Babelish : Chaotically confused, like Babel
Originally created to deal with localizedStrings files (aka CSV-to-iOS-Localizable.strings-converter), this command tool now converts a csv file of translations into the below file formats and vice-versa:
- .strings (iOS)
- .xml (Android)
- .json
- .php
It can also fetch the csv file from GoogleDrive.
gem install babelish
Requires Ruby 2.1.0 or above.
Or download Latest Release.
Or via docker: docker run netbe/babelish babelish help
› babelish help 18:21:30
babelish android2csv # Convert .xml files to CSV file
babelish csv2android # Convert CSV file to .xml
babelish csv2json # Convert CSV file to .json
babelish csv2php # Convert CSV file to .php
babelish csv2strings # Convert CSV file to .strings
babelish csv_download # Download Google Spreadsheet containing translations
babelish help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
babelish init # Create a configuration file from template
babelish json2csv # Convert .json files to CSV file
babelish open FILE # Open local csv file in default editor or Google Spreadsheet containing translations in default browser
babelish php2csv # Convert .php files to CSV file
babelish strings2csv # Convert .strings files to CSV file
babelish version # Display current version
[--verbose], [--no-verbose]
-c, [--config=CONFIG] # Read configuration from given file
# Default: .babelish
You can use a configuration file to hold all your commandline arguments into a file.
Place a .babelish
file (YAML) in your repo where you will run the command. In case you need to reset the Google Drive token you have to delete the .babelish.token file.
See .babelish.sample file in the doc folder. as the possible values.
For previous CSV-to-iOS-Localizable.strings-converter, rename your .csvconverter
into .babelish
Note for docker: In order to export the output of a conversion, you will need to pipe the result out of the container. An example would be
› docker run netbe/babelish babelish csv2json >> some_file.json
For more details, check the documentation:
Run bundle install
to install all the dependencies. Tests are done with Test::Unit
so run rake test
to run all the test suite.
See GitHub issues
See related infos