This is a work in progress. Here be dragons!
This project is an unofficial cross-platform Unreal Engine 4 Launcher that aims to be fully featured and work natively on Linux (as well as Windows and Mac).
The launcher is incomplete; however, it should be able to preform most of the important tasks.
It can launch projects as well as download and install assets and plugins from the UE4 marketplace.
It does not yet install the UE4 engine. So, you need to manually install that first. Also, two-factor support has not yet been tested.
There are probably many bugs still, so please file an issue if you have a problem.
First, install node.js.
Then pull the project:
git clone
Change directory:
cd UE4Launcher
Install the dependencies:
npm i
Run the launcher:
npm start
Hope for the best.
After installing, to update the launcher, simply run this in the UE4Launcher directory:
git pull
npm i
Since I don't use Windows or macOS, I've never used the official UE4 launcher. So, these open source projects were invaluable to help me understand how the launcher worked.