Development for LSST Meta-data FITS header service
This is the development for the LSST Meta-data FITS header client. It uses a set of FITS header library templates and DDS/SAL Python-based communication layer to populate meta-data and command the header client to write header files.
- numpy
- fitsio (
- Python DDS/SAL libraries
- OpenSplice compiled binaries for centOS7
- A CentOS7 VM or docker container
# Setup the path for the HeaderService
source HeaderService/ ~/HeaderService
# Initialize header client (Terminal 1)
# Send telemetry to trigger header writing (Terminal 2)
telemetry_sim_single --ra 21.723 --dec -45.127 --band g --visitID 1
telemetry_sim_single --ra 22.127 --dec -46.890 --band r --visitID 2
telemetry_sim_single --ra 22.127 --dec -46.890 --band i --visitID 3