Releases: mkrueger/icy_tools
Icy View 0.7.0
- Updated all libraries
- F9 now toggles on/off sidebar
IcyTerm 0.7.8
Updated to latest egui 0.28.1
Some small bugfixes.
Full Changelog: IcyDraw0.3.1...IcyTerm0.7.8
I planed to make a new/better UI but I was waiting for a release of an iced based ui framework (have been using iced until 0.2.4 then switched to egui due to lack of features).
Main goal is to provide a fallback in case 3d accel is not available and to make a nicer looking UI. won't affect the drawing output so everything will look the same except the dialog part. But that has to wait until next year.
I'll continue development on icy_board in 1-2 months so that's ready for end of october.
EDIT: Added files - they were missing for some reason :/
IcyDraw 0.3.1
IcyTerm 0.7.7
- Added Skypix support
- Fixed SSH connections for Enigma (Mystic still broken 0.7.5 works, it's a library issue)
- Fixed no carrier message
- Some small fixes
Icy Term 0.7.6
- Communication layer now works async - this means it could introduce new bugs. I can recommend using 0.7.5 for a while. Unless you're calling to systems where this makes problems in up/dl for example - then 0.7.6 may fix the issues.
- Ctrl + key mapping fixed
- Issue where screens could go bigger than intended fixed
Known issues:
- dead keys on mac are broken - reported upstream.
Icy Term 0.7.5
0.7.5 release with re-worked transfer protocols & connections.
Main bugfixes:
- Zmodem auto up/download works again
- protocols no longer lock the terminal after dl
- fixed amiga topaz font
- fixed some input issues
- hyperlinks should work again
I rewrote the thread model it's now easier to maintain for me - but it should be faster as well. At least it's less error prone. More infrastrucuture is shared with other projects (like the upcoming IcyBoard). Protocols have now better error tests. IEMSI support is improved as well.
In general it's a big cleanup - I'm currently using this tool more often myself for up/downloading so I fixed the protocols :) - and some input issues (however some C64 issues are still open - I may switch the UI library in the future then maybe this can be fixed as well).
I think 0.7.5 is the best release in the 0.7.x line so far - but I've refactored large parts of icy term due to restructuring of my icy toolchain - it's not only a new repository :).
All tools
Still working on getting the release pipelines running. But windows works.
Note that on windows opengl32.dll And VCRUNTIME140.dll is required. Usually these two are installed - at least on win10/11 and all tools should run out of the box.
- Updated IcyDraw to 0.3.0