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Terraform module to manage all network related on AWS


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Module VPC

Last update : 18/09/2018



This module deploy a VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) currently on AWS, at term it'll evolve to support GCP (Google Cloud Plateform) or any other cloud providers.

This module will evolve so stay tuned

To consult recent changes and evolutions, see the file


This module use conditionals vars to deploy resources, in the case you choose to deploy this module without setting the optionals vars you'll only have a VPC and nothing more.

Please check the Optionals vars part if you want to deploy :

  • Public subnets with NAT Gateways (and their route tables)
  • Private subnets and their route tables
  • Enable DNS resolution inside the vpc
  • Enable FlowLogs
    • with default cloudwatch log group expire rule (7d)
  • Force S3 logging bucket creation
    • with default object expire rules
      • 15d : standard_ia
      • 30d : onezone_ia
      • 60d : glacier
      • 90d : Finally expire
  • Kinesis data stream to send CWL logs to s3 (via Lambda function)
  • Enable IPv6
  • Enable ClassicLink
  • Set default instance tenancy
  • Configure VPN Connections
  • Configure NACL (Network ACL)
  • Configure VPC Peering


Name Version
aws n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
accepter_allow_classic_link_to_remote_vpc Allow vpc accepter classic link on remote bool false no
accepter_allow_remote_vpc_dns_resolution Allow vpc accepter dns resolution bool false no
accepter_allow_vpc_to_remote_classic_link Allow vpc accepter classic link from current vpc bool false no
amazon_side_asn n/a number 65000 no
assign_generated_ipv6_cidr_block n/a bool false no
bgp_asn n/a list(string)
cidr_block Enter the cidr block for your VPC any n/a yes
cwl_retention_in_days Retention in days for FlowLogs number 90 no
enable_classiclink n/a bool false no
enable_classiclink_dns_support n/a bool false no
enable_dns_hostnames n/a bool false no
enable_dns_support n/a bool false no
have_flowlogs Enable FlowLogs (true/false) bool false no
have_kinesis_stream Enable Kinesis Data Stream for Flowlogs (true/false) bool false no
have_logging_bucket Force deployment of S3 logging bucket even if kinesis isn't deployed bool false no
have_nacl Should deploy nacl (true/false) bool false no
have_nat_gateways Should allow private subnet to access internet through public subnets (true/false) bool false no
have_private_subnets Should deploy private subnet (true/false) bool false no
have_public_subnets Should deploy public subnet, deploy NAT Gateways too (true/false) bool false no
have_vpc_peering Should deploy a VPC peering (true/false) bool false no
have_vpn_connections Should deploy vpn connections (true/false) bool false no
instance_tenancy Default instance tenancy for EC2 launched inside the VPC string "default" no
is_multi_az Use all az of the current region (true/false) bool false no
logs_complete_expiration_days Number of days object finally expire in S3 number 90 no
logs_expiration_glacier Number of days before change S3 Storage Class to Glacier number 60 no
logs_expiration_onezone Number of days before change S3 Storage Class to One Zone IA number 30 no
logs_expiration_standard Number of days before change S3 Storage Class to Standard IA number 15 no
module_version Current version of the module string "v0.0.1" no
peer_friendly_name List of peer name list(string) [] no
peer_owner_ids List of AWS Account ID of the peer list(string) [] no
peer_region List of region for each vpc peer list(string) [] no
peer_vpc_ids List of all peer vpc id list(string) [] no
plateform_environment Plateform environment (test/prod/...) any n/a yes
plateform_name Name of the plateform any n/a yes
region AWS Region to use any n/a yes
requester_allow_classic_link_to_remote_vpc Allow vpc requester classic link on remote bool false no
requester_allow_remote_vpc_dns_resolution Allow vpc requester dns resolution bool false no
requester_allow_vpc_to_remote_classic_link Allow vpc requester classic link from current vpc bool false no
s3_expiration_enabled Enable logs expiration in logging bucket bool false no
static_routes_only use static route list(string) [] no
vpn_client_endpoint All the public IP for each vpn client list(string) [] no
vpn_client_name All the name for each vpn client list(string) [] no


Name Description
internet_gateway_id n/a
nat_gateway_ids n/a
nat_gateway_ips n/a
private_rtb n/a
private_subnet_ids n/a
public_rtb n/a
s3_logging_bucket_arn n/a
s3_logging_bucket_dns n/a
s3_logging_bucket_name OUTPUT FROM FLOWLOGS
s3_policy n/a
vpc_peering_accept_status n/a

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