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Quasar Kitchen Sink v2 App

A Quasar Kitchen Sink app for Vue2.

Initialized using Quasar CLI with the v2 template.

Demonstrates most of the Quasar components available with code that you can reuse for your project.


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Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
quasar dev

# build for production with minification
quasar build

# run unit tests
quasar test --unit

# run e2e tests
quasar test --e2e

# run all tests
quasar test


Run: cd electron && npm start

Configured to use hot reload. Whenever the app is recompiled into /dist it will hot load the app!


  • Run npm run dev
  • Open localhost:8080 in Chrome
  • Start developing and notice hot loading of your changes at work!
  • Open Chrome dev tools and check the console tab for errors, to help you better debug ;)


When building your App or starting the dev server you can only use one theme at a time. You can however start two dev servers on different ports, each server with a theme. This will allow you to see the App with both themes simultaneously.

$ quasar dev mat
$ PORT=3000 quasar dev ios

Adding components

To render the index (list) of components we use a v-for loop over a number of data items.

In components/index.vue add links in data/items Array:

Note data must be a function

export default {
  data: () => {
    return {
      items: [
        { link: 'breadcrumb', label: 'Breadcrumb' },
        // insert more here ...

The index component is set up to render a list of links to display each component:

<div class="list">
  <div class="item" v-for="item in items">
    <div class="item-content">
      <router-link :to="{ name: }">{{ item.label }}</router-link>

It will be resolved to the same as:

<router-link :to="{ name: 'breadcrumb' }">Breadcrumb</router-link>

See Simple router example app

You also need to add a route for each component in router.js

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
    { path: '/', component: load('index'), name: 'index' }, // Default
    { path: '*', component: load('error404') }, // Not found

    // ...

    { path: '/list', component: load('css', 'list'), name: 'list' },
    { path: '/timeline', component: load('css', 'timeline/timeline-list'), name: 'timeline' }

Form input bindings

See the Vue 2 Forms guide


Use Nested routes

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: [
      path: '/css', component: CssIndex,
      children: [
        // UserHome will be rendered inside User's <router-view>
        // when /user/:id is matched
        { path: '', component: BreadCrumb },

        // ...other sub routes

We could instead load each route object with children from the component section folder:

import css from './components/css/routes'
import form from './components/css/routes'

const router = new VueRouter({
  routes: root.concat(css, form)

Which when moved into router/index.js becomes super elegant!

// router/routes.js
import root from './root'
import css from '../components/css/routes'
import form from '../components/css/routes'

export default root.concat(css, form)

Add the routes array imported!

// router/index.js
import routes from './routes'

const router = new VueRouter({

Sweet awesomeness!!!

Static Assets

There are two folders for assets:

  • src/assets/
  • src/statics/

Read the guide Handling Static Assets to understand how Quasar handles static assets!

Load components from folder

Ideally we would like to load all components available from a folder (TODO) See webpack require.context

Display Code examples

highlightjs is used to highlight code examples. Version 9.7 has been installed via npm

import hljs from 'highlight.js'

The code-display can be used to display highlighted code examples. The component takes these props:

  • title - title of component
  • code code to highlight
  • language - language of code to highlight (optional: uses auto-detect per default!)
<code-display title="VM" language="javascript" :code="vm"></code-display>

You can also use the code-block slot for simple cases:

<code-display title="VM" language="javascript" :code="vm">
  <span slot="code-block">var a = 2;</span>

Styling the highlight

Webpack is used to load stylesheeets such as the highlight theme from main.js.

const highlightTheme = 'gruvbox-dark'
require('highlight.js/styles/' + highlightTheme + '.css')

To change the highlight theme, see the themes available at node_modules/highlight.js/styles

Loading the code

We use the raw-text webpack loader with !raw prefix to load the text file into the code at compile time :) Configured in build/webpack.base.conf.js

export default {
  data: () => {
    return {
      code: {
        vm: require('raw!../examples/breadcrumb/vm.js.txt'),
        view: require('raw!../examples/breadcrumb/view.html.txt')

For multiple code displays:

<code-display title="VM" :code="vm"> 
<code-display title="View" :code="view"> 

Highlighted code:

<span class="hljs-built_in">console</span>.log(<span class="hljs-string">'hello world'</span>)

Using WebWorkers

We could also use a WebWorker to highlight code when component is mounted.

const worker = new Worker('workers/syntax-highlighter.js');

mount: () => {
  var code = document.querySelector('pre code');

  worker.onmessage = function (event) {
    log('received data',
    code.innerHTML =

In workers/syntax-highlighter.js

onmessage = function(event) {
  var result = self.hljs.highlightAuto(;

Global Component registration

Global registration of code-display component is done in main.js

import CodeDisplay from './components/global/code-display'

// Ideally iterate through global components!
// Vue.component('code-display',
Vue.component('code-display', CodeDisplay)


    <code-display title="List example" :code="code" language="html"></code-display
export default {
  data: () => {
    return {
      code: require('../examples/list/basic.html')


Quasar framework kitchen sink app






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