#There are 2 versions of the docker file to use salobj. #1-no_lsst_stack: Doesn't use the lsst-stack #2-with_lsst_stack: Uses the lsst-stack #Either case should work the same
#A more updated version of docker is required, so to install use: curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
1.- #The following instructions are for the Dockerfile in ./no_lsst_stack folder. #First build the Dockerfile #In ./no_lsst_stack docker build -t salobj .
#To run the docker container, you need to use the following command. docker run -it --net=host --name salobjImage salobj bash
#Setup the packages by running. This will build the Test topics, setup salobj and run unit tests. source /home/lsst/environment.env
2.- #The following instructions are for the Dockerfile in ./with_lsst_stack folder. #First build the Dockerfile #In ./with_lsst_stack docker build -t salobj .
#To run the docker container, you need to use the following command. docker run -it --net=host --name salobjImage salobj bash
#Setup the packages by running. This will build the Test topics, setup salobj and run unit tests. source /home/lsst/repos/salgenerate.sh
Installing requirements.
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
Building and serving documentation.
cd docs
mkdocs serve