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Maana Q Knowledge Microservice - maana-dsp-python

Q Workspace

To use:

run the createData function in the workspace setting a factor of 1 run computeBoneHealthImpact function

result: (the intensity for the sample data set is 1.97... and so is under the 10 threshold)

  "data": {
    "computeBoneHealthImpact": {
      "id": "impact",
      "positive": false,
      "message": "try and up the intensity"

run the createData function again with a factor of 10 (increases accelerations ) clear the computeBoneHealthImpact function cache run computeBoneHealthImpact function


  "data": {
    "computeBoneHealthImpact": {
      "id": "impact",
      "positive": true,
      "message": "Great, postitive bone impact!"


The idea here is to provide some basic DSP functionality

It is inspired by computing a bone health value -> intensity of exercies (OI) This value determines whether an exercise has a positive impact on bone health It is derived from raw acceleration values collected from a wearable sensor

Features - Resolvers

  • computeResultant(accelerations: [AccelerationAsInput!]!): [Resultant!]!
  • computeIntensity(fftMagnitudes: [FFTMagnitudeAsInput], filter: FilterAsInput, fftpoints: Int!): Intensity
  • makeButterworthFilter(filter: FilterAsInput): IIRFilterPolynomials
  • lfilter1D(iirFilterPolynomials: IIRFilterPolynomialsAsInput, dataToFilter: [Float]): FilteredResult
  • computeImpact(intensity: IntensityAsInput!): Impact!
  • compute1DDFT(input: [FFTInputAsInput!]!, points: Int!): [FFTMagnitudeOutput!]!
  • createData: Boolean
  • projectData: [Acceleration]


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