivationID: -492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7ff1
[+] 	- activation-test2
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.activation.IActivationService2 (unknown class)
[+] 		    Activator:  ActivationID: -492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7fee
[+] 	- plain-server
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7fec, 5541025679742310482]
[+] 	- java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem
[+] 		--> sun.rmi.server.Activation$ActivationSystemImpl_Stub (known class: RMI Activator)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [0:0:0, 4]
[+] RMI server codebase enumeration:
[+] 	-
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.activation.IActivationService
[+] 		--> sun.rmi.server.Activation$ActivationSystemImpl_Stub
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.activation.IActivationService2
[+] RMI server String unmarshalling enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught ClassNotFoundException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The type java.lang.String is unmarshalled via readObject().
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Outdated
[+] RMI server useCodebaseOnly enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught MalformedURLException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The server attempted to parse the provided codebase (useCodebaseOnly=false).
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Non Default
[+] RMI registry localhost bypass enumeration (CVE-2019-2684):
[+] 	- Registry rejected unbind call cause it was not send from localhost.
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Non Vulnerable
[+] RMI Security Manager enumeration:
[+] 	- Security Manager rejected access to the class loader.
[+] 	  --> The server does use a Security Manager.
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Current Default
[+] RMI server JEP290 enumeration:
[+] 	- DGC rejected deserialization of java.util.HashMap (JEP290 is installed).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Non Vulnerable
[+] RMI registry JEP290 bypass enmeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException after sending An Trinh gadget.
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI ActivationSystem enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException during activate call (activator is present).
[+] 	  --> Deserialization allowed	 - Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] 	  --> Client codebase enabled	 - Configuration Status: Non Default

The registry on port 9010 can be contacted without SSL and exposes three bound names. In contrast to the first setup, two of the exposed bound names belong to the same remote interface. Furthermore, the last remaining bound name belongs to a remote class that uses statically compiled stubs (legacy-rmi). Additionally, this registry port binds an RMI Activator instance, but not a full working Activation System.

[qtc@devbox ~]$ rmg enum 9010
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] 	- plain-server2
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7ff7, 8893583921173173865]
[+] 	- legacy-service
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7ffc, -5452660335673756521]
[+] 	- plain-server
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] 		    Endpoint:  TLS: no  ObjID: [-492549a8:1809adab6bf:-7ff8, 5860842907020657289]
[+] RMI server codebase enumeration:
[+] 	-
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub
[+] 		--> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer
[+] RMI server String unmarshalling enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught ClassNotFoundException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The type java.lang.String is unmarshalled via readObject().
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Outdated
[+] RMI server useCodebaseOnly enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught MalformedURLException during lookup call.
[+] 	  --> The server attempted to parse the provided codebase (useCodebaseOnly=false).
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Non Default
[+] RMI registry localhost bypass enumeration (CVE-2019-2684):
[+] 	- Caught NotBoundException during unbind call (unbind was accepeted).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI Security Manager enumeration:
[+] 	- Security Manager rejected access to the class loader.
[+] 	  --> The server does use a Security Manager.
[+] 	  Configuration Status: Current Default
[+] RMI server JEP290 enumeration:
[+] 	- DGC rejected deserialization of java.util.HashMap (JEP290 is installed).
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Non Vulnerable
[+] RMI registry JEP290 bypass enmeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException after sending An Trinh gadget.
[+] 	  Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI ActivationSystem enumeration:
[+] 	- Caught IllegalArgumentException during activate call (activator is present).
[+] 	  --> Deserialization allowed	 - Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] 	  --> Client codebase enabled	 - Configuration Status: Non Default

The corresponding remote objects get assigned a random port during the server startup. By default, the example server uses colored output. You can disable it by using the corresponding environment variable within the docker-compose.yml file. Another environment variable can be used to enable codebase logging:


Each successful method call is logged on the server side. The following listing shows the output after the server was started. Additionally, one successful method call on the login method was logged:

[qtc@devbox ~]$ docker run
[+] IP address of the container:
[+] Adding gateway address to /etc/hosts file...
[+] Adding RMI hostname to /etc/hosts file...
[+] Starting rmi server...
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS:     -Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=false     -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] Initializing Java RMI Server:
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] 
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating RMI-Registry on port 1090
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating PlainServer object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as plain-server
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname plain-server with interface IPlainServer is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating SSLServer object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as ssl-server
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname ssl-server with interface ISslServer is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating SecureServer object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as secure-server
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname secure-server with interface ISecureServer is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] 
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] Server setup finished.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] Initializing legacy server.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] 
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating RMI-Registry on port 9010
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating LegacyServiceImpl object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding LegacyServiceImpl as legacy-service
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname legacy-service with class de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating PlainServer object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as plain-server
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname plain-server with interface IPlainServer is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating another PlainServer object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as plain-server2
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname plain-server2 with interface IPlainServer is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating ActivatorImp object.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Activator is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] Server setup finished.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] 
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     Creating ActivationSystem on port 1098
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as activation-test
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname activation-test with interface Remote is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as activation-test2
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname activation-test2 with interface Remote is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Binding Object as plain-server
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]         Boundname plain-server with interface IPlainServer is ready.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12]     
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] Server setup finished.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] Waiting for incoming connections.
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] 
[2022.05.06 - 19:45:12] [SecureServer]: Processing call for String login(HashMap<String, String> credentials)

One core feature of remote-method-guesser is that it allows safe method guessing without invoking method calls on the server side. The above mentioned logging of server-side method calls can be used to verify this. During a usual run of rmg's guess, method and codebase actions, no valid calls should be logged on the server side.

Remote Interfaces

Each remote object on the example-server implements different kinds of vulnerable remote methods that can be detected by rmg. Some methods are vulnerably by design (e.g. execute operating system commands on invocation) others can be exploited by deserialization or codebase attacks as mentioned in the of this project. In the following, the corresponding interfaces are listed.


public interface IPlainServer extends Remote
    String notRelevant() throws RemoteException;
    String execute(String cmd) throws RemoteException;
    String system(String cmd, String[] args) throws RemoteException;
    String upload(int size, int id, byte[] content) throws RemoteException;
    int math(int num1, int num2) throws RemoteException;


public interface ISslServer extends Remote
    String notRelevant() throws RemoteException;
    int execute(String cmd) throws RemoteException;
    String system(String[] args) throws RemoteException;
    void releaseRecord(int recordID, String tableName, Integer remoteHashCode) throws RemoteException;


The remote object that is bound as secure-server uses a plain TCP connection without SSL. It implements the following interface:

public interface ISecureServer extends Remote
    String login(HashMap<String, String> credentials) throws RemoteException;
    void logMessage(int logLevel, Object message) throws RemoteException;
    void updatePreferences(ArrayList<String> preferences) throws RemoteException;


public interface LegacyService extends Remote
    public String getMotd() throws RemoteException;
    String login(HashMap<String, String> credentials) throws RemoteException;
    void logMessage(int type, String msg) throws RemoteException;
    void logMessage(int type, StringContainer msg) throws RemoteException;
    int math(int num1, int num2) throws RemoteException;
    void releaseRecord(int recordID, String tableName, Integer remoteHashCode) throws RemoteException;


public interface IActivationService extends Remote
    String execute(String cmd) throws RemoteException;
    String system(String cmd, String[] args) throws RemoteException;


public interface IActivationService2 extends Remote
    String login(HashMap<String, String> credentials) throws RemoteException;
    void logMessage(int logLevel, Object message) throws RemoteException;
    void updatePreferences(ArrayList<String> preferences) throws RemoteException;