"A soft landing for a hard fall."
Parachute is a kitchen sink mod with various QoL features and tweaks.
- Visual WorldEdit CUI
- Reconnect button & Auto reconnect
- Potion effect HUD
- Override team nametag rule
- Override debug info gamerules
- Override server resource packs
- Enable third person camera clipping
- Custom player list length & ping
- Disable book page limit
- Skin sideloading
- Disable server blocklist
- Step assist
- Brigadier string escapes
- Custom chat history length & disable resetting chat history
- Allow disallowed characters
- Enable/disable Christmas chests all the time
- Various title bar customizations
- Detailed multiplayer server version info
- Disable scoreboard/scoreboard numbers
- Disable boss bar
- Disable fire/underwater/block/spyglass/pumpkin/powdered snow overlay
- Disable vignette
- Toggle crosshair & block outline
- Force entity glowing
- Perma night vision (& no night vision flashing)
- Disable blindness flog
- Disable torch flicker
- Scale debug pie in F3 menu
- Disable effect HUD
- Enable various debug renderers