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OPAL Web User Interface

This component provides the main user interface. It mainly builds on React and Next.js - a JavaScript library and a framework for building user interfaces.

The OPAL Web User Interface is part of the OPAL demo component. It requires a running OPAL webservice, which provides the data to display.

To set the addredd of the webservice different form http://localhost:8081/, create an .env file similar to:


Integrated: City App Demonstrator

For OPAL deliverable D7.3, a mobile app was integrated to the OPAL user interface. It supports users in identifying data at their current locations.

The demonstrator was implemented by a web-app using Responsive web design (RWD). The required user geo information is requested via the navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition function specified by W3C [GeoApi, Position]. The functionality was added using an integrated table sorting [OrderBy].

Location selection


  • Development notes are in the wiki.


Data Science Group (DICE) at Paderborn University

This work has been supported by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) in the project Open Data Portal Germany (OPAL) (funding code 19F2028A).