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The openIMIS Backend assembly reference


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Environment Variables

ENV Values Description
MODE DEV, PROD This is the mode of running the application. There are 2 modes available. DEV for the Development mode and PROD for the production mode. Certain settings will be changed according to the mode. Such as in the PROD mode, mutation will run asynchronously and synchronously otherwise. Same applies to DEBUG, it will be OFF in PROD and TRUE otherwise.
DB_ENGINE django.db.backends.postgresql, mssql Currently openIMIS supports 2 databases, as the values suggested, postgres and mssql.
DEMO_DATASET true Define if the database should be initiated with demo dataset. Comment for empty database.
DB_DEFAULT String String This variables sets the default database engine for the system. Possible values: postgresql, mssql. Default: postgresql.
DB_HOST String Define the name of your database server
DB_PORT Integer Define the port on which your database accepts the connection
DB_NAME String Define the name of the openIMIS database
DB_USER String Configure the username with which you want to connect to the database
DB_PASSWORD String Configure the database password
DB_TEST_NAME String If you are developing unit tests then this setting will create the testing database as per the name set
NO_DATABASE true, false If set to true, it will use sqlite.db3 as a database
DB_OPTIONS String Define any additional database options
PSQL_DB_ENGINE String Define a library to use to connect with postgres database. Default value is django.db.backends.postgresql
MSSQL_DB_ENGINE String Define a library to use to connect with MS SQL database Default value is mssql.
SITE_ROOT String Site root that will prefix all exposed endpoints. It's required when working with openIMIS frontend. For example, if the value is set api then the endpoint will appear like your_domain_name/api/xxx
DJANGO_LOG_HANDLER console, debug-log Depending on the value set, application will print the logs
DJANGO_DB_LOG_HANDLER console, debug-log Depending on the value set, application will print the logs
PHOTO_ROOT_PATH String Define the path for the photos of insurees. This setting is used in the Insuree module. The value set here will be overwritten by the InsureeConfig file.
DJANGO_MIGRATE True, False Based on the value set, application runs the migration command before starting up. If the SITE_ROOT value is set to api then the migration will always run regardless of the value
SCHEDULER_AUTOSTART True, False All the modules will be searched for the scheduled tasks, if the value is set to True
OPENSEARCH_HOST String Define the opensearch host
OPENSEARCH_ADMIN String Define the login name for open search
OPENSEARCH_PASSWORD String Define the admin password to login to open search
BE_BRANCH String Define the github branch for the Backend form which you wan to install the module. Default is develop.
FE_BRANCH String Define the github branch for the Front-end form which you wan to install the module. Default is develop.
DB_BRANCH String Define the github branch for the Database form which you wan to install the module. Default is develop.
ALLOWED_HOST Comma separated String Define the list of allowed hosts such as IP addresses or Domain names to access the application. If the value is not set it will allow all the IP addresses.
LOKALISE_APIKEY String Set the lokalise api key. Obtain this key form the lokalise project to be able to use the lokalise-upload
OPENIMIS_CONF_JSON String Define the path for the openimis config file. If not set the default config from the root folder will be taken.
DB_QUERIES_LOG_FILE String Define the path of the file to save the database queries. Default is db-queries.log
DEBUG_LOG_FILE String Define the path of the file to save the debug log. Default is debug.log
SENTRY_DSN String Set the unique Sentry DSN. This can be obtained from your Sentry account dashboard
SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE 0-1 This configuration allows you to to control the rate at which traces are collected. Values are between 0 and 1. 0 means no traces will be collected (tracing is disabled). 1 means traces will be collected for every request. Any value between 0 and 1 represents the probability of capturing trace. For instance, a value 0.3 means that approximately 30% of requests will have traces collected.
IS_SENTRY_ENABLED True, False Defines if the Sentry error tracking and monitoring functionality is enabled or disabled.
SITE_URL String Define the base url. This is used to create links in FHIR module
SECRET_KEY String This is used internally by Django. Make sure to set it up in production server.
REMOTE_USER_AUTHENTICATION true, false Set it to true if you want to enable the RemoteUserBackend as an authentication backend in Django. By default it's false
CELERY_BROKER_URL String Define a message broker url for celery. Default value is amqp://rabitmq
CHANNELS_HOST String Set the host for the Django Channel. Default value is amqp://guest:guest@
EMAIL_HOST String Define an Email Host. Default value is localhost
EMAIL_PORT Integer Define a valid port for the email server
EMAIL_HOST_USER String Set the username to send emails
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD String Set the password for the email
EMAIL_USE_TLS True, False Configure the TLS setting. Default value is False
EMAIL_USE_SSL True, False Configure the SSL settings for the emails. Default value is False
DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE Integer Define the upload size allowed in bytes via the POST request. Default is 10 MB
MASTER_DATA_PASSWORD String This setting is used in exporting entities. Configure the password to zip the exported entities.
FRONTEND_URL String Define the URL to access the front-end
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE String Define the python import path to settings module for Django project. By default it is set to openIMIS.settings
OPEHNHIM_URL String This setting is used in fhir module. Define the url for openHIM
OPEHNHIM_USER String This setting is used in fhir module. Define the user for openHIM
OPEHNHIM_PASSWORD String This setting is used in fhir module. Define the password for openHIM
OPENIMIS_CONF String Define a path to the config file. By default it reads from ../openimis.json
CLAIMDOC_TOKEN String Used in backend caching. Define a token to communicate with the remote server. Default is set to 'TestToken'
CACHE_BACKEND String Specifies the caching backend to be used. Default is set to PyMemcached.
CACHE_URL String Defines the location of the cache backend. Default is unix:/tmp/memcached.sock for a Unix socket connection.
CACHE_OPTIONS String A JSON string representing a dictionary of additional options passed to the cache backend. Empty by default
RATELIMIT_CACHE String The cache alias to use for rate limiting. Defaults to default.
RATELIMIT_KEY String Key to identify the client for rate limiting; ip means it will use the client's IP address. Defaults to ip.
RATELIMIT_RATE String Rate limit value (e.g., 150/m for 150 requests per minute). Defaults to 150/m.
RATELIMIT_METHOD String HTTP methods to rate limit; ALL means all methods. Defaults to ALL.
RATELIMIT_GROUP String Group name for the rate limit. Defaults to graphql.
RATELIMIT_SKIP_TIMEOUT Boolean Whether to skip rate limiting during cache timeout. Defaults to False.
CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS String Define the trusted origins for CSRF protection, separated by commas. Defaults to http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:8000.

Developers setup

To start working in openIMIS as a (module) developer:

When programming for openIMIS backend, you are highly encouraged to use the features provided in the openimis-be-core module. This includes (but is not limited to) date handling, user info,...

  • clone this repo (creates the openimis-be_py directory)
  • install python 3, recommended in a venv or virtualenv
  • install pip
  • within openimis-be_py directory
    • install openIMIS (external) dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt. For development workstations, one can use pip install -r dev-requirements.txt instead, for more modules.
    • In the script directory,
      • generate the openIMIS modules dependencies file (from openimis.json config): python openimis.json > modules-requirements.txt
      • if you previously installed openIMIS on another version, it seems safe to uninstall all previous modules-requirement to be sure it match current version pip uninstall -r modules-requirements.txt
      • install openIMIS current modules: pip install -r modules-requirements.txt
    • Copy the example environment setup and adjust the settings (like database connection): cp .env.example .env. Refer to .env.example or the Environment Variable tables above for more info.
  • start openIMIS from within openimis-be_py/openIMIS: python runserver

At this stage, you may (depends on the database you connect to) need to:

  • apply django migrations, from openimis-be_py/openIMIS: python migrate
  • create a superuser for django admin console, from openimis-be_py/openIMIS: python createsuperuser (will not prompt for a password) and then python changepassword <username>

To edit (modify) an existing openIMIS module (e.g. openimis-be-claim)

  • checkout the module's git repo NEXT TO (not within!) openimis-be_py directory and create a git branch for your changes
  • from openimis-be_py
    • uninstall the packaged module you want to work on (example: openimis-be-claim): pip uninstall openimis-be-claim
    • install the 'local' version of the module: pip install -e ../openimis-be-claim_py/
  • from here on, openIMIS is using the local content of the module (with live update)

To create a new openIMIS module (e.g. openimis-be-mymodule)

  • create a (git-enabled) directory next to the other modules, with a subdirectory named as your module 'logical' name: /openimis-be-mymodule_py/mymodule
  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • create the module skeleton: python startapp mymodule ../../openimis-be-mymodule_py/mymodule
    • prepare your module to be mounted via pip: create and complete the /openimis-be-mymodule_py/ (and,... files)
    • every openIMIS module must provide its urlpatterns (even if empty):
      • create the file /openimis-be-mymodule_py/mymodule/
      • with content: urlpatterns = []
    • register your module in the pip requirements of openIMIS, referencing your 'local' codebase: pip install -e ../../openimis-be-mymodule_py/
    • register your module to openIMIS django site in /openimis-be_py/openimis.json
  • from here on, your local openIMIS has a new module, directly loaded from your directory.

To create a distinct implementation of an existing openIMIS module (e.g. openimis-be-location-dhis2)

  • from openimis-be_py, uninstall the packaged module you want to replace: pip uninstall openimis-be-location
  • follow the same procedure as for a brand new openIMIS module, ... but give it the same logical name as the one you want to replace: /openimis-be-location-dhis2_py/location

To manage translations of your module

  • from your module root dir, execute '../openimis-be_py/script/' ... this extract all your translations keys from your code into your module root dir/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
  • you may want to provide translation in generated django.po file... or manage them via lokalize (need to upload the keys,...)

To run unit tests on a module (example openimis-be-claim)

  • from openimis-be_py
    • (re)initialize test database (at this stage structure is not managed by django):
    • launch unit tests, with the 'keep database' option: python test --keep claim

To get profiler report (DEBUG mode only)

In request query include additional parameters:

  • prof=True - get profiler report instead of standard response for given endpoint
  • download=True - additionally changes report formatting to one acceptable by snakeviz


creates profiler report for execution of query/mutation defined in request's POST body.

To publish (in PyPI) the modified (or new) module

  • adapt the openimis-be-mymodule_py/ to (at least) bump version number (e.g. 1.2.3)
  • commit your changes to the git repo and merge into master
  • tag the git repo according to your new version number:
    • git tag -a v1.2.3 -m "v1.2.3"
    • git push --tags
  • create the PyPI package (can be automated on a ci-build): python bdist_wheel
  • upload the created package (in dist/) to twine upload -r pypi dist/openimis_be_mymodule-1.2.3*

Distributor setup

Note: as a distributor, you may want to run an openIMIS version without docker. To do so, follow developers setup here above (up to running django migrations)

To create an openIMIS Backend distribution (Docker)

  • clone this repo (creates the openimis-be_py directory) and create a git branch (named according to the release you want to bundle)
  • adapt the openimis-be_py/openimis.json to specify the modules (and their versions) to be bundled
  • make release candidates docker image from openimis-be_py/: docker build . -t openimis-be-2.3.4 [--build-arg="DB_DEFAULT=postgresql"]
    • change the version (openimis-be-2.3.4) to the actual version you want to build
    • if only postgresql database is used, include the build-arg argument
  • configure the database connection (see section here below)
  • run the docker image, referring to environment variables file: docker run --env-file .env openimis-be-2.3.4 Note: when starting, the docker image will automatically apply the necessary database migrations to the database

When release candidate is accepted:

  • commit your changes to the git repo
  • tag the git repo according to your new version number
  • upload openimis-be docker image to docker hub

To create an openIMIS Backend distribution (local)

  • clone this repo (creates the openimis-be_py directory) and create a git branch (named according to the release you want to bundle)
  • adapt the openimis-be_py/openimis.json to specify the modules (and their versions) to be bundled, the "pip" params can be:
    • standard pip: openimis-be-core==1.2.0rc1
    • from local: -e ../openimis-be-core_py
    • from git: git+
      • the egg can be specified so pip know what to look git+
    • from tarball:
  • (required only once)python -m venv ./venv: create the python venv
  • ./venv/Script/activate[.sh/.ps1]: Activate the venv
  • python script/ openimis.json > modules-requirements.txt: list the source of the module to install
  • python -m pip install -r modules-requirements.txt: Install the modules
  • cp .env.example .env: Copy the example environment setup and adjust the variables (refer to .env.example for more info)
  • python migrate: execute the migrations
  • python runserver run the server

Database configuration (for developers and distributors)

The configuration for connection to the database is identical for developers and distributors:

  • By default, openIMIS is connected to MS-SQL Server:
    • via ODBC (and pyodbc) driver
    • using TCP/IP protocol (with server DNS name as hostname... or localhost) and fixed port (leave DB_PORT here below empty for dynamic port)
    • SQL Server (not Windows/AD) authentication (user name password managed in SQL Server admin) Download and install the ODBC that correspond to your OS and MS-SQL Server version (
  • Copy the example environment setup and adjust the variables: cp .env.example .env. Refer to .env.example for more info.
  • instead of .env file, you can use environment variables (e.g. provided as parameters in the docker-compose.yml)
  • default used django database 'engine' in openIMIS is sql_server.pyodbc. If you need to use another one, use the DB_ENGINE entry in the .env file
  • default 'options' in openIMIS are {'driver': 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server','unicode_results': True} If you need to provide other options, use the DB_OPTIONS entry in the .env file (be complete: the new json string will entirely replace the default one)

Developer tools

To create backend module skeleton in single command

  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python create_openimis_module <module_name> <author> <author_email> [--template <template>]
    • <author> and <author_email> params are required because they are necessary during creating file
    • --template param allow to specify a template adding additional files, depending on module type provided: - business template provides the module with file containing example service, tests for that service, and containing module config. - calculation template is an alias to create_calcrule_module command explained in To create calculation backend module skeleton in single command section
    • this command executes every steps described in "To create a new openIMIS module (e.g. openimis-be-mymodule)"
    • file templates for setup, readme, license, manifest and urls can be found in developer_tools/skeletons directory
    • files to be added through that command based on provided templates:
      • <module_name>/
    • as the option could be added --github. This allows to add gitignore file and workflows files to execute CI on every pull request (this option will execute this command python add_github_files_to_module <module_name>)
    • example with using --github option: python create_openimis_module <module_name> <author> <author_email> --github
  • from here on, your local openIMIS has a new module called openimis-be-<module_name>_py, directly loaded from your directory by using single command.

To add GitHub files like workflows, gitignore etc

  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python add_github_files_to_module <module_name>
    • this command allows to add to the existing module github files like gitignore, workflows etc
    • files to be added through that command based on provided templates:
      • openmis-module-test.yml
      • python-publish.yml
      • .gitignore

To fetch a module and install it from local directory

  • first install all modules as in "Developers setup"
  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python install_module_locally <module_name> [--url <url>] [--branch <branch>] [--path <path>]. This command will execute all steps required steps to first uninstall currently installed version of the module, clone the module repository and install it as an editable library.
    • The --url parameter allows you to specify the git repository url (By default it will use openimis.json)
    • The --branch parameter allows to specify the branch that will be cloned, develop by default
    • The --path allows you to specify the directory the repository will be cloned to. By default, the repository will be saved next to openimis-be_py directory.

To fetch all modules and install them from local directories

  • first install all modules as in "Developers setup"
  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python install_module_locally all. This command will execute all steps required steps to fetch all modules present in openimis.json from the git repositories and install them as editable libraries.

To install modules from PyPI

  • first install all modules as in "Developers setup"
  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python install_module_pypi <module_name> [--target-version <version>] [--library-name <library_name>] [--check-only]. This command will execute all steps required steps to first uninstall currently installed version of the module, check the newest version of the library and install it from PyPI.
    • The --target-version parameter allows you to specify the version that will be used to install the module
    • The --library-name parameter allows you to override the library name. By default, the library name is derived from module name, following this scheme: openimis-be-<module_name>
    • The --check-only flag allows to check the newest version without installing the library or modifying openimis.json file. This parameter can be also used to check availability of a specific version when used with --target-version

To install all modules from PyPI

  • first install all modules as in "Developers setup"
  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python install_module_locally all. This command will execute all steps required steps to install most recent versions of all modules present in openimis.json from PyPI.

To create calculation backend module skeleton in single command

  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python create_calcrule_module <module_name> <author> <author_email>
    • <author> and <author_email> params are required because they are necessary during creating file
    • file templates for, and can be found in developer_tools/skeletons directory
    • another files necessary to launch module such as etc are also added by this command.
    • files to be added through that command based on provided templates:
      • <module_name>/
      • <module_name>/
      • <module_name>/
      • <module_name>/
    • as the option could be added --github. This allows to add gitignore file and workflows files so as to execute CI on every pull request (this option will execute this command python add_github_files_to_module <module_name>)
    • example with using --github option: python create_calcrule_module <module_name> <author> <author_email> --github
  • from here on, your local openIMIS has a new module called openimis-be-calcrule-<module_name>_py, directly loaded from your directory by using single command.

To create release branches for all backend/frontend modules presented in openimis.json

  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python create_release_branch <version> <from_branch: by default 'develop'>. This command will execute all steps required to create release branches of all modules present in openimis.json (frontend json and backend json).

To extract all translations from frontend modules

  • from /openimis-be_py/openIMIS:
    • run this command: python extract_translations. This command will execute all steps required to extract frontend translations of all modules present in openimis.json.
    • those translations will be copied into 'extracted_translations_fe' folder in assembly backend module

JWT Security Configuration

To enhance JWT token security, you can configure the system to use RSA keys for signing and verifying tokens.

  1. Generate RSA Keys:

    # Generate a private key
    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out jwt_private_key.pem -aes256
    # Generate a public key
    openssl rsa -pubout -in jwt_private_key.pem -out jwt_public_key.pem
  2. Store RSA Keys: Place jwt_private_key.pem and jwt_public_key.pem in a secure directory within your project, e.g., keys/.

  3. Django Configuration: Ensure that the file is configured to read these keys. If RSA keys are found, the system will use RS256. Otherwise, it will fallback to HS256 using DJANGO_SECRET_KEY.

Note: If RSA keys are not provided, the system defaults to HS256. Using RS256 with RSA keys is recommended for enhanced security.

CSRF Setup Guide

CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection ensures that unauthorized commands are not performed on behalf of authenticated users without their consent. It achieves this by including a unique token in each form submission or AJAX request, which is then validated by the server. When using JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication, CSRF protection is not executed because the server does not rely on cookies for authentication. Instead, the JWT is included in the request headers, making CSRF attacks less likely.

Development Environment

In the development environment, CSRF protection is configured to allow requests from localhost:3000 and localhost:8000 by default in .env.example file.

Production Environment

In the production environment, you need to specify the trusted origins in your .env file.

  1. Trusted Origins Setup:
    • Define the trusted origins in your .env file to allow cross-origin requests from specific domains.
    • Use a comma-separated list to specify multiple origins.
    • Example of setting trusted origins in .env:

Security Headers

This section describes the security headers used in the application, based on OWASP recommendations, to enhance the security of your Django application.

Security Headers in Production

In the production environment, several security headers are set to protect the application from common vulnerabilities:

  • Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains - Enforces secure (HTTP over SSL/TLS) connections to the server and ensures all subdomains also follow this rule.
  • Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'; - Prevents a wide range of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), by restricting sources of content to the same origin.
  • X-Frame-Options: DENY - Protects against clickjacking attacks by preventing the page from being framed.
  • X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff - Prevents the browser from MIME-sniffing the content type, ensuring that the browser uses the declared content type.
  • Referrer-Policy: no-referrer - Controls how much referrer information is included with requests by not sending any referrer information with requests.
  • Permissions-Policy: geolocation=(), microphone=() - Controls access to browser features by disabling access to geolocation and microphone features.

In production, additional security settings are applied to cookies used for CSRF and JWT:

  • CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE: Ensures the CSRF cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
  • CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY: Prevents JavaScript from accessing the CSRF cookie.
  • CSRF_COOKIE_SAMESITE: Sets the SameSite attribute to 'Lax', which allows the cookie to be sent with top-level navigations and gets rid of the risk of CSRF attacks.
  • JWT_COOKIE_SECURE: Ensures the JWT cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
  • JWT_COOKIE_SAMESITE: Sets the SameSite attribute to 'Lax' for the JWT cookie.

Custom exception handler for new modules REST-based modules

If the module you want to add to the openIMIS uses its own REST exception handler you have to register it in the main module. To do this, you can use following code snippet in the class ModuleConfig (in your file). Add this in the def ready(self) method:

from openIMIS.ExceptionHandlerRegistry import ExceptionHandlerRegistry
from .exceptions.your_exception_handler import your_exception_handler
ExceptionHandlerRegistry.register_exception_handler(MODULE_NAME, your_exception_handler)

This way, the exception handler in the main module will check if incoming rest request has to be handled by specific code in the added module. If not - default DRF handler will take care of that.

Handling errors while running openIMIS app - the most common ones

Handling error with wheel package

If there are some problems with 'wheel package' after executing pip install -r requirements.txt (for example error: invalid command 'bdist_wheel') you may need to execute two commands:

  • pip install wheel
  • python bdist_wheel
  • optionally pip uninstall -r requirements.txt to clean requirements and reinstall them again

If those commands doesn't help you need to try with this sort of commands:

  • apt-get update
  • ACCEPT_EULA=Y apt-get install -y msodbcsql17 mssql-tools
  • apt-get install -y -f python3-dev unixodbc-dev
  • pip install --upgrade pip
  • pip install mssql-cli

After executing those commands you can run pip install -r requirements.txt again and there shouldn't be any issues with wheel package.

Handling error with connection_is_mariadb after executing python runserver

Another error that relates to this issue with wheel is such one:

  • ImportError: cannot import name 'connection_is_mariadb' from 'django_mysql.utils' This error indicates that the db client is not set up properly. But it realized that it is related to the fact that the wheel package is not working (see ### Handling error with wheel package section). Therefore you need to follows steps described in this above section.

Using wrong build for database docker

Using wrong version of db docker could cause several issues both on backend and frontend for example:

  • problems with creating database schema (backend)
  • problems with filling demo dataset into database while running demo database script (backend)
  • error while running frontend (web console Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'health_facility_id')) (frontend)

So as to avoid those issues it is recommended to use such command to run db docker (NOTE: DO NOT USE for a production environment!):

docker build \
  --build-arg ACCEPT_EULA=Y \
  --build-arg SA_PASSWORD=<your secret password> \
  . \
  -t openimis-db

This commands will build with the latest version of database. You can specify particular version of database by adding optional parameter:

  • SQL_SCRIPT_URL=<url to the sql script to create the database>

You can find more informations about seeting up db docker here.

How to report another issues?

If you face another issues not described in that section you could use our ticketing site. Here you can report any bugs/problems you faced during setting up openIMIS app.