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A Python package for automated extraction of features from multimodal stimuli.


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Pliers is a Python package for automated extraction of features from multimodal stimuli. It's designed to let you rapidly and flexibly extract all kinds of useful information from videos, images, audio, and text. It's also easily extensible, allowing users to write new feature extractors in relatively little code, and providing a common framework for interfacing with all kinds of domain-specific tools.

Pliers is still in early development, so the API may occasionally break, though no major changes are rare at this point.


For the latest release:

pip install pliers

Or, if you want to work on the bleeding edge:

pip install pliers git+


All mandatory Python dependencies (listed in requirements.txt) should be automatically installed when pliers is installed. Additionally, there are a number of optional dependencies that you may want to install depending on what kinds of features you plan to extract (see optional-dependencies.txt). To be on the safe side, you can install all of the optional dependencies with pip:

pip install -r optional-dependencies.txt

Note: some of pliers's Python dependencies have their own (possibly platform-dependent) requirements. Most notably, python-magic requires libmagic (see here for installation instructions), and without this, you'll be relegated to loading all your stims explicitly rather than passing in filenames (i.e., stim = VideoStim('my_video.mp4') will work fine, but passing 'my_video.mp4' directly to an Extractor will not). Additionally, the Python OpenCV bindings unsurprisingly require OpenCV3 (which can be a bit more challenging to install), but relatively few of the feature extractors in pliers currently depend on OpenCV, so you may not need to bother with this.

Table of Contents


The fastest way to learn how pliers works, and appreciate its power and flexibility, is to work through a couple of short examples.

Example the First

This first example demonstrates how to run a single image through a single "Extractor" and return some features in an accessible form. We'll use Google's Cloud Vision Face Extraction API, which returns all kinds of information about faces--e.g., where in an image a face occurs; whether the person in the image is wearing a hat; and what facial expressions (if any) are detected.

The totality of the code required to do this (assuming you have a Google Cloud Vision API key set up, which we'll discuss later) is the following:

from pliers.extractors import GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor

ext = GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor()
result = ext.transform('obama.jpg').to_df()

Suppose our input looks like this:


Then the result returned by the Extractor, which we've conveniently represented as a pandas DataFrame, look like this:

angerLikelihood                      VERY_UNLIKELY
blurredLikelihood                    VERY_UNLIKELY
boundingPoly_vertex1_x                          34
boundingPoly_vertex1_y                           3
boundingPoly_vertex2_x                         413
boundingPoly_vertex2_y                           3
boundingPoly_vertex3_x                         413
boundingPoly_vertex3_y                         444
boundingPoly_vertex4_x                          34
boundingPoly_vertex4_y                         444
duration                                      None
face_detectionConfidence                  0.999946

As you can see, pliers is (courtesy of Google) very confident that Barack Obama has a face.

Example the Second

The above example illustrates the application of a single extractor to a single input image. But pliers allows us to construct entire graphs that handle multiple inputs passed through multiple Extractors, Converters, and Filters (a more detailed explanation of each of these things can be found below). In this example, we construct a Graph that takes in a list of video clips (VideoStim) as input and passes each one through a series of transformations. For each video, we extract:

  • Image labels for image frames extracted from the movie at regular intervals, using deep learning models from two different sources (a local pre-trained deep convolutional neural net model, and the Clarifai web API);
  • Power in different parts of the audio track's frequency spectrum;
  • A transcription of speech detected in the movie; and
  • Word-by-word sentiment analysis and frequency norms for the extracted transcripts.

Note that extracting these features requires a series of implicit transformations of the original inputs: for each video, we need to extract the audio track, and then submit the extracted audio to a speech transcription API to obtain text. Fortunately, pliers does almost all this for us implicitly; we don't need to explicitly convert between Stim types ourselves at almost any step (actually, technically, it could do all of this for us implicitly, but for image labeling, we probably don't want to process every single movie frame, since on-screen information doesn't change that fast, so we'll slow down the sampling rate via an explicit frame-sampling step).

from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim
from pliers.extractors import (STFTAudioExtractor, PredefinedDictionaryExtractor, ComplexTextExtractor, ClarifaiAPIExtractor, IndicoAPIExtractor)
from pliers.converters import FrameSamplingConverter
from pliers.graph import Graph

# Initialize the video clips from files as new VideoStims. Note that the
# second line is optional; pliers will infer that the clips are video
# files based on their extensions. But it's good practice to be explicit.
clips = ['../pliers/tests/data/video/obama_speech.mp4']
clips = [VideoStim(f) for f in clips]

# Initialize graph--note that we don't need to include any Stim conversion
# nodes, as they will be injected automatically. We make an exception for
# the FrameSamplingConverter, because we don't want to analyze every
# single video frame--that would just waste resources. Also note that each
# element in the node list can be either a string or an Extractor instance.
# We don't need to bother initializing Extractors unless we need to pass
# arguments.
nodes = [
         ['ClarifaiAPIExtractor', 'TensorFlowInceptionV3Extractor']),
    STFTAudioExtractor(hop_size=1, freq_bins=[(100, 300), (300, 3000), (3000, 20000)]),
g = Graph(nodes)

# Execute graph and collect results
result =

The above listing is very terse, and you can read more about the Graph API to understand what's going on here. But the bottom line is that, in just a handful of lines of code, we've managed to extract a number of very different features spanning several modalities and pulled from several sources, and unite them into a common representation.

By default, Graph.extract() collects all features from all Extractors and merges them into one big pandas DataFrame in "tidy" format, where the columns are features and each row is a single event (i.e., a segment of the original stimulus with a specified onset and duration). In our case, if we look at one of the first few rows, we see something like this (partial listing):

ClarifaiAPIExtractor administration 0.971645
adult 0.822863
authority NaN
award 0.895437
business 0.944746
ceremony NaN
chair 0.954877
... ... ...
IndicoAPIExtractor sentiment NaN
PredefinedDictionaryExtractor SUBTLEXusfrequencyabove1_Lg10WF NaN
STFTAudioExtractor 100_300 NaN
3000_20000 NaN
300_3000 NaN
TensorFlowInceptionV3Extractor label_1 Windsor tie
label_2 suit, suit of clothes
score_1 0.52688
... ... ...
class VideoFrameStim
history VideoStim->FrameSamplingConverter/DerivedVideo...
onset 0
stim frame[0]

For clarity, a bunch of the values are omitted, but the idea should be clear. Note that many cells are missing values; the row we're seeing here reflects a single video frame, which, as an image, obviously cannot have values for the audio and text extractors. Conversely, other rows in the DataFrame will have values for these other extractors,but not for the image labeling extractors. While this probably isn't the cleanest, best-organized DataFrame you've ever seen, it does consolidate a lot of information in one place. In addition to just the feature data, we also get a bunch of extra columns (e.g., we get to see the full conversion history for each Stim; the column names reflect the source Extractors; and an onset column telling us that the frame was presented at time 0 relative to the start of the video). You can always ignore the stuff you don't care about--the pliers philosophy is to err on the side of providing more rather than less information.

User Guide


The core data object used in pliers is something called a Stim (short for stimulus). A Stim instance is a lightweight wrapper around any one of several standard file or data types: a video file, an image, an audio file, or some text. Under the hood, pliers uses other Python libraries to support most operations on the original files (e.g., MoviePy for video and audio files, and pillow/PIL for images).

We can minimally initialize new Stim instances by passing in a filename to the appropriate class initializer. Alternatively, some Stim types also accept a data argument that allows initialization from an appropriate data type instead of a file (e.g., a numpy array for images, a string for text, etc.). Examples:

from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim, ImageStim, TextStim

# Initialize from files
vs = VideoStim('my_video_file.mp4')
img1 = ImageStim('first_image.jpg')

# Initialize a TextStim from a string
text = TextStim("this sentence will be represented as a single token of text")

# Initialize an ImageStim from a random RGB array
img_data = np.random.uniform(size=(100, 100, 3))
img2 = ImageStim(data=img_data)

In general, users will rarely have a need to directly manipulate Stim classes, beyond them passing them around to Extractors. In fact, it's often not necessary to initialize Stims at all, as you can generally pass a list of string filenames to any Extractor (with some caveats discussed below.

All Stim classes expose a number of attributes that provide some information about the associated stimulus. Most notably, the .filename and .name attributes store the names of the source file (e.g., my_movie.mp4) and an (optional) derived name, respectively.

Iterable Stims

Some Stim classes are naturally iterable, so pliers makes it easy to iterate their elements. For example, a VideoStim is made up of a series of VideoFrameStims, and a ComplexTextStim is made up of TextStims. Looping over the constituent elements is trivial:

>>> from pliers.stimuli import ComplexTextStim
>>> cts = ComplexTextStim(text="This class method uses the default nltk word tokenizer, which will split this sentence into a list of TextStims, each representing a single word.")
>>> for ts in cts:
>>>    print(ts.text)

You can also directly access the constituent elements within the containing Stim if you need to (e.g., VideoStim.frames or ComplexTextStim.elements). Note that, for efficiency reasons, these properties will typically return generators rather than lists (e.g., retrieving the .frames property of a VideoStim will return a generator that reads frames lazily). You can always explicitly convert the generator to a list (e.g., frames = list(video.frames)), just be aware that your memory footprint may instantly balloon in cases where you're working with large media files.

Temporal properties

Some Stim classes inherently have a temporal dimension (e.g., VideoStim and AudioStim). However, even a static Stim instance such as an ImageStim or a TextStim will often be assigned .onset and .duration properties during initialization. Typically, this happens because the static Stim is understood to be embedded within some temporal context. Consider the following code:

>>> vs = VideoStim('my_video.mp4')
>>> frame_200 = vs.get_frame(200)
>>> print(frame_200.onset, frame_200.duration)
6.666666666666667, 0.03333333333333333

Assume the above video runs at 30 frames per second. Then, when we retrieve the 200th video frame, the result is a VideoFrameStim that, in addition to storing a numpy array in its .data attribute (i.e., the actual image content of the frame), also keeps track of (a) the onset of the frame (in seconds) relative to the start of the source video file, and (b) the duration for which the VideoFrameStim is supposed to be presented (in this case 1/30 seconds).

Although Stim onsets and/or durations will usually be set implicitly by pliers, in some cases it makes sense to explicitly set a Stim's temporal properties at initialization. For example, suppose we're processing log files from a psychology experiment where we presented a series of images to each subject in some predetermined temporal sequence. Even though each image is completely static, we may want pliers to keep track of the onset and duration of each image presentation with respect to the overall session. Assume we've processed our experiment log file to the point where we have a list of triples, with filename, onset, and duration of presentation as the elements in each tuple, respectively. Then we can easily construct a list of temporally aligned ImageStims (for exegetical clarity, we use an explicit for-loop rather than a list comprehension):

# A list of images, with each tuple representing
# the filename, onset, and duration, respectively.
image_list = [
    ('image1.jpg', 0, 2),
    ('image2.jpg', 3, 2),
    ('image3.jpg', 6, 2),

images = []
for (filename, onset, duration) in image_list:
    img = ImageStim(filename, onset=onset, duration=duration)

If we now run the images list through one or more ImageExtractors, the resulting ExtractorResults or pandas DataFrame (see the ExtractorResult section below) will automatically log the correct onset and duration.

Supported Stim types

At present, Pliers supports 4 primary types of stimuli: video files (VideoStim), audio files (AudioStim), images (ImageStim), and text (TextStim). Some of these Stim classes also have derivative or related subclasses that provide additional functionality. For example, the ComplexTextStim class internally stores a collection of TextStims; most commonly, it is used to represent a sequence of words (e.g., as in a paragraph of coherent text), where each word is represented as a single TextStim, and the ComplexTextStim essentialy serves as a container that provides some extra tools (in particular, it provides useful methods for initializing multiple TextStims from a single data source and retaining onset and duration information for each word). Similarly, a VideoFrameStim is a subclass of ImageStim that stores information about its location within an associated VideoStim.

Intelligent Stim loading

In most cases, Stim instances don't have to be initialized directly by the user, as pliers will usually be able to infer the correct file type if filenames are passed directly to a Transformer (i.e., my_extractor.transform('my_file.mp4') will usually work, without first needing to do something like stim = VideoStim('my_file.mp4)). That said, it's generally a good idea to explicitly initialize one's Stims, because (a) the initializers often take useful additional arguments, and (b) file-type detection is not completely foolproof, and (c) it makes your code clearer and more explicit.

As a sort of half-way approach that allows you to explicitly create a set of Stim objects, but doesn't require you to import a bunch of Stim classes, or even know what type of object you need, there's also a convenient load_stims method that attempts to intelligently guess the correct file type using python-magic (this is what pliers uses internally if you pass filenames directly to a Transformer). The following two examples produce identical results:

### Approach 1: initialize each Stim directly
from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim, ImageStim, AudioStim, TextStim
stims = [

# Approach 2: a shorter but potentially fallible alternative
from pliers.stimuli import load_stims
stims = load_stims(['my_video.mp4', 'my_image.jpg', 'my_audio.wav', 'my_text.txt'])

As you can see, mixed file types (and hence, heterogeneous lists of Stims) are supported—though, again, we encourage you to use homogeneous lists wherever possible, for clarity.

Transformation history

Although most Stim instances are initialized directly from a media file, in some cases, Stims will be dynamically generated by applying a Converter or Filter to one or more other Stims. For example, pliers implements several different API-based speech recognition converters, all of which take an AudioStim as input, and return a ComplexTextStim as output. Because the newly-generated Stim instance is not tied to a file, it's important to have some way of tracking its provenance. To this end, every Stim contains a .history attribute. The history is represented as an object of class TransformationLog, which is just a glorified namedtuple. It contains fields that track the name, class, and/or filename of the source (or original) Stim, the newly generated Stim, and the Transformer responsible for the transformation.

For example, this code:

from pliers.converters import VideoToAudioConverter
from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim

video = VideoStim('../pliers/tests/data/video/obama_speech.mp4')
audio = VideoToAudioConverter().transform(video)

Produces this output:

source_name                                      obama_speech.mp4
source_file           ../pliers/tests/data/video/obama_speech.mp4
source_class                                            VideoStim
result_name                                      obama_speech.wav
result_file           ../pliers/tests/data/video/obama_speech.wav
result_class                                            AudioStim
transformer_class                           VideoToAudioConverter
transformer_params                                             {}

Here we only have a single row, but every transformation we perform will log will add another row to the Stim's history. In cases with more than one transformatino, the history object will also have a parent field, which stores a reference to the previous transformation in the chain. This means that TransformationLog objects basically form a linked list that allows us to trace the full history of any Stim all the way back to some source file. If we ask for the string representation of a history object, we get a compact representation of the full trajectory. So, for example, if we load a VideoStim that then gets converted in turn to an AudioStim and then a ComplexTextStim (e.g., via speech-to-text transcription), the transformation history will look something like 'VideoStim->VideoToAudioConverter/AudioStim->IBMSpeechAPIConverter/ComplexTextStim'.


As the name suggests, a Transformer is a kind of object that transforms other objects. In pliers, every Transformer always takes a single Stim as its input, though it can return different outputs. The Transformer API in pliers is modeled loosely on the widely-used scikit-learn API; as such, what defines a Transformer, from a user's perspective, is that one can always call pass a Stim instance to Transformer's .transform() method and expect to get another object as a result.

In practice, most users should never have any reason to directly instantiate the base Transformer class. We will almost invariably work with one of three different Transformer sub-classes: Extractors, Converters, and Filters. These classes are distinguished by the type of input that their respective .transform method expects, and the type of output that it produces:

Transformer class Input Output
Extractor AStim ExtractorResult
Converter AStim BStim
Filter AStim AStim

Here, AStim and BStim are different Stim subclasses. So a Converter and a Filter are distinguished by the fact that a Converter always returns a different Stim class, while a Filter always returns a Stim of the same type as its input. This simple hierarchy turns out to be extremely powerful, as it enables us to operate in a natural, graph-like way over Stims, by filtering and converting them as needed before applying one or more Extractors to obtain extracted feature values.

Let's examine each of these Transformer types more carefully.


Extractors are the most important kind of Transformer in pliers, and in many cases, users will never have to touch any other kind of Transformer directly. Every Extractor implements a transform() instance method that takes a Stim object as its first argument, and returns an object of class ExtractorResult (see below). For example:

# Google Cloud Vision API face detection
from pliers.extractors import GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor

ext = GoogleVisionAPIExtractor()
result = ext.transform('my_image.jpg')

List of Extractor classes

Pliers is in the early days of development, so the list of available Extractors is not very extensive at the moment. The Extractor classes that do exist mainly serve as a proof of concept, illustrating the range of potential tools and services that can be easily integrated into the package. We'll provide a comprehensive listing here in the near future; in the meantime you can inspect the __all__ member of pliers.extractors.__init__, and then snoop around the codebase.

The ExtractorResult class

Calling transform() on an instantiated Extractor returns an object of class ExtractorResult. This is a lightweight container that contains all of the extracted feature information returned by the Extractor, and also stores references to the Stim and Extractor objects used to generate the result. The raw extracted feature values are stored in the .data property, but typically, we'll want to work with the data in a more convenient format. Fortunately, every ExtractorResult instance exposes a .to_df() methods that gives us a nice pandas DataFrame. You can refer back to our first Quickstart example to see this in action.

Merging Extractor results

In most cases, we'll want to do more than just apply a single Extractor to a single Stim. We might want to apply an Extractor to a set of stims (e.g., to run the GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor on a whole bunch of images), or to apply several different Extractors to a single Stim (e.g., to run both face recognition and object recognition services on each image). As we'll see later (in the section on Graphs), pliers makes it easy to apply many Extractors to many Stims, and in such cases, it will automatically merge the extracted feature data into one big pandas DataFrame. But in cases where we're working with multiple results manually, we can still merge the results ourselves, using the appropriately named merge_results function.

Suppose we have a list of images, and we want to run both face recognition and object labeling on each image. Then we can do the following:

from pliers.extractors import (GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor, GoogleVisionAPILabelExtractor)
my_images = ['file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg', ...]

face_ext = GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor()
face_feats = face_ext.transform(my_images)

lab_ext = GoogleVisionAPILabelExtractor()
lab_feats = lab_ext.transform(my_images)

Now each of face_feats and lab_feats is a list of ExtractorResult objects. We could explicitly convert each element in each list to a pandas DataFrame (by calling .to_df()), but that would still be pretty unwieldy, as we would still need to figure out how to merge those DataFrames in a sensible way. Fortunately, merge_results will do all the work for us:

from pliers.extractors import merge_results
# merge_results expects a single list, so we concatenate our two lists
df = merge_results(face_feats + lab_feats)

In the resulting DataFrame, every Stim is represented in a different row, and every feature is represented in a separate column. As noted earlier, the resulting DataFrame contains much more information than what's returned when we call to_df() on a single ExtractorResult object. Extra columns injected into the merged result include the name, class, filename (if any) and transformation history of each Stim; the name of each feature returned by each Extractor; and the name of each Extractor (as a second level in the column MultiIndex). You can prevent some of this additional information from being added by setting the extractor_names and stim_names arguments in merge_results() to False (by default, both are True).


Converters, as their name suggests, convert Stim classes from one type to another. For example, the IBMSpeechAPIConverter, which is a subclass of AudioToTextConverter, takes an AudioStim as input, queries IBM's Watson speech-to-text API, and returns a transcription of the audio as a ComplexTextStim object. Most Converter classes have sensible names that clearly indicate what they do, but to prevent any ambiguity (and support type-checking), every concrete Converter class must define _input_type and _output_type properties that indicate what Stim classes they take and return as input and output, respectively.

Implicit Stim conversion

Although Converters play a critical role in pliers, they usually don't need to be invoked explicitly by users, as pliers can usually figure out what conversions must be performed and carry them out implicitly. For example, suppose we want to run the STFTAudioExtractor---which computes the short-time Fourier transform on an audio clip and returns its power spectrum---on the audio track of a movie clip. We don't need to explicitly convert the VideoStim to an AudioStim, because pliers is clever enough to determine that it can get the appropriate input for the STFTAudioExtractor by executing the VideoToAudioConverter. In practice, then, the following two snippets produce identical results:

from pliers.extractors import STFTAudioExtractor
from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim
video = VideoStim('my_movie.mp4')

# Option A: explicit conversion
from pliers.converters import VideoToAudioConverter
conv = VideoToAudioConverter()
audio = conv.transform(video)
ext = STFTAudioExtractor(freq_bins=10)
result = ext.transform(audio)

# Option B: implicit conversion
ext = STFTAudioExtractor(freq_bins=10)
result = ext.transform(video)

Because pliers contains a number of "multistep" Converter classes, which chain together multiple standard Converters, implicit Stim conversion will typically work not only for a single conversion, but also for a whole series of them. For example, if you feed a video file to a LengthExtractor (which just counts the number of characters in each TextStim's text), pliers will use the built-in VideoToTextConverter class to transform your VideoStim into a TextStim, and everything should work smoothly in most cases.

I say "most" cases, because there are two important gotchas to be aware of when relying on implicit conversion. First, sometimes there's an inherent ambiguity about what trajectory a given stimulus should take through converter space; in such cases, the default conversions pliers performs may not line up with your expectations. For example, a VideoStim can be converted to a TextStim either by (a) extracting the audio track from the video and then transcribing into text via a speech recognition service, or (b) extracting the video frames from the video and then attempting to detect any text labels within each image. Because pliers has no way of knowing which of these you're trying to accomplish, it will default to the first. The upshot is that if you think there's any chance of ambiguity in the conversion process, it's probably a good idea to explicitly chain the Converter steps (you can do this very easily using the Graph interface discussed below). The explicit approach also provides additional precision in that you may want to initialize a particular Converter with non-default arguments, and/or specify exactly which of several candidate Converter classes to use (e.g., pliers defaults to performing speech-to-text conversion via the IBM Watson API, but also provides alternative support for the Wit.AI, and Google Cloud Speech APIs services).

Alternatively, you can set the default Converter(s) to use for any implicit Stim conversion at a package-wide level, via the config.default_converters attribute. By default, this is something like:

default_converters = {
    'AudioStim->TextStim': ('IBMSpeechAPIConverter', 'WitTranscriptionConverter'),
    'ImageStim->TextStim': ('GoogleVisionAPITextConverter', 'TesseractConverter')

Here, each entry in the default_converters dictionary lists the Converter(s) to use, in order of preference. For example, the above indicates that any conversion between ImageStim and TextStim should first try to use the GoogleVisionAPITextConverter, and then, if that fails (e.g., because the user has no Google Cloud Vision API key set up), fall back on the TesseractConverter. If all selections specified in the config fail, pliers will still try to use any matching Converters it finds, but you'll lose the ability to control the order of selection.

Second, because many Converters call API-based services, if you're going to rely on implicit conversion, you should make sure that any API keys you might need are properly set up as environment variables in your local environment, seeing as you're not going to be able to pass those keys to the Converter as initialization arguments. For example, by default, pliers uses the IBM Watson API for speech-to-text conversion (i.e., when converting an AudioStim to a ComplexTextStim). But since you won't necessarily know this ahead of time, you won't be able to initialize the Converter with the correct credentials--i.e., by calling IBMSpeechAPIConverter(username='my_username', password='my_password'). Instead, the Converter will get initialized without any arguments (IBMSpeechAPIConverter()), which means the initialization logic will immediately proceed to look for IBM_USERNAME and IBM_PASSWORD variables in the environment, and will raise an exception if at least one of these variables is missing. So make sure as many API keys as possible are appropriately set in the environment. You can read more about this in the API keys section.

List of Converter classes

We'll have a more thorough listing and description of available Converter classes here in the near future. For now, you can scour the rest of this README, or have a look at the codebase.


A Filter is a kind of Transformer that returns an object of the same Stim class as its input. For example, suppose you want to convert a color image to grayscale. In principle, one could easily write a ColorToGrayScaleImageFilter that fills this niche. In practice, there isn't much to be said about the Filter hierarchy at the moment, because we've hardly implemented any Filters yet. So consider this a placeholder for the moment---and feel free to submit PRs with useful new Filter classes!

Iterable-aware transformations

A useful feature of the Transformer API is that it's inherently iterable-aware: every pliers Transformer (including all Extractors, Converters, and Filters) can be passed an iterable (specifically, a list, tuple, or generator) of Stim objects rather than just a single Stim. The transformation will then be applied independently to each Stim.

Caching and memory conservation

By default, pliers will cache the output of all .extract calls to any Transformer. This can save an enormous amount of processing time, as it's very common to need to re-use converted Stim objects multiple times in a typical pliers workflow. However, this does have the potentially unwelcome side effect of ensuring all Transformer results are stored in memory (at the moment, pliers doesn't use disk-based caching). On a modern machine, this will rarely be a problem unless you're working with enormous files, but there may be cases where the default approach just isn't cutting it, and pliers' memory footprint gets too big. In such cases, you can take advantage of the fact that pliers internally uses generators rather than lists almost everywhere (and it's only the caching step that forces the conversion from the former to the latter). This means, for instance, that if you feed a video to an Extractor that expects an ImageStim input, the individual frames won't all be read into memory at conversion time; instead, a generator will be created, and each VideoFrameStim extracted from the VideoStim will only be instantiated when needed (a trick borrowed from the underlying MoviePy library, which also iterates frames lazily). The upshot is that if you disable caching like so:

from pliers import config
config.cache_transformers = False

...your memory footprint may decrease considerably—though probably at the cost of having to recompute many steps. A minor caveat to be aware of, when caching is off, is that certain .transform() calls may return generators rather than lists. Specifically, Converter classes will usually return generators when given lists as input, whereas Extractor classes should invariably return lists (because their outputs cannot be transformed any further). So on occasion, you may need to explicitly convert the result of a transformation to a list.

API Keys

Many of the Transformers in pliers rely on web-based APIs. For example, pliers includes support for face and object recognition via Google's Cloud Vision API, and enables conversion of audio files to text transcripts via several different speech-to-text services. While some of these APIs are free to use (and virtually all provide a limited number of free monthly calls), they all require each user to register for their own API credentials. This means that, in order to get the most out of pliers, you'll probably need to spend a few minutes registering accounts on a number of different websites. The following table lists all of the APIs supported by pliers at the moment, along with registration URLs:

Transformer class Web service Environment variable(s) Variable description
WitTranscriptionConverter speech-to-text API WIT_AI_API_KEY Server Access Token
IBMSpeechAPIConverter IBM Watson speech-to-text API IBM_USERNAME, IBM_PASSWORD API username and password
GoogleSpeechAPIConverter Google Cloud Speech API GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path to .json discovery file
GoogleVisionAPITextConverter Google Cloud Vision API GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path to .json discovery file
GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor Google Cloud Vision API GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path to .json discovery file
GoogleVisionAPILabelExtractor Google Cloud Vision API GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path to .json discovery file
GoogleVisionAPIPropertyExtractor Google Cloud Vision API GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path to .json discovery file
ClarifaiAPIExtractor Clarifai image recognition API CLARIFAI_APP_ID, CLARIFAI_APP_SECRET API app ID and secret

Once you've obtained API keys for the services you intend to use, there are two ways to get pliers to recognize and use your credentials. First, each API-based Transformer can be passed the necessary values (or a path to a file containing those values) as arguments at initialization. For example:

from pliers.extractors import ClarifaiAPIExtractor
ext = ClarifaiAPIExtractor(app_id='my_clarifai_app_id',

Alternatively, you can store the appropriate values as environment variables, in which case you can initialize a Transformer without any arguments. This latter approach is generally preferred, as it doesn't require you to hardcode potentially sensitive values into your code. The mandatory environment variable names for each service are listed in the table above.

from pliers.extractors import GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor
# Works fine if GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is set in the environment
ext = GoogleVisionAPIFaceExtractor()


To this point, we've been initializing and running our Transformers one at a time, and explicitly passing stimuli to each one. While this works fine, it can get rather verbose in cases where we want to extract a large number of features. It can also be a bit of a pain to appropriately connect Converters to one another when the routing is complicated.

For example, suppose we have a series of videos (perhaps segments of a full-length movie) that contain on-screen subtitles, and we want to extract the subtitles from the image frames and run sentiment analysis on each chunk of extracted text. This requires us to (a) convert the VideoStim to a series of VideoFrameStims, probably with some periodic sampling (there's no point in running text detection on every single frame, since subtitles won't change nearly that fast---we can probably get away with sampling frames as little as twice per second); (b) run text detection on each extracted frame (we'll use Google's Cloud Vision text detection API); and (c) apply one or more sentiment analysis Extractors.

The code to do this, with all transformations made explicit:

from pliers.stimuli import VideoStim
from pliers.converters import FrameSamplingConverter, GoogleVisionAPITextConverter
from pliers.extractors import (IndicoAPIExtractor, TensorFlowInceptionV3Extractor, merge_results)

# The input files
segments = ['segment1.mp4', 'segment2.mp4', 'segment3.mp4']
segments = [VideoStim(s) for s in segments]

### Initialize and chain converters ###
# Sample 2 video frames / second
frame_conv = FrameSamplingConverter(hertz=2)
frames = frame_conv.transform(segments)

# Run each image through Google's text detection API 
text_conv = GoogleVisionAPITextConverter()
texts = text_conv.transform(frames)

# Indico sentiment analysis extractor
indico = IndicoAPIExtractor()
sentiment_data = indico.transform(texts)

# Use TensorFlow Inception V3 model for image recognition
inception = TensorFlowInceptionV3Extractor()
label_data = inception.transform(frames)

# Merge into a single pandas DF
df = merge_results(results)

The above code listing is already pretty terse, and has the advantage of being explicit about every step. But if we want to save ourselves a few dozen keystrokes, we can use the Graph API to abbreviate the listing down to this:

from pliers.graph import Graph
from pliers.converters import FrameSamplingConverter

nodes = [
    (FrameSamplingConverter(hertz=2), [
        ('GoogleVisionAPITextConverter', ['IndicoAPIExtractor'])
g = Graph(nodes)
results = g.extract(segments)

At first glance, it may look like there's a lot of confusing nesting going on in the node definition, but it's actually not so bad. The key thing to recognize is that each node in the above graph is represented as a tuple with 2 elements. The first element is the Transformer to apply at that node, and the second contains any children nodes—i.e., nodes to which the output of the current node is passed. So, if we walk through the above example step by step, what we're saying is the following:

  1. Define a root node that applies a FrameSamplingConverter to the input Stim(s), and passes the output to two children.
  2. The first child node is simply specified as 'TensorFlowInceptionV3Extractor'. Notice that because this node has no children of its own, we don't need to specify it as a tuple (but we could have equivalently written ('TensorFlowInceptionV3Extractor', [])). This simply says that the node takes the input Stim, uses the Inception V3 model to label the input image(s), and returns the output.
  3. The second child node applies the GoogleVisionAPITextConverter to the input received from the FrameSamplingConverter, and passes it along to its one child—a node containing an IndicoAPIExtractor.

Using this simple syntax, we can quickly construct Graphs with arbitrarily deep nestings. Note, once again, that we don't necessarily need to explicitly specify Stim conversion steps, as these will generally be detected and injected automatically (though, laziness aside, it's a good idea to be explicit, for reasons discussed earlier).


Pliers contains a number of package-wide settings that can be configured via the pliers.config module. These include:

Variable Type Default Description
cache_transformers bool True Whether or not to cache Transformer outputs in memory.
log_transformations bool True Whether or not to log transformation details in each Stim's .history attribute.
drop_bad_extractor_results bool True When True, automatically removes any None values returned by any Extractor.
progress_bar bool True Whether or not to display progress bars when looping over Stims.
default_converters dict see module See explanation inth Converters section.

These settings can be changed package-wide at run-time by setting new values in config; just make sure to import the config module itself rather than any of its members (or you'll import a static value, and changes won't propagate).

from pliers import config
config.cache_transformers = False

# Caching is now off


Automated feature extraction in Python







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