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Official cheatsheet

Official Style Guide

Info about angular-cli

  1. librabry - used to publish angular librabry.
  2. application - diffrent application

applying class

[]="conditionToApplyClass" <input #nameControl="ngModel"> This "nameControl" template variable will give access to the "NgModel" instance for this from input.

Keep in mind

  1. BrowserAnimationsModule and HttpModule shound be import only once either in root module or core module
  2. CommonModule should be imported instead of BrowserModule if both module is imported.

Requriements of components

  1. Modular
  2. Atomic
  3. Self-contained.

knowing if there is listener

this.emitter.observers.length > 0 (here this.emmitter the @Outpu() of the component)

Types of Directives

  1. Component
  2. Attribute Directive changes the apperance or behavior of a DOM element.
  3. Structural Directive

Query Decoractors

  1. ViewChild @ViewChild(selector) tmplB: TemplateRef<any>
  2. ViewChildern @ViewChildern(selector) tmplLstA: QueryList<TemplateRef<any>>
  3. ContentChild @ContentChild(selector) tmplA: TemplateRef<any>
  4. ContentChildern @ContentChildren(selector) tmplLstB: QueryList<TemplateRef<any>>

Shadow Piercing

::ng-deep.viewType {} can be used to break the shadow dom or view encapulation in angular. I will only effect the Child Components only.


try to use only pure pipe. Be careful when using async pipe in angular


  1. use trackBy in ngFor for any list. *ngFor="let item of list; trackBy: trackByFunc" const trackByFunc = (idx: number, itm: any) =>


Caching Adds Complexity

  1. Cache management
  2. Security
  3. Storage
  4. Extrage Logic

Memoizing is best option

  1. Can be easily done by TypeScript decorators.
  2. @Memomize(5) public callApi() {}

reducing import

  1. imports required components in routing module and set the static proporty in routing module
  2. use routing module static property for importing and exproting the component.

Preventing Reimport of Core

  1. Core should only be imported into the root/app module export function throwIfAlreadyLoaded(parentModule: any, moduleName: string) { if (parentModule) { throw new Error(${moduleName} has already been loaded. Import core modules in the AppModule only); } } export class CoreModule { constructor(@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: CoreModue) { throwIfAlreadyLoaded(parentModule, 'CoreModule') } }
  2. Alternative: Base class as a guard. export class EnsureModuleLoadedOnceGuard { constructor(targetModuel: any) { if(targetModule) { throw new Error(${} has already been loaded. Import core modules in the AppModule only`); } } }

export class CoreModule extends EnsureModuleLoadedOnceGuard { constructor(@Optional() @SkipSelf() parentModule: CoreModue) { super(parentModule) } } `

Container Components

  1. Interact with the store
  2. Pass obserable streams via async pipe
  3. Receive events from child presenter components
  4. Decide what toe do with events/data

Presentational Container

  1. Receive plain data from parent
  2. Display data/make it pretty
  3. User/system events are raised to parent via emitters
    1. Decisions are deferred
    2. Component is resuable and flexible
  4. No knowledge of store, services, selectors, actions etc.


  1. In tsconfig.json paths: { '@core/*': ['app/modules/core/*'] }
  2. Don't do <input [value]="'hello world'"/>

Content porjection

  1. ngProjectAs

Change detections

  1. platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule).then(module => enableDebugTools(module.injector.get(ApplicationRef).components[]0));
  2. ng.profiler.timeChangeDetection()


Some helpful information about angular







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