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Thorsten Falk edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 12 revisions

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You need a computer for running the U-Net server (caffe_unet backend) and a computer running the frontend (ImageJ with our U-Net Segmentation plugin). You can run frontend and backend on the same computer if desired.

U-Net Server requirements:

  • Linux OS (Ubuntu 16.04 recommended to use binary distribution from the U-Net project page)
  • (recommended) NVIDIA GPU (minimum CC 3.0, i.e. MAXWELL architecture) (e.g. TitanX, GTX1080, GTX980 or similar) for faster runtimes; Requires CUDA >=8.0 (Additionally cuDNN is highly recommended especially for 3D applications)
  • (optional) Mathworks MATLAB (TM) R2015a or newer for generating memory usage tables

Frontend (Client) requirements:

  • Linux, Windows or MacOS (requires Java 8) running Fiji

U-Net Server (caffe_unet) on Ubuntu

Prerequisite: CUDA Toolkit and optionally cuDNN installation

We provide binary versions of caffe_unet for Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA 8.0.61 (and cuDNN 7) support. At time of writing, installation of cuDNN requires free-of-charge registration as nVidia developer to download the corresponding deb package or tarball.

Install CUDA Toolkit 8.0.61

 sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install -y cuda unzip
 sudo apt-get clean

If you want to use a different OS or CUDA version please refer to the nVidia Download site for download and installation instructions.

caffe_unet Installation from pre-built binaries

Download and install U-Net (assumed destination directory ~/caffe_unet_package_16.04_gpu_no_cuDNN)

 cd ~

Update your environment variables to include path and library path to your U-Net installation by inserting the following lines into your .bashrc (assuming your shell is bash). Place them in a section that is executed in non-interactive mode, i.e. before any checks whether a pseudo terminal is available.

 export UNET_PATH="${HOME}/caffe_unet_package_16.04_gpu_no_cuDNN"
 export PATH="$PATH:${UNET_PATH}/bin"

If you want to install the CPU-only version or the version with cuDNN enabled change the download links and paths accordingly.

caffe_unet Installation from source

Checkout revision 99bd99795d of the caffe BVLC master branch

 export unet_base="/home/ubuntu"
 git clone
 cd caffe
 git checkout 99bd99795dcdf0b1d3086a8d67ab1782a8a08383

Download and apply our caffe_unet patch

 git apply caffe_unet_99bd99_20190109.patch

Configure and build caffe_unet

 mkdir x86_64
 cd x86_64
 make -j install

Update your environment variables to include path and library path to your U-Net installation by inserting the following lines into your .bashrc (assuming your shell is bash). Place them in a section that is executed in non-interactive mode, i.e. before any checks whether a pseudo terminal is available.

 export UNET_PATH="${HOME}/.local"
 export PATH="$PATH:${UNET_PATH}/bin"

Also ensure that your .bashrc is loaded for login shells, i.e. one of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile exists and contains a line sourcing your .bashrc. If no such file exists, you can easily create it using

 echo ". ~/.bashrc" > ~/.bash_profile

Consult the bash manual pages for more information.

U-Net Client (Fiji Plugin)

  • Download and install Fiji according to
  • Start FiJi and go to Help->Update...->Manage update sites
  • Select "U-Net Segmentation" update site
  • Add update site->Close->Apply Changes (then restart FiJi)