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oVirt Engine Setup

This role has been migrated to oVirt Ansible Collection, please use latest version from there. This repository is now readonly and no longer used for active development

Installs required packages for oVirt Engine deployment, generates answerfile and runs engine-setup. Optionally the role updates oVirt engine packages.


Please note that when installing this role from Ansible Galaxy you are instructed to run following command:

$ ansible-galaxy install ovirt.engine-setup

This will download the role to the directory with the same name as you specified on the command line, in this case ovirt.engine-setup. However note that this is case sensitive. Therefore if you specify for example OVIRT.engine-setup, the same role will be downloaded, but it will be placed in a directory named OVIRT.engine-setup. If this is the case, you always have to use this role with the upper case prefix. That's why you need to be careful how you specify the name of the role on command line.

For the RPM installation we install three legacy names - oVirt.engine-setup, ovirt.engine-setup and ovirt-engine-setup. You can use any of these names. This documentation and examples in this repository use name ovirt.engine-setup. oVirt.engine-setup and ovirt-engine-setup role names have been deprecated.

Target Systems

  • engine


  • Environment with configured repositories
  • Ansible version 2.9.0

Role Variables

By default engine-setup uses an answer file specific for version of oVirt based on ovirt_engine_setup_version parameter. You can provide your own answer file to ovirt_engine_setup_answer_file_path variable.

  • Common options for role:
Name Default value Description
ovirt_engine_setup_answer_file_path UNDEF Path to custom answerfile for engine-setup.
ovirt_engine_setup_use_remote_answer_file False If True, use answerfile's path on the remote machine. This option should be used if the installation occurs on the remote machine and the answerfile is located there as well.
ovirt_engine_setup_update_setup_packages False If True, setup packages will be updated before engine-setup is executed. It makes sense if Engine has already been installed.
ovirt_engine_setup_perform_upgrade False If True, this role is used to perform an upgrade.
ovirt_engine_setup_product_type oVirt One of ["oVirt", "RHV"], case insensitive.
ovirt_engine_setup_offline False If True, updates for all packages will be disabled.
ovirt_engine_setup_restore_engine_cleanup False Remove the configuration files and clean the database associated with the Engine, relevant only when ovirt_engine_setup_restore_file is defined
ovirt_engine_setup_restore_file UNDEF Restored the engine with a backup file which created with engine-backup.
ovirt_engine_setup_restore_scopes UNDEF List of scopes following values are available: ["all", "files", "db", "dwhdb", "cinderlibdb"].
ovirt_engine_setup_restore_options {} Dictionary that will add engine restore options as "--key=value" when value is not empty, otherwise it will append "--key" only.
  • Common options for engine:
Name Default value Description
ovirt_engine_setup_version 4.4 Allowed versions: [4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4].
ovirt_engine_setup_package_list [] List of extra packages to be installed on engine apart from ovirt-engine package.
ovirt_engine_setup_fqdn UNDEF Host fully qualified DNS name of the server.
ovirt_engine_setup_organization UNDEF Organization name for certificate.
ovirt_engine_setup_firewall_manager firewalld Specify the type of firewall manager to configure on Engine host, following values are available: firewalld,iptables or empty value (null) to skip firewall configuration.
ovirt_engine_setup_require_rollback UNDEF If True, setup will require to be able to rollback new packages in case of a failure. If not specified, the default answer from engine-setup will be used. Valid for updating/upgrading.
ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password UNDEF Password for the automatically created administrative user of the oVirt Engine.
ovirt_engine_setup_wait_running_tasks False If True, engine-setup will wait for running tasks to finish. Valid for ovirt_engine_setup_version >= 4.2.
ovirt_engine_cinderlib_enable False If True, cinderlib is enabled. Valid for ovirt_engine_setup_version >= 4.3.
ovirt_engine_grafana_enable True If True, Grafana integration will be set up. Valid for ovirt_engine_setup_version >= 4.4.
ovirt_engine_setup_engine_configs [] List of dictionaries with keys key, value and version. The engine-config will be called with parametrs "-s key=value" when specified version it will append "--cver=version" to the config.
  • Engine Database:
Name Default value Description
ovirt_engine_setup_db_host localhost IP address or host name of a PostgreSQL server for Engine database. By default the database will be configured on the same host as the Engine.
ovirt_engine_setup_db_port 5432 Engine database port.
ovirt_engine_setup_db_name engine Engine database name.
ovirt_engine_setup_db_user engine Engine database user.
ovirt_engine_setup_db_password UNDEF Engine database password.
ovirt_engine_setup_engine_vacuum_full False Used only when upgrading. If True, engine database vacuum will be performed before upgrade.
  • Engine Data Warehouse Database:
Name Default value Description
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_configure True If True, the DWH Database will be configured manually.
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_host localhost IP address or host name of a PostgreSQL server for DWH database. By default the DWH database will be configured on the same host as the Engine.
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_port 5432 DWH database port.
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_name ovirt_engine_history DWH database name.
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_user ovirt_engine_history DWH database user.
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_db_password UNDEF DWH database password.
ovirt_engine_setup_dwh_vacuum_full False Used only when upgrading. If True, DWH databse vacuum will be performed before upgrade.
  • OVN related options:
Name Default value Description
ovirt_engine_setup_provider_ovn_configure True If True, OVN provider will be configured. Valid for ovirt_engine_setup_version >= 4.2.
ovirt_engine_setup_provider_ovn_username admin@internal Username for OVN.
ovirt_engine_setup_provider_ovn_password UNDEF Password for OVN.
  • Apache related options:
Name Default value Description
ovirt_engine_setup_apache_config_root_redirection True If True, engine-setup will configure the default page in Apache to automatically redirect clients to ovirt-engine default page.
ovirt_engine_setup_apache_config_ssl True If False, engine-setup will not configure Apache SSL settings and administrators will need to configure it manually.



Example Playbook

# Example of oVirt setup:
- name: Setup oVirt
  hosts: engine
    # Contains encrypted `ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password` variable using ansible-vault
    - passwords.yml
    ovirt_engine_setup_version: '4.2'
    ovirt_engine_setup_organization: ''
    - ovirt.engine-setup

# Example of RHV setup:
- name: Setup RHV
  hosts: engine
    # Contains encrypted `ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password` variable using ansible-vault
    - passwords.yml
    ovirt_engine_setup_version: '4.2'
    ovirt_engine_setup_organization: ''
    ovirt_engine_setup_product_type: 'rhv'
    - ovirt.engine-setup

# Example of oVirt setup with engine_configs:
- name: Setup oVirt
  hosts: engine
    # Contains encrypted `ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password` variable using ansible-vault
    - passwords.yml
    ovirt_engine_setup_version: '4.4'
    ovirt_engine_setup_organization: ''
      - key: SpiceProxyDefault
        value: prot://proxy
        version: general

    - ovirt.engine-setup

# Example of oVirt engine restore from file with cleanup engine before:
- name: restore oVirt engine
  hosts: engine
    # Contains encrypted `ovirt_engine_setup_admin_password` variable using ansible-vault
    - passwords.yml
    ovirt_engine_setup_version: '4.4'
    ovirt_engine_setup_organization: ''
    ovirt_engine_setup_restore_engine_cleanup: true
    ovirt_engine_setup_restore_file: '/path/to/backup.file'
      - 'files'
      - 'db'
      log: '/path/to/file.log'
      restore-permissions: ''
      provision-all-databases: ''

    - ovirt.engine-setup