- Switch to Linux container for nginx
1. docker pull paritosh64ce/static-html-page:latest
2. docker run -d -p 80:80 --name my-static-page paritosh64ce/static-html-page
Navigate to http://localhost/ to verify that NGINX is running
Navigate to http://localhost/hello-world.html
Once done, check container ID with
docker ps
and thendocker stop <containerID>
,docker rm <containerID>
to remove the container.
* cd static-html-page
* docker build -t <your-image-name> .
1. docker pull paritosh64ce/hello-node
2. docker run paritosh64ce/hello-node
- cd hello-node
- docker build -t paritosh64ce/hello-node .
1. docker pull paritosh64ce/hello-dotnet-core
2. docker run paritosh64ce/hello-dotnet-core
* cd hello-dotnet-core
* docker build -t paritosh64ce/hello-dotnet-core .
- Once done, check container ID with
docker ps
and thendocker stop <containerID>
,docker rm <containerID>
to remove the container.
1. docker pull paritosh64ce/hello-ms:latest
2. docker run -it -p 5000:80 --name my-microservice paritosh64ce/hello-microservice
Navigate to http://localhost:5000/WeatherForecast to verify that we are getting JSON result
Now keep this image running
* cd hello-microservice
* docker build -t <your-image-name> .
1. docker pull paritosh64ce/hello-angular:latest
2. docker run -it -p 5000:80 --name my-angular paritosh64ce/hello-angular
- Navigate to http://localhost:5000/ to verify that our Angular application is working
* cd hello-angular
* docker build -t <your-image-name> .
// this takes too much time. Not worth the effort tbh
- Host a simple dotnet REST microservice, which call some free open microservice
- dotnet core app with sql server in different docker image
- host two microservices in different images, and establish communication with proper message-bus