An application with a database that stores periods of scheduled telescope downtime for an observatory with an API to access those downtimes. Within an observatory control system, downtimes can be used to block out time for things such as maintenance activites or education use on specific telescopes.
- Python>=3.8
- (Optional) PostgreSQL
- Configuration database to connect to
- (Optional) Observation Portal for Oauth2 authentication
By default, the application uses a SQLite database. This is suitable for development, but PostgreSQL is recommended when running in production.
This project is configured using environment variables.
Variable | Description | Default |
Django Secret Key | ### CHANGE ME ### |
Django Debug mode | False |
Database Engine, set to django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2 to use PostgreSQL |
django.db.backends.sqlite3 |
Database Name | db.sqlite3 |
Database Hostname, set this when using PostgreSQL | '' |
Database Username, set this when using PostgreSQL | '' |
Database Password, set this when using PostgreSQL | '' |
Database Port, set this when using PostgreSQL | 5432 |
OAuth authentication client id (found in observation portal admin for the app) | '' |
OAuth authentication client secret (found in observation portal admin for the app) | '' |
OAuth authentication token endpoint (observation-portal-base-url/o/token) | '' |
Observation portal profile api endpoint (observation-portal-base-url/api/profile) | '' |
Observation portal server secret key to authenticate calls from the server | '' |
Configuration database base url | '' |
URL to a hosted logo to display in the navbar of the web frontend | '' |
Install Poetry using one of the methods described at
For example, using pipx:
pipx install poetry
Then install the project & its dependencies:
poetry install
You may use the default SQLite for development, or you can set up using PostgreSQL. If using SQLite, you can skip directly to running database migrations. If using PostgreSQL, the following command uses the PostgreSQL Docker image to create a PostgreSQL database. Make sure that the options that you use to set up your database correspond with your configured database settings.
docker run --name downtime-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=downtime -v/var/lib/postgresql/data -p5432:5432 -d postgres:11.1
Run database migrations to set up the tables in the database.
poetry run python migrate
First collect the staticfiles since some of the tests check the admin page functionality
poetry run python collectstatic
poetry run python test --settings=test_settings
poetry run python runserver
The application should now be accessible from!
This application serves an api to read/write downtimes at /api/, and a filterable web frontend to view downtimes at /.
Downtimes are added and deleted manually via the admin interface, or through the API via a POST to the /api/ endpoint. In both cases, you must authenticate as a valid staff/admin User via the Observation Portal to get write access. This is done with a user/pass form submission via the admin interface, or using HTTPBasicAuth with the user/pass as part of an API POST.
There is also a django management command to create downtimes:
poetry run python create_downtime help
A downtime entry in the database is returned in JSON and has the following format:
"start": "2017-08-21T08:45:00Z",
"end": "2017-08-21T09:45:00Z",
"site": "coj",
"enclosure": "clma",
"telescope": "0m4a",
"reason": "Maintenance"
Return all downtimes
GET /api/
Return the downtimes past a specific date:
GET /api/?starts_after=2017-11-27%2014:45:00
Return the downtimes before a specific date:
GET /api/?ends_before=2017-08-24%2015:15:00
Filter downtimes by reason:
GET /api/?reason=Maintenance
Filter downtimes by site, enclosure and telescope:
GET /api/?site=ogg&enclosure=clma&telescope=0m4a