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PyArrow client for working with GDS Apache Arrow Flight Service


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PyArrow client for working with GDS Apache Arrow Flight Service

What is this?

This client exists to provide a lower-level means of interacting with the Neo4j GDS Arrow Flight Service. While the official GDS Python Client will leverage Apache Arrow for some graph creation and property streaming operations, this client allows for full usage of the Arrow Flight Service and is designed for scaling these operations across many clients simultaneously.

If you're looking to simply interact with Neo4j GDS via Python, please first look to the official client before using this one.

3rd Party Requirements

This module is written to be embedded in other projects. As such, the only 3rd party requirement is pyarrow. Any suggested additions to this project should rely entirely on capabilities in the pyarrow module or the Python standard library (v3.


The simplest way to use the client is to install using pip directly from a release tarball or zip.

Assuming you're in an active virtual environment named "venv":

(venv) $ pip install neo4j_arrow@

Note: this module is not distributed via PyPI or Anaconda.

If you don't want requirements on pulling this module from github via https, simply vendor a copy of the module into your project. You only need the neo4j_arrow directory.


This project uses poetry as the build tool. Install poetry, define your environment with poetry env use and invoke poetry install to install dependencies.

To build;

poetry build

To run tests;

poetry run tox


The client is designed to be lightweight and lazy. As such, you should follow the concept of "one client per graph" and not feel compelled to make and reuse a single client for operations across multiple distinct databases or graphs.


In the simplest case, you only need to provide a hostname or ip address and the name of the target graph as positional arguments. Common keyword arguments for other settings are shown below (along with their defaults):

import neo4j_arrow as na

client = na.Neo4jArrowClient("",

At this point, you have a client instance, but it has not attempted connecting and authenticating to the Arrow Flight service.

This instance is safe to serialize and pass around in a multi-worker environment such as Apache Spark or Apache Beam.

Projecting a Graph

The process of projecting a graph mirrors the protocol outlined in the docs for projecting graphs using Apache Arrow. While the client tries to track and mirror the protocol state internally, it is ultimately the server that dictates what operations are valid and when.

For a detailed walkthrough, see this notebook.

1. Start an import process

1a. Import into an in-memory graph

result = client.start_create_graph()

Calling the start_create_graph method will connect and authenticate the client (if it hasn't already been connected) and send a CREATE_GRAPH action to the server.

start_create_graph() takes the following optional arguments;

name type default value description
force bool False Whether to abort an existing import and restart from scratch
undirected_rel_types Iterable[str] [] A list of relationship types that must be imported as undirected. A wildcard (*) can be used to include all the types.
inverse_indexed_rel_types Iterable[str] [] A list of relationship types that must be indexed in inverse direction. A wildcard (*) can be used to include all the types.

1b. Import into a new database (not available on AuraDS)

result = client.start_create_database()

Calling the start_create_database method will connect and authenticate the client (if it hasn't already been connected) and send a CREATE_DATABASE action to the server.

start_create_database() takes the following optional arguments;

name type default value description
force bool False Force deletes any existing database files prior to the import.
id_type str INTEGER Sets the node id type used in the input data. Can be either INTEGER or STRING
id_property str originalId The node property key which stores the node id of the input data.
record_format str "" Database record format. Valid values are blank (no value, default), standard, aligned, or high_limit.
high_io bool False Ignore environment-based heuristics, and specify whether the target storage subsystem can support parallel IO with high throughput.
use_bad_collector bool False Collects bad node and relationship records during import and writes them into the log.

The response (in this case, the result object) will be a Python dict containing the name of the graph/database being imported:

{"name": "mygraph"}

2a. Feed Nodes

Once an import is started, you can proceed to feeding nodes to the server using the write_nodes method on the client. In its simplest for, simply provide a PyArrow Table, RecordBatch, or Iterable[RecordBatch] as the positional argument, making sure to follow the expected schema as mentioned in the docs:

import pyarrow as pa

# Create two nodes, :Person and the other :Person:VIP, with an age property
t = pa.Table.from_pydict({
    "nodeId": [1, 2],
    "labels": [["User"], ["User", "Admin"]],
    "age": [21, 40],

result = client.write_nodes(t)

On success, write_nodes will return a tuple of the number of items (in this case nodes) written and the approximate number of bytes transmitted to the server. For the above example, result will look something like:

(2, 67)

You may call write_nodes numerous times, concurrently, until you've finished loading your node data.

2b. Signalling Node Completion

Once you've finished loading your nodes, you call nodes_done.

result = client.nodes_done()

On success, it will return a Python dict with details on the number of nodes loaded (from the point of view of the server) and the name of the graph beign imported. For example:

{"name": "mygraph", "node_count": 2}

3a. Feeding Relationships

Relationships are loaded similarly to nodes, albeit with a different schema requirement.

import pyarrow as pa

t = pyarrow.Table.from_pydict({
    "sourceNodeId": [1, 1, 2],
    "targetNodeId": [2, 1, 1],
    "relationshipType": ["KNOWS", "SELF", "KNOWS"],
    "weight": [1.1, 2.0, 0.3],

result = client.write_edges(t)

Like with nodes, on success the result will be a tuple of number of items sent and the approximate number of bytes in the payload. For the above example:

(3, 98)

Again, like with nodes, you may call write_edges numerous times, concurrently.

3b. Signaling Relationship Completion

Once you've finished loading your relationships, you signal to the server using the edges_done method.

result = client.edges_done()

On success, the result returned will be a Python dict containing the name of the graph being imported and the number of relationships as observed by the server-side:

{"name": "mygraph", "relationship_count": 3}

4. Validating the Import

At this point, there's nothing left to do from the client perspective and the data should be live in Neo4j. You can use the GDS Python Client to quickly validate the schema of the graph:

from graphdatascience import GraphDataScience

gds = GraphDataScience("neo4j+s://", auth=("neo4j", "neo4j"))

G = gds.graph.get("mygraph")

    "nodes": (G.node_labels(), G.node_count()),
    "edges": (G.relationship_types(), G.relationship_count())

For the previous examples, you should see something like:

{"nodes": (["User", "Admin"], 2), "edges": (["KNOWS", "SELF"], 3)}

Streaming Graph Data and Features

The Neo4j GDS Arrow Flight Service supports streaming data from the graph in the form of node/relationship properties and relationship topology. These rpc calls are exposed via some methods in the Neo4jArrowClient to make it easier to integrate to existing applications.

1. Streaming Node Properties

Node properties from a graph projection can be streamed from GDS/AuraDS with optional filters based on node label. The stream is exposed as a Python generator and can be consumed lazily, but it is important to fully consume the stream as older versions of GDS do not have a server-side timeout. (If the client dies or fails to consume the full stream, server threads may be deadlocked.)

nodes = client.read_nodes(["louvain", "pageRank"], labels=["User"])

# if you know the resulting dataset is small, you can eagerly consume into a
# Python list
result = list(nodes)

# the `result` is now a list of PyArrow RecordBatch objects

Inspecting the schema, like in the example above, will reveal that only the node ids and the request properties are provided. The labels are not provided and must be implied based on your labels filter! (This is a GDS limitation in the stored procedures for streaming node properties.)

The above result from the print() function will look like the following (assuming a single item in the list):

 nodeId: int64
not null
louvain: int64
not null
pageRank: int64
not null]

2. Streaming Relationships

Relationship properties can be streamed similar to node properties, however they support an alternative mode for streaming the "topology" of the graph when not providing any property or relationship type filters.

Note: the relationship types are dictionary encoded, so if accessing the raw PyArrow buffer values, you will need to decode. Conversion to Python dicts/lists or Pandas DataFrames will decode for you back into strings/varchars.

Like with node streams, the stream is provided as a Python generator and requires full consumption by the client program.

# dump just the topology without properties
topology = client.read_edges()
# `topology` is a generator producing PyArrow RecordBatch objects

# if you want properties and/or to target particular relationship types...
edges = client.read_edges(properties=["score"], relationship_types=["SIMILAR"])

The Graph Model

A graph model could also be used, constructed programmatically or via JSON, to dictate how to translate the datasource fields to the appropriate parts (nodes, edges) of the intended graph.

In Python, it looks like:

from neo4j_arrow.model import Graph

G = (
    Graph(name="test", db="neo4j")
    .with_node(Node(source="gs://.*/papers.*parquet", label_field="labels",
    .with_node(Node(source="gs://.*/authors.*parquet", label_field="labels",
    .with_node(Node(source="gs://.*/institution.*parquet", label_field="labels",
    .with_edge(Edge(source="gs://.*/citations.*parquet", type_field="type",
                    source_field="source", target_field="target"))
    .with_edge(Edge(source="gs://.*/affiliation.*parquet", type_field="type",
                    source_field="author", target_field="institution"))
    .with_edge(Edge(source="gs://.*/authorship.*parquet", type_field="type",
                    source_field="author", target_field="paper"))

The same graph model, but in JSON:

  "name": "test",
  "db": "neo4j",
  "nodes": [
      "source": "gs://.*/papers.*parquet",
      "label_field": "labels",
      "key_field": "paper"
      "source": "gs://.*/authors.*parquet",
      "label_field": "labels",
      "key_field": "author"
      "source": "gs://.*/institution.*parquet",
      "label_field": "labels",
      "key_field": "institution"
  "edges": [
      "source": "gs://.*/citations.*parquet",
      "type_field": "type",
      "source_field": "source",
      "target_field": "target"
      "source": "gs://.*/affiliation.*parquet",
      "type_field": "type",
      "source_field": "author",
      "target_field": "institution"
      "source": "gs://.*/authorship.*parquet",
      "type_field": "type",
      "source_field": "author",
      "target_field": "paper"

The fields of the Nodes and Edges in the model have specific purposes:

  • source -- a regex pattern used to match source data against the model, i.e. it's used to determine which node or edge a record corresponds to.
  • label -- the fixed label to be used for the imported nodes.
  • label_field -- the source field name containing the node label or labels
  • key_field -- the source field name containing the unique node identifier (NB: this currently must be a numeric field as of GDS 2.1.)
  • type -- the fixed edge type for the imported edges.
  • type_field -- the source field name containing the edge type
  • source_field -- the source field name containing the node identifier of the origin of an edge.
  • target_field -- the source field name containing the node identifier of the target of an edge.

Example model JSON files are provided in example_models.

Streaming Caveats

There are a few known caveats to be aware of when creating and consuming Arrow-based streams from Neo4j GDS:

  • You must consume the stream in its entirety to avoid blocking server-side threads.

    • While recent versions of GDS will include a timeout, older versions will consume one or many threads until the stream is consumed.
    • There's no API call (yet) for aborting a stream, so failing to consume the stream will prevent the threads from having tasks scheduled on them for other stream requests.
  • The only way to request Nodes is to do so by property, which means nodes that don't have properties may not be streamable today.

Examples in the Wild

The neo4j_arrow module is used by multiple existing Neo4j projects:

Copyright & License

neo4j_arrow is licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0. All content is copyright © Neo4j Sweden AB.


PyArrow client for working with GDS Apache Arrow Flight Service







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