Example of using Temboo APIs to find your local officials using Connect and Connect-rest.
The following URL will get the geocode for 104 Franklin St., New York NY 10013 (spaces are automaticaly urlencoded by Chrome)
https://host.domain.com/geocode/104 Franklin St., New York NY 10013
The following URL will get details about the civic representative for 104 Franklin St., New York NY 10013 (spaces are automaticaly urlencoded by Chrome)
https://host.domain.com/civic/104 Franklin St., New York NY 10013
If you don't enter any parameters, the value defaults to "104 Franklin St., New York NY 10013"
I don't have a UI for it at the moment so you're better off using something like Postman if you want to see the prettified JSON results.
Everything lives under /public. The app route is /app. The front end uses AngularJS and was set up using Yeoman. The relevant files are app.js, controller.js, services.js, civic.html, about.html, index.html and the bootstrap CSS that comes with Yeoman. You can ignore anything else.
You can enter your address in the UI and it will return basic demographic and legislator information using the Temboo API.